Abyss Express

Chapter 784 CountDown Season of Gold

Chapter 784 CountDownf Gold·Golden Years]


The beauty of a person does not lie in appearance, clothes and hairstyle, but in himself and his heart. If a person does not have the beauty of his soul, we will often dislike his beautiful appearance.

"I often have the hallucination of being out of time, as if something that has already happened is about to be experienced again."

Chief Hitchcock and Mr. Maguire said—

"——I am only four years younger than the teacher. At first, the regiment commander said that he wanted this guy to be our pistol instructor, but in fact no one would accept him."

Maguire rested his hands on his knees and held a small book. This was the leisure time that money could not buy on the battlefield.

After capturing Yueyin City, the phased mission of Team 7 was over. The brothers in the team seemed to have loosened their bowstrings and could finally put their hearts back into their stomachs.

Master Chief Hitchcock approached Maguire and wanted to talk about the gunsmith.

[REMIX·Remix] The intrusion not only blinded the eyes of the Alliance of Eternals and stunned Judah’s brain, it also defeated the fighting will of some legion brothers.

Hitchcock is one of them. Seniors of the Kuaishou Regiment like him, as well as teacher Beichen who retired early, will more or less feel annoyed and lost by the news of the gunsmith's death.

"We need heroes more than ever." Master Chief Hitchcock said: "There was a time when I didn't believe there was fairness and justice in this world - when I was a kid, there were three gangs on the block."

"They were fighting over money and power, and over the holy blood of grace."

"Whoever is more insane will win. Whoever is more inhumane will control the local police department."

"If you want to survive, the strong will have the final say on the rules of survival, and the weaker will be eaten."

"Whether it's selling our labor or selling our flesh and blood, we will one day put ourselves on the table."

"Sergeant First Class Maguire, I still have an inexplicable hatred for my hometown."

"It took away my innocence, it cost me family and friends - I never want to go back to that place."

"Not only in my childhood, but also in my youth. After joining the army, I thought I could do something. But when I returned to my hometown with the expeditionary force - I lost sixteen more comrades."

"I can command a team, and the brothers will listen to me."

"But when it comes time to say goodbye between life and death, there is no other way but to take shortcuts and sacrifice one's life for righteousness. I have to become the one who makes the decision!"

Hitchcock lights himself a cigarette——

"——Now the teacher should be very close to Judas, very, very close"

"I'm scared. I don't want to lose him again. Does Keshuai think the same way? Does he also have to bear this kind of pressure when making a decision?"

"The maximum loss that can be caused by commanding a squad is the death of dozens, or at most, a hundred people."

"But if Marshal Crozo says the wrong thing, the entire legion may be wiped out."

"The same is true for the gunsmith teacher. The mission that the anonymous elite soldiers have to complete is beyond the sky - but the results achieved can avoid meaningless casualties for us weaklings."

"It turns out that he has always been protecting me, he has always been protecting me."

When he said this, Master Chief Hitchcock's mind collapsed and his breathing became rapid.

Maguire can't cure this disease. He is just a surgeon and there is nothing he can do.

The other brothers in the team suffered various injuries to varying degrees in the siege battles. After the war, the military-civilian mediation phase was given full responsibility to the Canglang Regiment. After these younger soldiers set foot on the hot soil of Shambhala, This is also the first time I have seriously removed my armor and recuperated my injuries.

After hearing what Chief Hitchcock said, Bullet, as a soldier, squeezed into a corner of the tent and sat down cross-legged. He also wanted to hear it and wanted to know about the teacher.

Not only Bullet Boy, more and more people crowded into the camp. The girls and boys stood at a loss at first, and then found their respective positions, like obedient students arranged in groups.

"The first time I heard the news about the gunsmith teacher was at a secret mobilization meeting before the war, when the staff of the Organization Department was doing ideological and political work for us." Hitchcock continued: "I was surrounded by an inexplicable anger."

"I asked, was it all a lie when I was crying in front of the teacher's shrine in the Anonymous club?"

"I helped support the deceased, and hundreds of thousands of people passed by his portrait for six days. Is this all just a joke?"

"I don't understand, why did he want to die?"

"Is he a coward? He doesn't dare to fight anymore?"


When Hitchcock said this, his tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"I have to think about all this clearly before I know what the gunsmith teacher has given up."

"He will never be a gunsmith again. There will be no such person in the world. Everything related to him, his honor, his achievements, his social identity will gradually fall apart - and his relatives will also be in crisis."

"He was the first to explore the way to Shambhala, and he was the one who finally broke into Judah's main formation and made the surprise attack alone."

"But when it comes time to reward based on merit, will he suddenly disappear?"

Hitchcock's eyes were red, he wiped his tears with his turban, grabbed Maguire and asked——

"—I just want to say a few more words to him, Dr. Maguire."

"Perhaps there are many, many people in the teacher's life, and he has so many students."

"Belloberg endorses you, what does it say?"

The gunsmith is a mark of an era. This is true for Ao Mingde, and it is also true for all living beings in the underground world.

The vicious beast cannot get the sharp knife handed over by the nameless person, and cannot eradicate the legacy of Platform Zero in various administrative districts. As described by Su Xingchen, these armed blackmails, violent crimes, power bribery and spiritual disasters will It goes on and on.

Most of the leaders of armed criminal groups have extraordinary psychic powers and powerful bodies. The war group does not have such a quick decapitation knife - even if it does, it will have to pay a heavy price to completely wipe out Platform Zero.

Only by accomplishing this first thing can the overseas mercenaries of Judah be crushed, and the administrative region can gradually recover its vitality. Only then can the armed forces of various transportation departments be fed back, and the subsequent autumn harvest can be achieved.

The character of the nameless leader is never a mysterious figure who is aloof, or an incompetent general who hides behind the scenes and directs his troops to death. Quite the opposite - the gunsmith is always on the front line.

His fighting skills are impressive, and his fighting will is unimaginable.

The teacher in the eyes of Master Chief Hitchcock is like a symbol that cannot be defeated, which has been deeply imprinted on his youth military career.

This example has inspired almost three generations of people in the underground world, the psykers who sank in the dark ages, the students who just came to the expeditionary corps from campus in the golden age, or those who are about to grow up, open the storybook and see the illustrations of the night devil learning to speak. fluent children.

If we say that the car god Senna and the football king Maradona, as sports idols, reached out to every cynical, gloomy and depressed young person in South America, which was suffering from economic downturn and political turmoil, and pulled them out of the quagmire of depression.

In this multimedia era of highly developed information, gunsmiths and anonymous people support the backbone of underground homo sapiens. Let people believe again - believe that the brave will be favored by heaven, and that hard work will definitely pay off.

"I think." Maguire was silent for a long time, and he didn't know the answer: "Belloberg can't answer you, it's just an elf - your teacher is also my teacher, Belloberg taught me knight fighting. Skill, that’s also the gunsmith’s butchering skill.”

Hitchcock asked in a daze: "It is the teacher's comrade. It."

Maguire interrupted: "That's a very simple man. When it comes to tactics and strategies, he can chat with you for three days and three nights, but this guy's character is surprisingly simple - it may not be as complicated as you think." , Master Chief Hitchcock.”

Hitchcock: "What do you mean?"

"I could vaguely feel that when he approached me and talked to me as a psychiatrist - he was a pure psychiatrist. I could hardly feel his personality." Maguire recalled carefully, Want to find some "personality" and "characteristics", "He is a very professional person, makes people envious to the point of envy, and seems to maintain extremely high standards for everything - hoping to use [preparation] to get good results" As a result, he has always been like this, as if he is always on guard against danger, and it is difficult to make people relax.”

"It seems that my impression of him only ends there when it comes to work."

Maguire suddenly smiled, involuntarily happy, and couldn't explain why.

"Only when everything is over, we seem to have walked the same path. Supporting each other during the journey, I finally know that he is not a machine."

"He curses his enemies and enjoys it."

"He likes fishing, especially quiet and being alone."

"He is always thinking, and the way he comes up with the answer is very simple. Whatever he can do, do it immediately. He will not regret it if he makes a mistake, but will make the right choice immediately."

"If he thinks that suspended animation is a good thing, I believe he will not regret it or hesitate - it seems that all Chinese people are like this. I can't quite understand their national culture, but it seems that they are all like this. For the sake of the collective, they Willing to give everything.”

Maguire lowered his head and muttered softly.

"I'm also very happy to see him again."

"I'm really happy, but at the same time I feel lost because Belloberg is leaving me."

"When the gunsmith comes to look for his sword, there must be a terrifying evil spirit waiting for him."

Master Chief Hitchcock's "illusion" actually comes from the power of the "Regret Medicine". During the last harvest season, the space-time disturbance caused by FE204863 turned many psykers who failed to awaken into insect eggs - this is Blue The "scale powder" emitted by the Morpho butterfly when it flaps its wings. This strange psychic tide alone can give birth to some of the seeds of a new era.

Today, these warriors have become the gunsmith's reliable backup and the main cause of Judah's death.

"I don't think the teacher has any ideas." Bullet Boy said in a calm tone at first, pretending to be mature: "Everything is an order from the Organization Department. Obedience to orders is the most important attribute of a soldier. This is what the teacher said himself."

"He also said that a sharp knife that cannot be detected by the enemy is deadly enough."

"Now that he can hide again, he will definitely choose this way."

At this point, the grooves around Bullet's eyes began to shed tears——

"——If you want me, I definitely can't do it, I'm sure."

What kind of cold and cruel person can cut off all friendships, fade away all the glory, and give up all the desires of the prosperous world. What about becoming anonymous again?

When it comes to youthful spirit, it is the fame that almost every young man dreams of. The commander has countless merits and deeds that are favored by him - the gunsmith said he didn't want it, so he simply left the code name in the Council of Five Kings. Have to wait for the next young person to take it.

This was not a political show, because Jiang Xueming kept his word - he seemed to have made a joke with Guangling Zhixi, telling the students the story of the boy who cried wolf.

When war came to people again, the teacher climbed out of the grave and charged towards the enemy's lair again.

"My friend, I knew you from the first moment I laid eyes on you."

Ao Hen Ming De huddled up in the arms of the Hunting King to keep warm——

——Although it is a hot summer day, the good cat has left the physical body too far, and it is close to a state of spiritual energy exhaustion.

"We must have endless things to talk about."

Jiang Xueming was busy driving and did not respond.

BOSS: "Why don't you say something? The atmosphere is here."

"Help me read the directions from the radio, thank you." Xueming responded casually.

BOSS: "Third from the left, follow the lead car up the slope, then turn sharply to the seventh and follow the tire tracks of the car in front. It is a U-shaped turn to avoid the big rock."

Jiang Xueming: "Thank you."

BOSS: "Damn!~Ai Qing!~You are so cold to me!~"

Jiang Xueming: "I can't help it. I don't make small talk at work. Be careful, I will sue you for sexual harassment in the workplace."

BOSS: "All living beings in the underground world owe you so much, Gunsmith, I don't know how to thank you."

Jiang Xueming: "Put money into my retirement account. Thank you. It will take a lot of money. You can give it to me."

BOSS: "This question is too difficult for me, too difficult, too difficult."

Jiang Xueming: "Then let's wait until the celebration banquet to do it slowly - the car in front should pay attention, there is an enemy attack on the sunny side, the visual distance is about 480 meters, a small group of troops is composed of cavalry, it should be east of the Turan Grand Canyon. He County received news that the horses in Shambhala are very short and should be difficult to see. Try using a telescope."

The radio pilot responded: "Weren't you scared off?"

"Our speed is too fast, they can't catch up, and they can't see the head on the door - no chance to appreciate this art." Jiang Xueming explained, specially adjusting the position of the trophy on the driver's door.

It was the head of Judas. It had been embalmed, and a makeup artist had performed a set of grooming rituals specifically for this head.

They passed through six cities and thirty-two counties, and took advantage of the Danqiu Kingdom's official roads to make the journey smooth. When crossing the border, they only needed to show these heads and fire warning shots to break through the defense, and the enemy's morale would collapse in an instant. .

"Actually, I've always felt bad." BOSS talked about friendship again: "I seem to have asked too much of you. Do you know what I thought at first?"

Jiang Xueming glanced at the Hunting King: "Aunt Qianxia, ​​it has started talking nonsense! Don't you care?"

The Hunter King shrugged helplessly and spoke in his hometown dialect: "I'm really sorry. I can't help it, it's the boss."

"The first thing I fell in love with was your face." The BOSS began to talk crazy: "When a new employee comes to your site, he looks pretty good, so he will always take a few more glances!~"

"In this era, if the most powerful thing to make money is, it has to be live streaming!~"

"Everyone loves to look at beautiful women, and I also like to look at you, a beauty."

"There are too many artificial beauties, so they start to act crazy and act abstract -"

"——I know it too. It seems that over time, if there is no beauty of the soul, we will often hate the beautiful appearance."

"The most abstract beautiful skin has turned into a monster that absorbs essence. Because we can see, we can see the original face of the ogre - but it is difficult to refuse the temptation brought by the devil. Not only do we hate this monster , and hates his weak soul that obeys desire."

“We are sinking in this era, being seduced here and there, having our minds transformed by the concept of money supremacy, being torn into pieces by the cruel gravity of reality, being whipped by various dogmas and rules, fearful, and degraded, and gradually we are also Gonna turn into a monster."

"Gunsmith, can you hear me?"

Jiang Xueming: "I don't understand Keshuai's decision. Why does the BOSS have to come?"

Hunter King: "The last time it led a personal expedition was in Eureka Volcano City. The subsequent wars were entrusted to the decision-making unit of the Transportation Department and you. Now is the Cold War period when the penalty regulations of the "Crown Convention" are in effect. Philosophy The public neglected to take precautions and paid attention to the implementation of the economic sanctions package, and would never have imagined that BOSS would visit Shambhala again. "

"Because the Cauldron of Dagda is real." BOSS responded vaguely: "The stories I have never dared to tell people, the various legends behind the Best Luna Cup - are actually true, Gunsmith ”

"It can indeed fulfill a wish, as long as it has something to do with this planet, and as long as Mother Gaia can do it. It will slowly come true, and it will be fulfilled slowly, maybe hundreds of years later, maybe thousands of years later - it will definitely It will gradually come true, but you may not be able to see it with your own eyes.”

"People don't know how to deal with this golden cup." The Hunter King explained: "In other words, the Security Council cannot reach a consensus in the short term. Any powerful country in the mortal world will compete for this wishing cup, but it Perhaps only BOSS, who made the wish himself, can use one-sided words as evidence. It is a psychic bomb that is far more powerful than nuclear weapons. Even if the detonation button is not pressed, people will always worry about whether there is really a nuclear weapon. A day of war. This seems to be the result that Judas wants, to spread fear everywhere, fear of survival, fear of power, fear of not getting material and benefits - fear, this is human survival. Instinct is also Judah’s strongest weapon.”

“People will accept injustice because they fear that power will bring oppression.”

"People will accept immorality because they fear their interests will be harmed."

"People will accept evil, recognize evil, and gradually become the incarnation of evil. They will start to eat human flesh and drink human blood, lest they become food on the table - the law becomes a means of attack, and they can no longer represent justice and lose the meaning of their existence. , becomes a more advanced human flesh mill and a weapon for the strong.”

"There is nothing that cannot be sold, and there is nothing that cannot be purchased - the specific value of financial currency and the violent properties of psychic tokens. Judas, as the Immortal, can take them all. This is his time."

"We will be trapped on this planet forever, sleeping in the cradle of Mother Gaia, waiting for the arrival of the next extinction era. My hometown Shinto City is the best example-it sang a lullaby early."

The cauldron of Dagda has very similar properties to Qiongqi's psychic mantra nuclear bomb. If it falls into the hands of an individual, it can be used to kidnap all mankind.

BOSS's eyes widened and his beard turned all white.

"It came to me again, Gunsmith, like a dream - a group of stupid beasts, using the flesh and blood of their fellow humans as fuel, stuffed into this Holy Grail, trying to use it to realize some weird wishes. "

"It has the power similar to the rune seal to regulate the original seeds, like a command set generator. Mother Gaia uses this power to regulate the temperature of the earth, control thunder and lightning, trigger earthquakes and tsunamis, and change the population attributes of the biosphere—— I kept digging and finally got infected with the Vita brand.”

"I became the biggest source of infection. My dwarf companions died one after another, and the tribes became extinct one after another - I was going crazy, disappointed, and lost all direction. I swallowed all their corpses and carried them on. Go, keep walking."

"I found this golden cup, vomited out all the essence in my stomach, and sent these friends who had turned into insects into the Holy Grail again. I wanted to take a shortcut, but I regretted it in the end. It seemed that I couldn't dig deeper. It doesn't matter anymore, Gunsmith."

Ao ruthless Mingde's toe claws were fully stretched, and he wanted to slap the gunsmith's hand.

"I hope every dwarf in the world can be healthy, happy and happy."

"It seems like nothing happened, nothing seems to have changed. The Vita brand hasn't disappeared, and the shortcut doesn't seem to exist."

"People don't have the sun, and there is no salary king to help. Later, Merlin could only create a peepscope that refracts sunlight, bringing some hope to the City of Tears."

"Now I have to respond and clean up this mess myself."

"I believe it. I am more superstitious than ever -"

"——The wonderful fate sent you to me, and through the almighty hand of the Vita brand fundamentalist, I met you. Is there anything more bizarre in the world than this?"

"I must get this golden cup before Judas, even before the philosophers, and be the first to make a second wish. Say goodbye to the age of dwarves and come to the age of homo sapiens - don't be so troublesome this time, don't have to It’s so clear.”

The paw is on the back of Jiang Xueming's hand, and he wants to take a nap.

"I hope everyone in the world can be healthy, happy and happy."

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