Abyss Express

Chapter 785 CountDown An Unfinished Life

Chapter 785 CountDown⑤ [An Unfinished Life·Ill-fated]


Any fool can kill himself at any time. This is the cowardest and easiest way out.

"The rain is getting heavier."

A murmur came from the car radio, and the gunsmith immediately realized something was wrong——

"—Stevelana! What are you talking about?!"

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier. I said, the rain is getting heavier and heavier." Strong tire noise came from Sister Stevelana's end, as if the pilot car, like the driver, was about to reach the end - -The soldier's mental state was exhausted and he did not continue to report the route.

The next second, the friend from Russia hit a mossy rock on the rocky beach. The right wheel lifted the car into the air and started to roll.

The gunsmith felt a strong cramping feeling in his heart. He saw Stevellana's pilot car rolling out round and round, tumbling on the slippery wild mountain road, gradually dividing into two lanes, crossing each other and missing each other.

A piercing scream came from the radio station, which was the unbearable pain that was tormenting the lead driver - they had taken turns driving 272 kilometers, and three consecutive hours of extreme driving had drained their spirits.

"I will. I will send it."

"Send you here."

The rolling pilot car hit a large tree on a low slope and finally stopped. A hand was stretched out from the blood-stained roll cage and gestured to the gunsmith in the distance.


Jiang Xueming radioed the team for help.

"Can you leave one car behind for rescue?"

Chief Anto responded: "Not in the plan, legendary hero."

The gunsmith, who had always been calm and rational, was hesitant at this time. He was shaken.

"If you leave Stevana here, she will definitely die. If the car body deforms and gets stuck, she won't be able to get out - and no panacea will help her."

Chief Anto's mental state was also close to collapse. He shouted loudly: "Legendary hero! Not in the plan! She is not in the plan! We only have so much oil and electricity! We can only run here!"

In order to seize precious fighter planes, the vehicle configurations selected by the beheading team have been extremely lightweight modified, and the fuel and battery specifications are all gone without return. They have penetrated deep into the hinterland of Danqiu Kingdom, and there is no chance of return at all - Kai Gong There is no turning back.

Haspen Madison: "Teacher, I'm in the car. Let me protect my eldest sister, don't worry."

A thin piece of iron flew down from the top of the mountain. It was the passenger door of Stevelana's pilot car, and Haspen was asked to kick it open.

Looking along the winding road of Pagoda Mountain to the top of the low hill, Mr. Hasband had just emerged. The figure picked up the still smoking car body. The shining golden tracer light source was like a standing lighthouse. ——It is the light source of the helmet of the Morpho Clothes, and it is the titanium-plated steel seal of the God King Jupiter.

The warlords who came to King Qin have surrounded Shejia Town, and Pagoda Mountain is even more heavily guarded. Chief Anto's pilot vehicle is full of bullet holes - the trophies mounted on the vehicle are useless, compared with those of these dead people. In fact, the Unification Church bastards are more afraid of living Judas.

The low-altitude whistling of an owl came from the forest. It was the whistle made by the blood-giving unit when it dived.

Looking up through the car window, I saw huge shadows rolling down the forest and grass in the wind and rain. They should be the offspring of giants raised by Judah.

"Rocket Queen·Spark Queen!——"

Dazzling thunder fell from the dark clouds, and a bucket-thick thunder struck the old forest of Pagoda Mountain, followed closely by the second and third thunder.

The golden electric light that spreads along with the mist is like thousands of small snakes as dense as hemp. They rush towards the foot of the mountain like flowing water along the natural magnetic lines of the earth's mineral deposits deep in the ridge.

The electric light climbed to the road surrounding the pilot car, and the gunsmith saw the shadow of Haspen Madison flashing through the clouds and mist——

——That is a phantom created by extremely precise soul power. This student seems to be everywhere.

He sometimes crouched on the side of the road, seemingly helping Sister Stevelana out of trouble. Sometimes he appears on the other side, maintaining a posture of shooting.

The phantom is constantly changing its position, just like a swan goose constantly flying and wandering, the incarnation of the soul power is always following him - [Rocket Queen·Spark Queen] is controlling the direction of the sky thunder.

"Onward! Onward!" said Haspen Madison. "Glory! Onward! Welcome to the wilderness!"

The radio station showed that Car No. 3 was offline. It was probably Rocket Queen who had drained the last bit of energy from the car's battery.

Rushing onto a gentler road, the gunsmith looked at Pagoda Mountain, which was constantly being struck by lightning, in the rearview mirror. He didn't know what to say - he forgot to say sorry to Haspen for the time being, and he forgot to praise the students.

The gunsmith is not like Mr. Victor. He is not an educator who is good at praising others or encouraging students. He rarely talks and only teaches step by step.

He didn't know if these were the last words of Hasband's life. He began to understand and identify with his companions' sentimentality. Because every time, the gunsmith disappears so suddenly - there is no serious farewell, except leaving last words for Bai Lu, his mission has too many sudden near-death encounters, too many unexpected things See you in the next life.

Hasben seemed to know the secret of the War King, but this kid no longer cared.

No moment in the past or future can compare to the present——

——They can only grasp the present, every moment and every second.

"Car No. 2, I have no power." When entering the gentle dirt road, the driver of Car No. 6, Ming Chengxu, shouted: "It seems you are right, the Kia really can't finish this distance."

Chief Anto responded: "I just said that Korean cars can't finish endurance races! What's going on with you?!"

Mr. Ming Chengxu is a Korean and the leader of the mobile unit of the Hellcats in the first district. He wants to take the car of the motherland to complete the last stretch of the road——

"——It just doesn't work! I don't know! I can't figure out its temper!"

Anto: "Where's the fuel tank?"

Ming Chengxu rolled his eyes: "Am I blind?! Old ghost! It obviously still has some."

Antuo interrupted: "That's a mechanical failure. When you fly uphill, you always like to use pine oil to bomb the clutch. You can indeed gain some advantage in landing speed, but it is easy to break the axle. No wonder you can't get the Luna Cup -"

——Before he finished speaking, the right wheel of car No. 6 suddenly ejected.

Sergeant Major Ming Chengxu came over the radio shouting: "Xi Ba!"

The wheel flew up into the air and almost hit Master Chief Anto's pilot car, but Anto didn't mean to blame his teammates, and instead made a joke.

"Let me tell you! Are you even playing props competition?! Koreans are just despicable!~"

Suddenly losing control at a speed of 113 kilometers per hour, Mr. Ming Chengxu remained calm. He lost the steering traction of the front wheel and slid for 160 seconds on the extremely bad muddy road with two polished rear tires. Duomi slowly stopped and opened the car door pretending to be cool, as if he had experienced similar car accidents many times.

He took the spoils, held up Judas' head, and shouted over the radio: "French! You wait!"

The mobile soldiers of the first battle group of the first area fell down in the last ten kilometers.

Anto: "How many more laps should we run next year? As long as you don't hit the taillight of my car when I'm drifting, no matter how easy the low-speed corner is, I will lose control with just a slight hit."

Ming Chengxu responded in a panic: "Sorry, I'm not. I didn't mean it."

Anto: "You're kidding, I can lose, but Audi's lights can't be broken - that's the soul of this car."

Ming Chengxu: "Antuo, can I go back alive? Do I still have this chance? I don't want to be the runner-up anymore - I am the first group in the first district, there is no reason to lose to you."

Antuo: "It depends on who is following you. Who is your navigator?"

The bumpy and bumpy co-pilot was like a cradle. Wen Bucai was sleeping soundly, but when the car stopped, he woke up from his sweet dream, yawned, patted the driver on the shoulder and asked.

"Where is Judas? Are you at the station?"

Chief Anto laughed loudly: "The more you live, the more you become friends!"

A strange roar came from the radio station——


The bursts of blast that broke the sound barrier destroyed the radio's microphone. Through the rain curtain, one can see the officers and soldiers of Shejia Town who are constantly charging towards the No. 6 car on the smooth road. The cavalry team is farther away and is still waiting to see the situation.

The rain was struck by a dark blue shadow, creating dazzling sparks, which were the sonoluminescence phenomenon caused by supersonic boxing.

"Our partners in the sky are also in trouble, the legendary hero." Before Master Chief Anto could say goodbye to his old rival, he immediately observed something strange in the sky.

The Yinglong Flying Squadron has been escorting the decapitation convoy, but without suitable means of escort, in such bad weather with extremely low visibility, once the fighter's weapon system accidentally hits a teammate, whether it is a cannon or a missile, it can kill them instantly. Dead traffic crew.

Only in relatively open areas can aviation help a little.

Yinglong 3C has been offline in advance. It was originally a five-aircraft formation, but now one is missing. What bad luck happened to 3C?

It's actually quite simple, but also quite complicated.

The pilot was returning home at night when he happened to encounter the EMP impact released by the Son of Giants on the Fuxi. The brief power outage caused the pilot to lose the guidance of the runway lights on the flight deck. He mistakenly thought that the ship island was the runway, and almost fell into trouble. Enter the command room.

3C has crashed. The pilot almost ejected into the waters of the Copper River to escape. He suffered severe brain damage and is still awake.

Currently, there are only four fighters, 1A/1B and 2A/2B, performing escort missions in pairs. In order to match the speed of the vehicles, they fly very slowly. In terms of flight altitude, the route planning for the convoy can be carried out based on the urban terrain of Shejia Town - this convoy can go so far, and the second half of the journey depends entirely on the partners in the sky to plan the rough route.

"Bird strike! Bird strike! Bird strike!" There were cracks in the hatch cover of the Yinglong 1A pilot, which was the oncoming flock of birds. They hit the machine body and instantly turned into balls of blood-red flesh.

"Bird strike! 2A! My engine shuts down!"

With the early warning of Yinglong 1A, Robert Downing's No. 2 formation quickly flew away from the bird strike area under poor visibility conditions - he climbed up and around the corner worriedly, hovering and overlooking the sky four hundred meters above 1A, to see what was going on. See clearly the attitude of your teammates.

"You're stalling! Can you recover?"

The escort posture of following the car made the Xiaolong fighter fly very slowly. The first time it encountered a bird strike, both 1A and 1B began to stall and spin. After adjusting the fuselage attitude twice, 1B turned its head 270 degrees on the spot, swooped down along the peak on the northwest side of Pagoda Mountain, regained speed, and almost flew out of the woods - this The pilot narrowly escaped death and immediately returned to the Foch mothership.

1A was not so lucky. No matter how difficult it was to balance the attitude of the fighter plane, it had no power. From 1,200 meters to crash, it only had about ten seconds to make a decision.

"I want to parachute! Yinglong 2A! Please continue to perform the escort mission!" The pilot of 1A made a decision immediately, and the flames of the ejection cockpit flashed among the dark clouds.

Robert was covered in cold sweat and continued to ask: "You are about to land in enemy-occupied territory! Yinglong 1A! You are about to land in enemy-occupied territory! Zheng Xinyu! Zheng Xinyu!"

"What enemy-occupied area?! That's a fucking liberated area!" Yinglong 1A's radio is still online. This warrior from the surface is not cowardly at all: "I am the special warfare thunder god unit of the Chinese People's Air Force! A sharp sword that pierces the blue sky! Warriors flying in hell!"

The steel divine bird that crashed into the mountains ignited a raging fire, which was difficult to extinguish with aviation fuel. It blew out thick flames and thick smoke on the southeast side of Shejia Town, driving away the civilians earlier - not only did it not encourage Judah's arrogance, On the contrary, the last few officers and generals around Judah lost their will to fight.

"Can't stop it?!" Judas couldn't understand all this.

He had exhausted all means and all his psychic powers.

Including the migratory birds hovering near Shejia Town, they are also three-dimensional defenses controlled by psychics. As long as they can bring some trouble to the Fuxi aviation force, maybe things will get better.

He didn't have time, he was too nervous and in a hurry.

Until now, he still hasn't been able to get out of the hallucination——

——Judas seems to think that the negotiations with Tianshu are not over yet, because the ship departing from Lingyang Ferry did not send back any news.

It was only a short two or three hours, and he couldn't do anything in such a small amount of time. It was the moment when, according to the content of the negotiations, the specific terms of the war were explained to many towns around the Maling Fortress, and they just put down their work, they had to control the direction of this war, rearrange the war chess, and play micro-management again.

A team of sharp knives crossed numerous mountains and overcame difficulties and obstacles before arriving in front of him. It's like a sudden forehand punch in a battle, it's too fast.

"Can't you stop him at all?" Judas was almost stunned. He grabbed the hair of the general of the Danqiu Kingdom's garrison and asked, "Where are you? Where are you? Damn it! Where are you?"

Chaos eggs are used to send messages between towns, but chaos eggs are very precious. The soldiers found the anonymous convoy on the field road, and then conveyed it to the local governor at the country post station, shouting through the chaos eggs - the pilot car had traveled at least fifteen or sixteen kilometers. .

This is the importance of information response speed. The general could not give an accurate answer to Lingguang Buddha. These elusive and extremely fast "fairy boats" rushed towards Shejia Town at a marching speed that the Shambhala natives could not understand. .

The giant's descendants are lumbering and slow, moving even less quickly than horses. The cavalry could not catch up with the rally cars. Occasionally, blood-giving monsters would fly to block them with machine guns, but they would never come back. These soldiers had long been adapted to the high-speed environment of train-hopping gang combat, and they had to hit targets moving at a constant speed. It's almost like shooting a still life.

The sharp and piercing sound of brakes sounded outside the temple——

——Judas, with a face full of panic, still hugged the egg of chaos used for diplomatic negotiations during the war. He wore a golden cassock and shaved his head in order to engage in idolatry. At this moment, the head was covered with shiny sweat.

Twelve blood-red brake marks were left in the martial arts training ground of the Buddhist temple. After Sergeant Anto opened the car door for the gunsmith, he sat back on the stone lock where he was practicing for strength training. The same was true for Little Sister Sula, who hugged her belly. There were two bullets left in the wound and there was no time to remove it.

The gunsmith got out of the car and threw the weapon to his partner.

Meteor gave away the Iron Knight's cane and got the Hunting Goddess and Belloberg's sword.

Xueming took out Chen Jing No. 2, handed Chen Jing No. 1 to his wife, and handed it into Xiao Qi's hands.

Jason Megan got off the No. 4 car and held the unconscious Katyusha. This girl was very unlucky. She was shot in the head and fell into a deep coma. The panacea failed to wake her up and she had to take a short rest.

As Jason's driver, Brother Thumb struggled to complete the entire race. The moment he completely stopped the Ford RS200, Marner seemed to have died suddenly and fell asleep.

Judas walked slowly to the door, while Faye Frosalin hid by the door frame, not daring to peek her head.

The rain was still fierce, but the sun was about to fly to the direction of Pompeii Sea - the goddess Io broke through the obstruction of dark clouds at the other end of the sky, and just cast blood-red sunlight, which shone on the foot-high threshold of the temple. , so similar to Jiang Xueming’s adoptive parents’ old home.

The King Hunter swallowed the red mountain stone and left the BOSS in the baby seat.

"The story starts with us." Jason Megan said solemnly: "It should also start with."

Bu Liuxing got the wrong point and was regarded as a top atmosphere destroyer: "Oh oh oh oh! Oh! You can only be considered a supporting character who jumped in the queue halfway!~"

Jason is going crazy——

"——Is this important! Is this important! Is this important!"

Judas still wanted to say something, but it was surprisingly quiet outside the temple. It seemed that all the garrison troops and slaves had fled after hearing the news. They didn't have the slightest courage to face these strange "immortals" - the moment the convoy entered Shejia Town, the hozens dispersed before the trees fell down.

"I vote."

Boom! ————

Chen Jing No. 1 spit out fiery red flames, and the bomb exploded in Judah's head. Half of his body disappeared, and he was completely dead in an instant!

Plasma splashed all over Ms. Fay's face, and the super-pressure air blast sent her flying backwards. Her soul shattered before she left her body. She vomited blood and her bones cracked, and she fell into death on the spot!

The gun in 9527's hand emitted bursts of green smoke, and the trigger was pulled together with the shutter of the digital camera. These are precious illustrations for children's books and should be left to the children.

"Bai Qingqing! Come on top! Score one point!"

Before the spirit body of Faye Frosalin completed her suicide, and before the goddess Io cast a spell to cause the incarnation to commit suicide and escape from trouble——

——Jiang Xueming held down the bird demon's head and took away the power of death.

"Any fool can kill himself at any time. This is the cowardest and easiest way out."

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