Abyss Express

Chapter 818 Triple Report

[Part①·Evil people have their own trials and tribulations]

"Dead?! Butler Dofen is dead?" someone screamed.

"The big boss smashed this old guy's head in one shot! Good! Good!" someone cheered.

Jack Martin felt like he was hiding among a pack of bloodthirsty jackals. He finally saw Defen's clothing clearly - he was convinced that this was an acquaintance of his old manor and the steward of the manor who had taken care of him since he was a child.

That's right

The big boss is here! He's here!

Unexpectedly, Dofen was also helping him! Help him do these unscrupulous things! This old dog deserves to die!

"Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Jack Martin was shocked and angry, but he could only force a smile, and along with the local employees around him, he completely integrated into the wolf pack.

The old housekeeper from England always likes to set rules and make these Arizona cannibal bandits obedient. Although he is the mouthpiece of the big leader, it makes people unhappy. Everyone in the temporary camp hates this old dog.

Now being shot to death by Jack Martin has become a booster of morale.

"Big boss! You did a good job!~" shouted the old red neck who was lying on the hammock drinking.

"Take me to the stables." Jack Martin ignored him and said casually to the servants beside him.

Someone immediately came to lead the way, respectfully passing cigarettes and drinks——

——Where has Jack ever been treated like this? In the past, he was the one who delivered drinks to the warrant officers and colleagues in the Ranger team. He immediately grabbed these things, got the wine bottle and started drinking until his eyes turned red but he still couldn't bear to throw away the empty bottle.

"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

It turns out that the other self has always been able to attract attention and gain the respect of so many people?

Is the feeling of being needed so good?

He kicked the helper away, causing him to roll into the manger.

"Bring me my horse! I want two more! No!"

Jack Martin immediately changed his mind and asked for an extra horse for Mr. Keogh.

"Three horses!"

The hired worker, who was dizzy after falling, quickly got up, his face full of fear but still smiling, took the reins and prepared the saddle, took care of the leather rope and saddle, and sent them to Jack Martin's hands.

"There's still a gun! I want a gun!" Jack slowly returned to the settlement square on his red horse, shouting: "Give me a gun!"

The bandits handed over the perfume bottles one after another, but Jack had an idea and suddenly became angry.

"What kind of garbage is this?! You should all use Schneider! Use fixed-charge paper shells! This kind of garbage should be thrown into the fire and used as firewood!"

There was a fat chef who didn't quite understand what he heard and muttered in a low voice: "Big boss, what do you mean?"

"Burn! Trash should be burned!" Jack emphasized: "Throw it into the campfire and burn it!"

No one dares to do this. The purpose of the perfume bottle and its corporate culture come from this double-shot mercury gun.

Its design and structure are simple and the cost of making the gun is low. Even ordinary people who have never learned to shoot can hit the target with good accuracy by firing two bullets at once.

It's a bandit's dream! It is a tool for turning over and calling the shots! It is a weapon for burning, killing and looting! A treasure used to manage slaves, kill slaves, and exploit slaves!

As long as you take it and are lucky enough, you can exchange a bullet for a piece of human skin for eight dollars.

"Burn it!" Jack Martin was arrogant and gradually mastered the method of subduing the wolves! Only violence can control violence! There's no use trying to reason with these bandits!

He retrieved a revolver from the body next to him and pointed it at the chef's nose.

"Burn it!"

The head chef looked at his lover reluctantly, but was reluctant to take action. Until the battering ram of the revolver is in place, all he has to do is move his fingers and his head will turn into a watermelon.

The fat brother finally closed his eyes, threw away his weapon, and then held his head in pain and cried!

It seems that letting these bandits abandon their tools of violence is more uncomfortable than killing them.

If someone takes the lead, others will naturally follow. Perfume bottles were put into the campfire one after another, and the gunpowder remaining in the gun barrel made crackling sounds from time to time.

There were fifty or sixty people from the Perfume Bottle Gang, all of whom looked depressed and wanted to wail and cry bitterly.

One after another, Jack Martin's mind was full of weird ideas——

"——Do you know why you do this?!"

No one dared to respond to the big leader, they were all wailing for their old wives.

"The Schneider rifle is the technological crystallization of the British Royal Arsenal! It is advanced! It is the progress of the times! It is a powerful weapon!"

Jack Martin looked at this group of ogres and felt both ridiculous and terrifying.

These ferocious bandits who robbed homes left behind horrific legends in Sanyang Town - that was a tragedy that could be accomplished in one town, with thousands of people targeted for massacre, in one night!

I didn't expect that these clowns, perverted murderers, would cry out if they dropped their firearms.

"I'm going to buy you a new gun! If you don't throw away the old one, how can you get a new one!"

As soon as these words came out, the old man in the hammock immediately clapped his hands and applauded: "The big leader! Long live the big leader!"

The originally distressed chef was surprised and happy, and quickly came to Jack's side.

"Big Boss! Are you telling the truth?"

Jack Martin shouted: "No lie! The new guns will arrive tomorrow! To celebrate this! We have to have a good meal!"

"Wow!" The fat brother, the head chef, clapped his hands and cheered. He raised his fists and gritted his teeth, feeling energetic: "I'm going to prepare! I'm going to prepare! Come and help! Hutch! Kallen! Come and help! And Miranda! Me Come, all the girls!”

Jack Martin got off his horse and personally delivered wine to these jackals. He skillfully opened the oak barrel and sprinkled the distilled wine on his head. He became the craziest one in the group of jackals and completely integrated into this rank.

"Come on, friends! Come on, kids!"

"Come and drink! Come and drink!"

Everyone sat around the campfire, looking forward to it. The sunny day was coming soon.

Jack Martin retreated to the warehouse of the shack, opened the barrel, and threw his boots in!

That was something Wen Bucai left beside the railway track, and it was also a relic from his fellow villagers——

——Perhaps these two transparent black jade scorpions, with Hua Gong's strong desire for revenge, want to drag Wen Bucai into hell.

But at this moment, the venom, body tissue fragments, poison sacs and stings they left on the shoe uppers may be of some use.

It's not lethal enough, and there's no visible blood, making it difficult for these biotoxins to work.

Little Jack hugged the barrel and returned to the camp to tell the jackals a new set of rules.

"We have to change our name in the future!"

With a feverish look on his face, he took out a knife and cut two wounds on his cheek, swallowing the pain and blood.

"It's called Skull and Bones! How about it! How about it!"

The ferocious appearance frightened the old man in the hammock, but made these Angsa colonists more and more excited.

"Okay! You are a genius! Big boss!"

"I'm coming too! I'm coming too! Give me the knife! Give me the knife!"

"Drink this drink!" Jack Martin called him brother-in-law all the way, chatting and drinking with the gang. If there was a coward who was afraid of pain, he would personally help cut his face: "Drink! Drink!"

The wine with crystal scorpion toxin stained the wound, and the burning pain further aroused the cruelty of these vicious gangsters - they were drunk, started wrestling and fighting, and went to the kitchen to tease the cooks and female workers, causing a mess!

The old man had just swallowed the drink, but within a few seconds he felt dizzy, and there was a strong swelling sensation from the cracked cheek wound.


He fell off the bed and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Immediately afterwards, the groom who was the first to drink the blood wine next to the campfire began to vomit blood.

"Poisonous?! Poisonous!!!"

Jack Martin also began to hold his stomach, pretending to be sick and retching in pain. He waved and shouted, pointing to the kitchen.

"Someone poisoned me! Ugh!————"


Whether it's bourbon, or cider, or some distilled spirits.

The sweetness of corn and the sourness of gastric juice blend together, eventually turning into the bitterness of poison.

"Ouch!" Jack Martin vomited until tears came to his eyes, and his acting skills in forcing vomiting were superb: "Pull out the chef and kill him! Don't let anyone go!~"

More than thirty people were wailing in mourning, clutching their stomachs and vomiting as they walked. Some people had already fallen down halfway, baking in the scorching sun, hanging on by a thread in the humid and hot environment of the rainforest. However, this fanatical atmosphere could not stop them, and the jackals still carried out the orders loyally.

Jack Martin's face was covered with blood. He pushed through the dazed gang members, escaped from the crowd, got on his horse again, and was about to leave.


The big boss fired a shot from the tunnel entrance.

The bullet grazed Jack Martin's earlobe, bringing out a little sticky blood.

At the same time, blood was leaking from the big leader's mask. He finally understood that the other half of his soul that he had given up seemed to be much more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Jack." The big boss didn't care about the life and death of these cadres——

——There were even one or two superpowers with soul power. They had no doubts about Jack Martin. Even if they cut their faces, burned their guns, and finally drank poisonous wine, they did not call on the soul power to attack the leader.

Life seems particularly fragile at this moment. Ordinary people without blood bodies, blessed by [Arrow], are only flesh and blood no matter what. Once the brain becomes dizzy, death is not far away.

"Jack Martin!" Jack rode on the horse and pulled the reins of the other three horses. He did not run away immediately - he wanted to face his own inner demons. "How many minions do you have? I will take care of them slowly."

"There are not a few left." The big leader turned the bullet chamber and changed the bullet quickly. He removed the empty shells and readjusted the firearms, and shot several subordinates who were moaning in pain and making too much noise.

Jack Martin's pupils shrank, he didn't expect this guy to be so crazy!

He's killing his comrades! It's the same as what teacher David Victor said - he is bullying the weak and doesn't care about the life or death of these tool people.

"These people have seen your face and have no right to live." At this point, the big boss still wants Jack Martin to be obedient - he can't do anything about his other self. If Jack dies, he will die too.

"These fifty or sixty people are all elite soldiers of the Perfume Bottle - your Ranger brothers should know that." The big leader kicked away the corpses of his companions one by one as if they were treasures: "Their heads are sent to the County Sheriff's Department, any If you take one of the chef's helpers home with you, you can get at least fifty dollars."

The thief looked down at his watch and muttered silently.

"While I was doing my drawing homework, in just sixteen minutes, you killed all these people - Jack Martin! It seems you are not as useless as I thought. You are a talent."

"Shoot! Kill me!" Jack threatened with the gun: "Otherwise I will shoot you!"

"That kind of weak bullet cannot penetrate the power of my soul." Under the mask, the big boss made a playful and sharp voice: "After returning from the Curio Museum, the business in Sloth Town has also declined."

"I just can't figure it out, Jack! I don't understand."

"Obviously I am the one who loves you the most, and I have been taking care of you and paving the way for your future."

"I love you, I make you strong, and I want to change your life."

"But why? Why do you always say no? Always spit on me?"

"I have no way out now, Jack - except for this temple, there are one or two hundred black slaves helping to dig the ruins. It seems that I have nothing."

"Just because of your one thought! Just because of your one thought! Jack! Jack! Damn it!"

The big leader cursed angrily——

"—You coward! You're hurting yourself!"

Jack remained silent, his eyes unchanged.

"My butler is also dead! Apart from my father, Uncle Delphin is almost the person I am closest to!" The big leader howled: "Can't you feel it?! Jack! Can't you feel it?! You forgot ”

Jack Martin gritted his teeth and replied: "He did things for you, and that's why he died."

"What have I done?! It's just a business!" After giving the last living kitchen maid a shot, the big boss took off his mask, revealing his blond hair and lacerations on his earlobes. His face was ferocious, and he faced His other self roared angrily: "This is a business! Just a business!"

"They need violence! They crave violence!"

"They're a bunch of savages! The westward expansion requires this kind of violence! What's wrong with that? Jack! Jack Martin! What's wrong with that?"

"This is a land of lawlessness. There is never any justice or evil. You are so naive!"

"If you can't drive these bastards away! Where did the United States of America come from! Do you think it's your ancestral property! Do you think our manor in England! Did my father earn his title through chivalry?"

"Gun! Only gun! A tool to create violence! It can do business! It can turn this wasteland into"


The bullet flew in front of the big boss and was immediately split in half by [Death Knell]!

Jack Martin didn't want to hear any more.

"Asshole! What the hell! This isn't a business!"

"You want to ask why? Because you angered a Chinese!"

"You pissed off an American! And you pissed off an Austrian!"

The majestic courage turned into an aggressive look. For a moment, the big leader actually felt afraid——

——He has obviously given all his fear to Jack, and has given all the stubborn shortcomings of human beings to this incarnation.

Jack Martin pulled the reins and spurred his horse into the depths of the rainforest, asking for help from his brothers.

"Fuck you America! This is a personal vendetta!"

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