Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 186 NO00b9: Resistance and Significance

In fact, it’s not just the increasing number of cyberpsychopaths every year, but also those companies’ scramble for densely populated areas, the restrictions on weapons of mass destruction, the situation of mercenary wars, and all kinds of strange religions… …

After understanding this point, many things that Booker couldn't figure out in the past, and the company's strange logic have been answered.

Afterwards, No. 1 also stated that his past operations in the Nord resettlement area had already given it the initial influence to complete the upgrade-the people here trust Icarus enough, and if his plan can succeed, let Nord The ground floor of the resettlement area is independent. Then Icarus, who has become the new government at the bottom, can use reasons such as promoting the new convenience system to install plug-ins for local residents to share mental stress, so that they are willing to complete the Mandala verification.

In addition, it is the level of the deep dive interface. Theoretically speaking, naturally, the higher the level, the greater the potential to continue to upgrade in the future. But considering that most of the deep-diving interfaces are monopolized by the Olympus order, even if Booker's current interface is only the lowest delta-level interface, No. 1 is willing to use it to complete the upgrade.

After all, this is something that can immediately show a strong combat effectiveness.

However, if Fanny's previous warning is true...a certain big shot from Pluto's Deep Diving Company plans to use this place as his "cocoon" to complete his breakthrough...

To be honest, he really couldn't think of any reason to explain it, except that the other party was coming for the fire thief—it couldn't be that the other party just happened to choose this place, right?

What's more terrible is that I can't even contact "No. 1" now-the boson oscillator used to create mass projection is the only device that Booker can contact "Fire Stealer". But because of the last conversation, the energy in it has been completely drained.

In other words, now I can only watch my boss fall into this trap.


[Booker, there is news from the hacker team]

The news from Liao Qi interrupted Booker's memory, and it was only at this time that he realized that his eyes had been fixed on the power station under construction not far away, and he did not turn away for a moment.

【what news? 】

Back to his senses, Booker regained his previous calmness.

[Many of our channels have been attacked by the Internet, including "Noord Voice of Justice", basically all of our external publicity channels have failed]

After speaking, Liao Qi also forwarded a simple summary report.

[The attack has already begun... what about other places? Even if it's just an early attack, it won't just paralyze our propaganda channels, right?]

While debugging his prosthetic body, Booker asked.

[The three accounts of the organization have been frozen, and it is said that they are suspected of participating in black market transactions and human trafficking. Five minutes ago, the Charon House was investigated by the Welfare Bureau of the resettlement area government and ordered to be closed immediately for rectification]

[A number of comrades living on the basement floor of the resettlement area were arrested by the investigation bureau of the resettlement area. Deep Blue said it would find a way, at least to ensure the safety of those people]


Liao Qi forwarded the bad news from various channels one after another. Even the government of the resettlement area, which originally planned to stand on their side, is now cooperating in strangling them—but judging from the fact that those guys are only daring to arrest people in the area on the first floor, they are probably just on the sidelines state.

[Don't worry about the comrades who are arrested, as long as our side succeeds, they can be regarded as protective custody... Let comrades at other levels must pay attention to their own safety. In addition to the negative layer, the other party may adopt some indiscriminate methods]

[All comrades participating in the deterrent operation must stick to their positions. The outcome of everything that happens outside is ultimately only related to our success or failure here]

In this regard, Booker calmly arranged.

At this time, someone in the communication channel asked very disturbingly:

[Leader Booker, what do you mean... shall we continue now? 】

In the case where Fanny had seriously warned them before, and in the case that they may need to face a depth 7 adjuster...do they still need to continue to wait and see?

Those who stayed here couldn't help but think so in their hearts.

To resist or not to resist, how much difference can there be under the disparity in strength?

Facing the adjusters of Depth 7 and the serious actions of the company, what is the point of their resistance?

Regarding this, Booker was silent for a while, and finally he sighed:

[Not to mention that our hole cards are considered to have enough chips even for them. Even if we are doomed to fail, there is an essential difference between whether the opponent has a price or no price to win here]

[Remember, resistance itself is meaning]


Booker thought.

Now that I have no way to tell No. 1 to stay away from this trap, there is only one thing I can really do now——continue with my original plan.

Although I don't know the specifications of the armed forces sent by Pluto Deep Diving Company, it is expected that under the constraints of the Olympus agreement, monsters that have broken through the limit of human intelligence will not end up in the resettlement area. In this case, the opponent's advantage of the depth 7 will be offset by one's own "number one".

And the rest of the battle, it became the arrangement before.


"Have you not surrendered after receiving Fanny's warning?"

After receiving the message from the front, Aconitum-1 let out a "tsk". Then he turned to look at the young hacker next to him, whose head was full of threads.

"Then it's okay for you to lead the first wave of attacks."

As he said that, he smiled a bit mischievously and said:

"Or, returning to this familiar place will make you a little bit reluctant?"

In response, Lu Yuan shook his head:

"I will destroy their self-discipline defense system. I am very familiar with their method of building defense systems."

Aconitum-1 chuckled lightly and said:

"So don't pretend now?"

This is the first time someone directly exposed his identity, but Lu Yuan replied extremely calmly:

"I just hope that you can give me a chance to persuade them not to do stupid things. If the underground of the resettlement area becomes devastated, I don't think that adult wants to rule a ruin, right?"

As he spoke, he looked at the few people restrained by the exoskeleton power armor - Black Falcon-136, Qian Xiaying and the others, and those people were all looking at him with cold faces at the moment.

The infrared camera on Aconitum-1's face, like the compound eyes of a spider, keeps turning on and off. It seems that he is expressing his funny mood in this way, and then he said:

"Give it a try, though I don't think you're going to succeed. But it's at least a little more fun than going on an outing like bullying kids, isn't it?"


Lu Yuan nodded his thanks and said:

"I think that's enough."

Then, he looked around and asked curiously:

"But isn't Ms. Christie going with us?"

Aconitum-1 sat back on the command seat, and it took him a long time to reply:

"She went to the Nord resettlement area in advance through the 'portal'...I heard that she wanted to find some acquaintance?"


Lu Yuan didn't turn the corner.

What acquaintances could she have in Nord Settlement? When she was asleep, the Nord resettlement area was still under construction, right?

"She came to ask me before, what's my name...it seems to be Liao Qi?"

Aconitum-1 said so.

Not only Lu Yuan, but also 136 and Qian Xiaying at the side were also stunned.

Liao Qi? Liao Qi in Nord resettlement area?

Lu Yuan thought he had heard wrong.

But... isn't that guy the tail of the crane that he and I have been in the same class in the Talent Incubation Center?


"Ten minutes left..."

Holding time, Jiang Zhou muttered to himself.

In the last ten minutes, the universal printer will be free.

As far as he is concerned, his only purpose is to open the sealed records from the universal printer—those records are most likely the information that "Janus" left for him back then.

What happened to the "big shock" back then, why did I come to this era a hundred years later, and what exactly does the so-called "Janus program" do...

The truth of everything has finally been revealed.

But what about when the truth is revealed?

Suddenly, this idea popped up in Jiang Zhou's mind.

Leaving aside the fact that he was in Tartarus, he was not clear about what kind of threat Liao Qi was about to face in the resettlement area.

Next, as Liao Qi, what should I do?

Do you want to fight with Booker until the last moment with the mentality of dying? (end of this chapter)

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