Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 40: Physical Fitness Increases Rapidly

The sudden sound did not make Li Shan realize that something was wrong, and he was still excitedly saying: "Right, Wang Long, you also think--"

His voice suddenly stopped, because he found that Wang Long in front of him did not open his mouth, but looked behind him with horror.


With a slight sound, a sharp bone spear pierced Li Shan's chest.

He looked down blankly, looking at the tip of the spear that pierced his chest in disbelief.

Across from him, Wang Long's face was full of horror, but before he could make any sound, a terrifying ghost face appeared behind him.

The next moment, Wang Long's body was directly cut into pieces by two sharp claws, and his internal organs flowed all over the ground. Only a head fell to the ground, like a dying fish, with its lips opening and closing weakly.

"You, you"

Li Shan made a vague sound, and was then swallowed by a large amount of blood.


As Chu Xiu's bone spear was pulled out, Li Shan's body fell to the ground weakly.

His eyes were wide open, as if he still couldn't accept the fact that he was going to die. He used his left hand to dig the ground hard, struggling to move, and desperately uttered "ho ho" cries for help.

Chu Xiu strode forward and pierced his head with a spear.


With a slight sound, a large number of items appeared out of thin air in the void. With the death of the two, the things in their storage space fell out.

Looking at the two dead bodies in front of him and the pile of items, Chu Xiu showed a sarcastic smile on his face.

In fact, after knowing that Li Shan and Wang Long intended to harm him, he often released ghosts to track and look for opportunities to attack.

It's just that these two people have never left the team, so Chu Xiu couldn't find an opportunity.

Of course, Chu Xiu is not a person who waits for the rabbit to come. If the two stay in the base, he will also find a way to lure them out and kill them.

Because his intuition tells him that the last day of this trial will not end so easily. The blood moon above his head is getting more and more dazzling, and there is a high probability that something will happen.

He wanted to eliminate as many variables as possible before the blood moon was full.

But if the lure failed, Chu Xiu would not kill the two by force, and he would not officially go to war with everyone in the stronghold for these two insignificant little characters.

In other words -

if these two people had not taken the initiative to leave the team and conspired to kill Chu Xiu, they would have a high probability of leaving the awakening trial unscathed.

It has to be said that this is a great irony.

"This is a contradictory world."

"When you choose to be a good person, you will inevitably be bullied and exploited by those unruly scum, extreme egoists, and bullies."

"But if you choose to be a bad person, you will embark on an endless struggle of the survival of the fittest and winner takes all."

"If you want to survive safely, there are only two ways to choose. One is to fight all the way and become the biggest villain among all the villains."

"The second is to huddle together with other good people to build a stable and orderly society. The stricter the enforcement of the rules, the less room for the villains to play. Of course, human history has proved that exploitation is inevitable, but at least there is a place for survival."

Chu Xiu looked at the gradually cold corpse on the ground with some pity, and shook his head and said: "As a sheep, don't overestimate your ability and embark on the road of killing surrounded by wolves."

The first time Chu Xiu killed someone, he didn't have much resistance in his heart. He even felt that the moment when the blood bloomed had a different kind of beauty.

At the same time, he felt a cold, violent, hateful, and invisible thing with a lot of negative emotions entangled with him.

"Is this killing sin?" Chu Xiu frowned slightly.

When he first killed the abyss creatures, he also felt that an invisible thing merged into his body.

However, the feeling that invisible thing gave him was completely opposite to the current one. It was a bright, magnificent, and warm breath.

"The invisible power born from killing Li Shan and the other two is the same as the records in the magic books. It should be killing sin without a doubt."

"Then what did I get from killing abyss creatures before? Merit?"

Chu Xiu couldn't help but laugh. He is a magic cultivator, and now he is surrounded by merit?

He has killed so many abyss creatures in the past few days. The amount of merit is no longer comparable to killing sin. He can clearly feel that the impact of killing sin on his mind is basically offset by merit.

But the strange thing is that the role of killing sin in promoting the practice of the Infinite Reincarnation Art is not affected!

He could feel that his merit and killing sin existed at the same time, and both could accelerate the practice of the Infinite Reincarnation Art!

"This is the right way to practice this art, isn't it?"

This art itself should not have any bias, but in the era of cultivating immortals, there was no particularly easy way to obtain merit, which made those who practiced this art embark on the path of killing.

This idea made Chu Xiu stunned for a moment.

But this was great news for him, at least he didn't have to worry about losing his mind because of killing sin.

With so many abyss creatures in the abyss, Chu Xiu would hardly let killing sin exceed merit as long as he didn't go crazy and slaughter indiscriminately.

Shaking his head, Chu Xiu stopped thinking about it, and began to search for useful high-value items on the two people, while using the talent of [Perfect Refining] to absorb the blood of the two people to practice the Thirsty Blood Refining Art.

At the moment of the perfect refining, a rich life essence poured into Chu Xiu's body, making him squint his eyes comfortably.

As he expected, the life essence of the awakened is very abundant!

The previous large-scale slaughter of corpses had already replenished the energy needed for the Thirsty Blood Refining Heart Technique. What is missing now is the life essence!

As the two awakened at level 4, and also combat professions, the life essence is many times more than that of ordinary people. Once inhaled, Chu Xiu's cultivation progress soared!





After completely sucking the bodies of Wang Long and Li Shan into mummies, it was as if a bottleneck had been broken through. Chu Xiu felt that his heart seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant!

Powerful power poured out from the beating heart, producing new and more energetic blood, which made all the organs in his body rejuvenated, just like replacing a used car with a Ferrari engine!

Chu Xiu punched out casually, and it was immediately accompanied by a sharp whistling sound. His punch was much faster than before in terms of both strength and speed!

And he could feel that his biggest improvement was endurance! A steady stream of energy poured out from his heart, as if it was endless!

[Thirsty Blood Refining Heart Technique is completed, endurance +11, strength +6, life recovery speed +3.5, nerve reaction speed +2! (Comprehensively reflected as physique +7.6)]

The prompt sounded in Chu Xiu's ears, which made him look happy.

You know, his physique after reaching level 6 was only 9 points, which almost doubled his physique!

Chu Xiu clenched his fist lightly, and strong confidence rose in his heart.

"Now, even if I only talk about physique, I will never lose to the A-grade combat profession of the same level!"

This is the abnormality of the magic cultivator, which far exceeds the growth ability of any profession! ! !

Taking a deep breath, Chu Xiu calmed down his excitement.

He also has other gains waiting for him to collect.

For example, those bone equipment can be refined by Chu Xiu again to upgrade his own equipment.

Chu Xiu chose to continue to strengthen his bone spear.

The materials required for armor are too much. After Chu Xiu's physical fitness skyrocketed, a good weapon would improve his combat ability even more.

From previous experience, the more the ban effect is, the stronger it is.

He was very curious about what kind of surprise this weapon would bring him after it was strengthened to +10!

Chu Xiu waved his hand, and the bone equipment on the two began to be refined quickly, successfully strengthening the bone spear to +8 strength.

In addition, they had a total of 27 causal points and a [standard] quality item [005 type corpse ghost venom].

This thing was what Li Shan had prepared to use to seduce Chu Xiu before.

It can be applied to weapons and equipment for ten minutes. If stabbed, it will cause a total of 3.5 toxicity in thirty seconds.

Chu Xiu didn't have a particularly big idea of ​​this number, but he thought it should be a more powerful poison.

All in all, this trip was a great harvest.

"It's true that killing people and stealing treasures is faster." Chu Xiu couldn't help but sigh.

"Then, there's only one step left--"

Chu Xiu took a deep breath and suddenly shouted: "Corpse ghost! A corpse ghost is coming!!!"

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