With the prompt sound, a new power surged into Chu Xiu's body, making him squint his eyes comfortably.

The minor injuries on his body gradually recovered, the bruises disappeared, and the small wounds healed and scabbed.

After the power was completely absorbed, Chu Xiu opened his eyes, kicked his legs, and the cement ground under his feet immediately cracked, and Chu Xiu jumped up and easily crossed a distance of nearly 100 meters.

After landing, the smile on his face became even bigger.

"After this upgrade, my physical fitness has exceeded 50!"

"This makes me strong enough for melee combat even if I don't rely on the Heavenly Demon Hand!"

What Chu Xiu lacks most now is basic attributes, and every improvement is precious.

"This value should be similar to that of the A-grade melee profession of the same level, or even a little less."

"I can only look forward to the next inheritance unlocking, and get a physical training method to enhance my physique."

And this is already very close. Although Chu Xiu has basically no experience in killing low-level monsters now, he can't stand the large number of monsters. This huge nest was directly swallowed by him alone. The experience gained not only allowed him to upgrade to level 3, but also not far from level 4.

Chu Xiu no longer thought about it and began to check other gains.

First, he finally got a piece of perfect quality equipment.

[Mutated Poisonous Longbow (Perfect)]

Chu Xiu checked it and found that the attributes of the longbow were very good. The range could exceed one thousand meters when fully pulled, just like a sniper rifle, and as long as it hits, it will bring a lot of poison damage, which well compensates for Chu Xiu's lack of long-range attack ability.

After all, the power of the Yinfeng Banner is reduced too quickly, and after a hundred meters, not even half of it is left.

Of course, accuracy still depends on one's own practice, but with Chu Xiu's current physical and mental attributes, he will get the hang of it quickly. Just shoot a few when killing zombies next time.

In addition to the final boss, other monsters also dropped a lot of things.

But basically they are equipment and props of quality below [Collection]. Occasionally, a [Collection] is dropped, which is also like the Blood Demon's Touch, useful but not much.

For example, he brushed out a [Mutated Ovarian]. Although the quality reached [Collection], the effect was that after a period of cultivation, a 9th-level mutant zombie was hatched as a thug, which made Chu Xiu laugh and cry.

It's not to say that it's completely useless, but it's just useless.

These equipment and props were stuffed into Chu Xiu's storage space. He planned to sell them for some money when he went back, or see if he could find some rich second-generation suckers to exchange for causal points later.

"The biggest gain is still causal points!"

This is the key. Compared with equipment and props, Chu Xiu's demand for causal points is greater now!

Whether it is to unlock skills later or to continue to upgrade existing skills, a large number of causal points are required.

And killing so many corpse ghosts in one breath, the income of causal points is also amazing!

"Just this nest alone, the causal points exploded more than 1,500!"

Counting the rewards for killing monsters before and completing challenge tasks, Chu Xiu now has nearly 5,000 causal points in his hand!

And this is just his harvest in less than a day!

"Sure enough, the income from brushing the complete world is still high. No wonder those big forces are willing to pay such a high price to conquer the world task!"

"Not to mention, I am not like other people. Brushing monsters will cause losses. I will only become stronger and stronger like a snowball!"

Chu Xiu showed a sincere smile on his face. With a wave of his hand, the corpses on the ground began to be refined. Countless souls began to wail and struggle, but they were irresistibly collected into the evil soul banner!

In this battle, Chu Xiu lost a full 21 ghosts.

But it doesn't matter. This large number of high-quality souls will become the nutrients of the evil soul banner!

One ghost after another was born, and many ghosts began to advance to evil ghosts!

After all the living souls were refined, Chu Xiu had five more evil ghosts and fifteen Yin ghosts! In addition, the evil soul flag was upgraded to a higher level!

The level of the evil soul flag is not only to expand the volume, but also to help the Yin ghosts advance better and reduce the energy loss when devouring the soul.

"Now I have a total of eleven evil ghosts and thirty-nine Yin ghosts!"

While other forces are still racking their brains to win over a soldier-level combat force, Chu Xiu already has eleven.

If other summoning professions see this, I'm afraid their eyes will pop out!

Counting the remaining Yin ghosts, it is really possible to sweep a force with the ghost army alone.

However, Chu Xiu still feels insecure!

"I must not be proud and complacent just because my current strength is a little ahead of others. Others will also hunt corpse ghosts to upgrade and enhance their own strength! And I still have a lot to improve!"

"More importantly, the opponent I really need to consider is the corpse king!"

The regional danger level of this city is three. Even if it is optimistically estimated, the corpse king is at least a fierce-level elite, and it is even possible to swipe out a fierce-level leader!

Not to mention, since his name is Corpse King, he must have a large number of Corpse Ghosts.

If Chu Xiu wants to ensure that he can seize the core anchor point, he must have the strength to fight against Corpse King and other forces at the same time, so that he can be sure of success!

"Eleven soldiers? Too few, too few!"

"Let's set a small goal first, one hundred evil ghosts!!!"

With a big wave of his hand, Chu Xiu put away all the ghosts, and without any rest, he rushed to the next nest without stopping.

Keep working!

While Chu Xiu was heading to the next nest, Song Zhiwen was sorting out the latest intelligence in the moonlight at the gathering point.

His talent and career are average, but his IQ is high, and his academic performance has always been among the best in the school. After passing seven rounds of government interviews, he was successfully selected as an analyst appointed by the government.

His responsibility is to integrate information, coordinate planning and actions of other bases, so as to formulate the most appropriate combat strategy.

So when everyone has rested and gathered strength for tomorrow's battle, Song Zhiwen is still working hard all night, optimizing tomorrow's action plan as much as possible to minimize the losses of destroying the nest.

After optimizing the last small problem, Song Zhiwen stretched his body and showed a complacent smile on his face.

"I am really a genius."

"If I was born in ancient times, I would be at least a counselor of Guo Jia's level!"

He is very satisfied with the actions he has formulated. There are hundreds of awakened people in the base and dozens of combat team members. He has arranged the most appropriate tasks for each person.

Song Zhiwen is confident that as long as there are no accidents, the casualty rate of the destruction operation can be reduced to less than 10% by him!

However, just when he was about to go to bed, someone suddenly rushed in!

"Brother Song! It's bad! Something, something big happened! Something big happened to the nest!"

"Why are you in a hurry? If you have something to say, tell me slowly," Song Zhiwen calmly drank a sip of water, "Did the nearby ghouls gather together? Or have mutated ghouls been born? Don't panic, I have made enough plans in advance."

After speaking, Song Zhiwen smiled complacently again.

Ordinary people will not understand. For those of them who make a living by their brains, the depth and breadth of considering things are unimaginable to ordinary people. Many major events that seem to break the sky in the eyes of ordinary people are just a part of what they have expected long ago.

"No, the nest is gone!"

Song Zhiwen's smile froze on his face.

He stuttered, "Gone? What do you mean by gone?"

"Just, literally," the man swallowed, "Five minutes ago, the operator responsible for monitoring the nest found that a strange group of corpses came out of nowhere and directly wiped out all the corpse ghosts in the nest! Not a single one was left!"

The words of the intelligence officer made Song Zhiwen completely freeze in his tracks, and even doubted his ears.

Gone? Such a big nest just disappeared like that?

Is this a joke to him?

Song Zhiwen felt that his brain was refusing to accept this fact in all aspects, constantly looking for other possibilities.

But reason told him that these intelligence officers were trustworthy elites and would not make such a boring joke at this time.

And the abyss is full of unexpected variables.

After a long time, he slowly put down the cup in his hand and said word by word: "You mean, half of all the work I did tonight will be in vain?"

The intelligence officer cast a sympathetic look at him and patted his shoulder: "It's okay, Brother Song, I won't give you less money, just think of it as a free wave of government wool."

Song Zhiwen knew, but he still felt uncomfortable.

After taking several deep breaths in a row, he barely calmed down and rubbed his forehead and said: "You are right, plans can never keep up with changes, and many plans are originally to be abandoned."

"What I should do now is to consider this new 'variable' that suddenly appeared."

"Tell me in detail all the intelligence you received."


The intelligence officer repeated the key points of the monitoring operator in full. They were afraid of being discovered by the zombies, so they were far away and could only see some pictures vaguely, but what was certain was that these suddenly appearing "new zombies" were very strong, very strong! To deal with ordinary zombies is to kill them unilaterally!

This reminded Song Zhiwen that he had received a similar report in the evening and immediately sent a senior team to investigate, but he did not find anything unusual, not to mention the new group of ghouls, not even a single ordinary ghoul.

In the end, he treated it as an exaggeration when he was frightened.

But now it seems that the group of ghouls that attacked the nest is most likely the same group as the one the team encountered in the evening!

"But where did this group of ghouls come from? Why can't we catch their traces?"

"Could it be like the last time we entered the abyss, with a variable similar to the 'blood moon ritual'?"

Song Zhiwen frowned.

At this time, the intelligence officer seemed to have thought of something and said, "By the way, there is another thing, but the agent in charge of observation at the time did not see it clearly, so he is not sure."

"What is it?"

"That is, there seems to be a person standing among the group of new ghouls!"


Song Zhiwen frowned even more tightly.

Of course, he would not be so foolish as to think that someone could really appear in the zombie group unscathed.

It is impossible for anyone to survive in a zombie group that can destroy an entire nest.

The greater possibility is that it is a human-shaped zombie!

According to the report, this group of new zombies clearly showed a high degree of discipline and cooperation. Does this mean that the leader who led them has intelligence far beyond that of ordinary zombies?

"If this is the case, then it will be troublesome," Song Zhiwen murmured.

His face was more serious than ever: "Xiao Sun, you immediately call all the commanders! Let them come to my meeting! I want to re-formulate all the action plans!"

"This sudden appearance of the zombie group may bring too many variables, which will greatly increase the risk of the operation! If necessary, I will apply for support from other bases, or even postpone the operation!"

"We have lost one nest, and the remaining one must not make any mistakes!"

"Yes!" The intelligence officer received the order and prepared to go out, but at this time, another person broke in.

"Brother Song! Something bad has happened!"

"Another accident?!" Song Zhiwen's expression tightened.

"The nest, the nest is gone!" The man panted.

Song Zhiwen let out a long breath and relaxed: "I already know about this, Xiao Sun just reported it to me."

"No, Brother Song," the man said with a bitter face, "It's the second nest, the second nest is gone too!"

Song Zhiwen: "."


He collapsed on the chair, with only the shouts of the two intelligence officers in his ears.

"Brother Song! Brother Song, cheer up!"

"Look at the bright side, you might become the only analyst with a zero mortality rate, right!"

At the same time, in the underground lair, Chu Xiu was looking at the huge mutant corpse in front of him, which was already bloody and had only one breath left.

As the crazy demon hand slammed down again mercilessly, a pleasant prompt sound rang beside his ears.

[Professional experience +413]

[Level upgrade! ]

[Current level: Level 4 of the rank of soldier]

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