Abyss Express

Chapter 803: Dancing Together

[Part①Scars of the Beast]

They stared at each other——

——Vincent's eyes were cold, Victor's eyes were hot.

One was calm and indifferent. The other was arrogant and obsessed.

"At this moment——" David Victor spoke first: "——You must want to know where Jack Martin is, Vincent, isn't it? The impression of your face in Jack's mind is so appropriate, like a piece of red copper, carved by a knife and axe and polished with stone powder, full of mystery like an ancient artifact."

Vincent was about to uncover the plate, take out a gun and shoot this weird guy who looked like a member of the perfume bottle gang on the spot, without saying a word.

David Victor immediately added a condition, "Don't you want to know? Don't you want to know at all? Don't you want to know my identity? Don't you want to know where this young man Jack Martin has gone?"

The muzzle of the gun moved to David's eyebrows.

Wen Bucai: "I thought he was dead."

"How could he be so ruthless? So ungrateful?" David Victor frowned, and muttered to himself in anxiety and confusion: "It is completely different from the character described by the profile of Jack, a small character!"

Before he finished speaking.


Vincent pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew almost past Mr. David's face.

The bullet smashed the clay flowerpot at the end of the corridor.

The gunshot echoed in the narrow corridor, and when the loud noise subsided. Vincent came back to his senses from the shock of being lost.

Missed the shot!


Why did I miss?

Is this gun not reliable enough? Not trustworthy enough?

At this time, David Victor crumpled a piece of manuscript paper in his palm into a ball - it was this paper that attracted Vincent's attention and allowed [Hell Highway] to briefly control Vincent's mind. Only in that moment, Vincent would miss.

Compared to the [Oath] written directly on the victim, this kind of remote mind control can only last for a few seconds. As long as you don't observe and understand these words, you will not be affected.

Hearing the gunshots, many guests in the hotel woke up from their dreams. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Mr. David took out a pen and paper and wrote a bedtime story to calm the nerves and help sleep in just ten seconds. He hung it on the most conspicuous handrail of the corridor.

Vincent saw these guests and passers-by simply open the door, take a look outside, and see the contents of the paper on the handrail clearly - they yawned and shrank back to their rooms to sleep.

Vincent was scared - the special ability of the strange man in front of him made him feel incredible.

"You must be curious about me, Vincent." David Victor stepped forward quickly, like seeing a fanatical pursuer of a star idol -

Victor took a step forward, and Vincent took a step back.

Victor explained solemnly, but Vincent pointed the gun at him and threatened.

Victor was not afraid of death, and Vincent's back had already leaned against the window.

"We will have a candlelight chat on the bed, from day to night, and we will not end until we fully understand your life story. If necessary, I really want to know if you have any relatives around you." Victor said, while taking out a new paper: "I have learned a lot of your stories from little Jack, and that kind of ambiguous wording is really hard to write a book. Please tell me more! Please tell me more! Mr. Vincent..."

"You..." Vincent hesitated and did not dare to shoot rashly.

[What is this guy's special ability? ]

[I will never miss... Then there is only one reason for my miss - he can control my wrist! Can he control my body? ]

[He can obviously control the battle situation and my body. From the time we met until now, this strange man has not hurt me... Why? ]

[Is he an enemy or a friend? ]

[What is his soul power? ]

David Victor looked fanatical, vomiting out the questions in his heart one by one.

"Vincent, you are here to seek revenge on the Perfume Bottle Gang, right?"

Vincent remained silent.

David Victor was very disappointed to get no answer. He suppressed his restless pride, lowered his posture, and made a reasonable request.

"Excuse me, I want to know everything about you. There are too many questions and too many unknown mysteries! Where did you come from? What's the story before you came to America?"

"You are an Oriental, and you have a soul called Jiu Kuang! What is its special ability?"

"Your soul is very powerful. When it swings its fist, it can make a sound barrier-breaking explosion. The speed of the spirit is faster than a gunpowder-powered bullet! I really want to try the feeling of being hit by such a punch... How does it punch? Words alone cannot reflect its power!"

"When you were attacked by Sullivan Okopela's soul, you actually ate more than 40 pounds of horse meat! This is definitely not something an ordinary person can do! According to my medical knowledge, your internal organs should have been necrotic after this meal!"

"Why did you appear on the railroad tracks after the sandstorm?"

"Are you waiting? Are you deliberately waiting for someone to save you? Are you deliberately waiting for Jack to give you some water?

"Who was the original owner of the boot next to you? "

"You have such a strong internal organ and soul. I believe that this sandstorm and the hot sun can't kill you. Why would you seek death?"

"No, maybe..."

"You are not Homo/Homo sapiens (HOMO) in the broad sense. Are you not human at all?"

"——All of this makes me curious..."

Under David Victor's repeated questioning, Vincent's expression changed frequently! Just like how panicked you were when your secret was revealed!

"That's enough! You're fucking annoying me to death!" Vincent's expression turned gloomy and terrifying at that moment, and the phantom of the god suddenly appeared behind him.

——The moment when the drunkard revealed himself!

David Victor's expression was as if he had seen the most beautiful work of art in the world.

[That illusion...]


[It's...so beautiful. ]

Vincent took a deep breath.

Then [Drunk Maniac]'s fists fell like fine rain!

The moment he punched, Vincent realized something was wrong!

David Victor's body didn't feel like he had been hit by a punch. It was like a fallen leaf blowing in the wind in the wind and rain - the material on his body was made of oval punch marks by the violent wind of the fist, like a puppet on a string. The impact caused him to tremble.

Vincent was convinced again - although the fist had been thrown out, it didn't feel like it had hit at all.

David Victor was unscathed, and when he came into physical contact with Vincent, he had already left writings on the other person's body.

"You can't hurt me anymore! Wen Bucai!"

Wen Bucai's pupils were trembling, and he still couldn't figure out what dirty trick the other party had used.

David explained: "I used the soul power of [Hell Highway] to write on you [You must not use the soul power to attack David Victor privately before my permission]. You can no longer use the soul power." Come to hurt me!"

At this moment, little Jack stared blankly at the door. When he heard the conversation outside the door, he was heartbroken.

[Mr. Vincent lost? Did he lose? ! ]

[Not only are the bodies divided into three, six or nine grades, but the souls are also divided into noble and inferior? ! ]

[Vincent’s spirit body is no match for Victor! ]

[Although I don’t know what Mr. David will do to us...]

[But I'm still so scared——]

[——The completely unimaginable fear is the scariest thing! ]

[Will I lose my memory? It will really be like Mr. David said! Like feeding butter to cure constipation, pouring in a lot of false memories? ! And then lose this memory indistinctly? ]

[Hell's Highway. Hell's Highway! ]

[Don’t do that kind of thing! ]

[Part②·Ruthless beating]

Outside the guest room——

——David Victor made a request to Vincent just like he would face a front desk lady or a prostitute.

"It's a little offensive to say it, but I came to Arizona just to collect data. The specific topic of the collection revolves around the two major races of the yellow race and the Indians——"

David Victor vowed and got closer, the pen in his hand almost touching Vincent's neck, but Vincent was unable to urge the spirit body to fight back. The drunkard's fist flew out and hovered in front of Victor's nose.

"——Especially you, you are not talented in writing. In the next book, I want to write a story with a yellow man as the protagonist."

"This race is very strange. In terms of national character, they all seem to have a unique [endurance]. Whether it is to endure punishment and torture, physical or mental pain, or endure the kind of [hunger] caused by delayed gratification Feeling], all performed outstandingly.”

"Endurance! Endurance! Endurance is the fundamental factor for apes to become humans——"

"——After losing his hair, he runs more than ten kilometers every day for hunting activities. In the eyes of other life on earth, this is simply an incredible and terrifying story."

"I want to know all this, Mr. Wen Bucai. If you can let go of your worries and take the initiative to talk to me about these things, take the initiative to uncover your scars and pain again, and show me the bloody wounds. ”

"How were your people oppressed and suffered? How did they die from overwork? How did they carry the rails in the dry soil at 41 degrees Celsius? Tell me these stories. I will be very, very grateful to you, Vincent."

When David Victor finished saying these words.

The atmosphere at the scene obviously became uncomfortable.

Mr. David saw that Vincent's eyes were bloodshot, and majestic anger burst out from his eyes.

He was no longer the Mr. Vincent who was as calm as an ancient well... It was as if he had stabbed the wound of this beast, like a tiger cub asking him to kidnap David, in order to bring about death.

Mr. David was still chattering. He was curious and surprised, and he was delighted by Vincent's expression.

"So you can get angry too! Does this look like this when you are angry? I have to write it down... Unfortunately, in order to ensure the safety of my life, you can no longer attack me with [Alcoholic]."


In the dim light.

A fist the size of a sandbag hit Mr. David on the chin.

It squeezed David's cheek sufficiently, causing three broken teeth to fly out from the gap at the corner of his mouth.

They flew over the rafters and past Jack Martin's sidelong eyes, spraying blood and spittle.

Vincent gritted his teeth, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, his fists scratched the flesh, and there was bright red blood.

"What did you ask just now? Use your leaky mouth! Say it again with your rotten tongue!?"

In response to the force of this punch, David fell to the ground paralyzed. Under Vincent's terrifying muscle power, he fell into a brief state of dementia.

Jack Martin looked horrified——

"——Mr. David! Do you still want to get up?"

Victor struggled and kept trying to get up.

Jack described it endlessly: "Like a newborn deer! Your legs are like a newborn deer! You can't stop shaking!"

Victor's will to fight was very strong. He was still mumbling, holding his crooked and fractured jaw, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"What kind of strange power is this! This... what kind of experience is this... You don't need soul power, you can just fly me with your body! Vincent, you are not a human being, are you! You are not..."


The sound of a fist hitting the face is like a bullet flying out of the barrel of a gun!

Vincent used both hands to punch David Victor, a piece of red and green "rag", into the wooden floor with continuous high-speed punches like hitting rice cakes!

The moment David completely lost consciousness.

Jack escaped from the control of [Hell's Highway] and ran out of the room rolling and crawling.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Vincent! Wait a minute! Mr. David is not from the Perfume Bottle Gang! He is not your revenge target!"

"Jack?" Vincent stopped beating David mercilessly.

In the pool of blood, you can see the miserable appearance of Mr. David with a bruised nose and swollen face, and dislocated cheekbones. You can hear his feeble moans and screams, and you can also see that weird and peaceful smile of satisfaction, as if he was enjoying this wonderful beating experience. And feel lucky.

Jack rushed forward and hugged David Victor tightly.

"Vincent! He's just a writer... He didn't mean to hurt me..."

Vincent looked puzzled: "That's it?"

Jack Martin: "That's it!"

After a day of trimming.

——Around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Three men were sitting at a dining table, each holding their own thoughts and ideas.

Vincent's road to revenge is full of difficulties and dangers, and he needs helpers, but no one can guide him. This yellow man who has lost his work badge and identity certificate can't even enter the circus of perfume bottles.

If Jack Martin doesn't engage in loss-making business, he will at least earn back his bullets and gold.

David Victor has to take a break from publishing due to injury, and will not return to his hometown without getting more secrets.

They had the same goal, and the first place they wanted to go to was the most popular [Beast Exoticarium] in Sloth Town.

"What is certain is that the owner of the Curio Museum is a cadre of perfume bottles." Vincent pointed out the only way to go.

Mr. David's face was covered with thick bandages. After Mr. Vincent's tempering, he had become much more honest.

David said: "The Museum of Curiosities is not open to Chinese people. You need us to buy tickets for you. You pretend to be my slave. The three of us will enter the Museum of Curiosities together... right? Speaking of which, I have always wanted to visit this place. look."

Mr. Jack couldn't wait any longer.

"Then what are you waiting for?! I've been so wronged in the past two days! Take me to have fun quickly! The billboard also says circus show! There are underwear shows and strippers, there are knife shows and magic... I …”

Jack spoke slower and slower, because the two people at the table looked at him in a strange way.

Vincent frowned and looked coldly.

David was full of curiosity.

David Victor is thinking - why is little Jack so optimistic when he arrives at the bandits' den and still wants to have fun? Are they all so brave?

Skip these interludes.

It was already dusk when the three of them arrived at the ticket office of the Museum of Curiosities.

The setting sun reflected on the large dome tent, and the red sand stained the slogan with a layer of dust.

The background image of a yellow monkey and a chimpanzee tells a racially charged picture book story, coupled with a famous quote from Socrates. This is the slogan of the Sloth Town Curio Museum.

[Are you eating to survive, or are you eating to survive?]

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