Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 200 NO00c7: Lead Storm

Chapter 200 NO.00c7: Lead Storm

Waking up from what seemed to be eternal death, the reborn boy felt the breath of freedom for the first time.

Open your arms to feel the wind blowing through your fingertips, and the falcon's wings spread slowly behind you. Like a victim carrying a cross, he hovered in mid-air, overlooking the border town where he was born and raised.

Someone once said that the scenery standing on a high place is different from other places, and even insignificant things in ordinary times will appear incomparably magnificent.

But at this moment, the scenery reflected in the young man's eyes is only endless sadness.

Dry and cracked land, old and dilapidated buildings; residents working like ants, factories vomiting exhaust gas and sewage...

The messy and intertwined wires are like a dirty spider web covering here, trapping every resident here, unable to escape.

And the factory in the middle of the town is like a hunting spider constantly moving its slender spider legs, slowly sucking the prey that fell into the spider web.

The surprise that he came back from the dead, and the joy of flying to the clouds, disappeared the moment he realized this fact.

i need to do something...

what can i do...

The boy thought so.

The armor that reawakened himself gave him the power to temporarily resist fate.

The eagle's beak and claws are as sharp as knives, and the edges of its wings are as sharp as knives.

Angry electrical signals rushed between the nerves, and at this moment his blood was like flowing fuel, burning every muscle fiber in him.

In the distance, Falcon's pupils captured a group of heavily armed company military police—they were riding a flapping-wing individual aircraft, approaching in their direction.

"I entrust this armor to you."

In the boy's ears, the words that the mysterious girl who called herself "Xiao" said to him when he rescued him echoed again.

"It can not only save your life, but also save the lives of more innocent people. Please make good use of it. Remember, this armor is driven by the emotional power of the user, and when facing the enemy , please be confident, because..."

Those company gendarmes riding aircraft were getting closer and closer to him at this moment. They waved the weapons in their hands, and the young man could already vaguely hear the clamor in their mouths.

——They came to kill themselves.

Unspeakable emotions welled up in his heart, and he couldn't help tightening the "claw" in his hand.

"You are stronger than them."

Recalling "Xiao"'s words, the young man suppressed all his hesitation.

He acted.

The wings behind him accelerated violently, and he didn't even have time for a heartbeat, so he pounced on it.

The muzzle of the gun in the hands of the military police is bright and dark, just like the stars twinkling in the night. But for him, he easily escaped the seemingly dense firepower net with just a high-speed maneuver.

Then, a cold light flashed, and the most aggressive person among the enemies had his throat cut by himself.

The man coughed up blood, clutched his neck in despair and fell into the sky.


The young man said softly, without the slightest pity in his eyes.


Before starting the battle, almost all the members of Wolfsbane Squad felt that Captain Aconitum-1's radical words were nothing more than making a fuss out of a molehill.

All of you present here are all ruthless people who were sent to the North African battlefield to participate in the mercenary war and came back alive. On that kind of battlefield, what world have they never seen? Now that you come to the backwaters of the Nord resettlement area, why do you need to activate the prosthetic body at full power to meet the enemy?

Although the silver-gray metal aerosol storm looks bluffing, to put it bluntly, it is not a poor man's version of the "Silent Realm" generator, but it is used to smooth the gap between the two sides in information warfare on an asymmetrical battlefield— —When facing the local civilian armed forces on the North African battlefield, they saw this situation much more.

As for the opponent's cos angel look, there is a saying widely circulated on the mercenary battlefield:

The more handsome the shape of the prosthetic body, the faster it will die.

Most of the prosthetic bodies are designed in human form to maintain the mental index. If we really want to talk about combat effectiveness, the more alienated the appearance is, the stronger the combat effectiveness will be.

Generally, there are only two possibilities for such an exaggerated appearance of the other party with a pair of silver wings spread out—either the other party is a boss who has reached or even broken through the limit of human intelligence. The adjustment and transformation technology of this kind of people has completely exceeded the existing scientific cognition, they can use incredible technology to break through the limitations of materials and structures, and give priority to meeting the needs of mental index stability.

Or, they just use tricks to shape the hard concave, trying to create a very religious appearance, which is used to frighten or confuse the ignorant fools. This situation usually occurs in some new religions that emerged in the New Era—whether it is the "Mechanical Angel" of the "New Holy Spirit Church" in the Vatican settlement area; "Biped humanoid mechs" are essentially religious wonders with superficial appearances.

At the beginning, everyone in the Wolfsbane team thought that the opponent was a boss sent by some force, and sweated a lot because of this. But when the captain Wutou-1 revealed the real identity of that person, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But a member of the Icarus Liberation Front.

What kind of good prosthesis can the local armed forces get?

For that guy named Liao Qi, they had a piece of information before they set off—a suspected powerful hacker, the Icarus path depth 2 adjuster, and there is a probability that he may have been upgraded to depth 3.

This kind of adjuster may be difficult for others, and it can be regarded as a person. But for them, even if the opponent has been upgraded to depth 4, even if at depth 4, at the cost of their own cyber psychosis, their own transformation speed has been maximized... Facing their elite team, they are still vulnerable.

If it is an opponent of this level, then how can the captain Wutou-1 say it is so terrible.

Of course, although they expressed contempt in their hearts, when the captain gave an order to deal with it seriously, as the company's elite with great tactical literacy, everyone almost instinctively put up almost 100% of their energy to meet the enemy.

Even if the lion fights the rabbit, you have to go all out, not to mention that the threat assessment calculated by the previous Delphi oracle system is also high-although this system often overestimates the opponent's assessment, but even so, maintain 100% caution on the battlefield Attitude is always right.

Close the gaps in the armor to prevent the invasion of metal aerosols, and run the prosthetic body at full power. First, there was a salvo of firepower enough to destroy a building, ensuring that the opponent was blown up to nothing. In the end, they maintained the ability to cover each other's cone formation and approached with extreme caution to confirm each other's death.

However, they will soon realize that if they don't focus 120%, all of them will die here.



A faint cold light flickered, followed by the rustling sound of blood mixed with engine oil.

With the help of the cover of the metal aerosol in the air, a floating blade that seemed to be controlled by an invisible ghost hand, like the scythe of death, easily took away one of the team, a Kerper Loth path depth 3 adjuster's life.

The high-frequency vibrating blade, with its frequency capable of directly destroying the metal crystal structure, directly cut through the originally indestructible armor of that person, and chopped off his head.

An adjuster with a depth of 3, a role that can be mixed into a grassroots leader even within the company... His life was terminated in such an instant.

Died like a wild dog.

And the real cause of his death was simply because the man went a little bit off course during the change of the offensive formation. Make the surrounding teammates unable to cover and support with firepower, and shoot down the hidden floating blade at the first time.

The time of this mistake may not have been more than a second, but the opponent was keenly aware of such a fleeting opportunity, and then directly operated the floating blade floating around with all his strength, and reimbursed one of his own members first.

Even the captain Aconitum-1, the most cautious among them, did not expect such a scene.

"Damn it!"

he cursed.

But how is it possible?

Obviously the other party is also in the mist of metal aerosol, except for optical observation equipment, all radar detection methods should be ineffective.

Coupled with the dust caused by the previous salvo, how could the opponent seize the timing so well and kill him with a single blow within a second?

While thinking about this problem, the lighting device on Aconitum-1 kept flickering at a certain frequency—in a battlefield with a complex electromagnetic environment, he needed to use lights to quickly command other members of the team to change formations.

It was also at this time that Liao Qi, with mercury wings on his back, rushed out of the smoke mixed with metal aerosol and flying dust—his eyes were still empty, but his speed and maneuverability were so strong that he unbelievable.

He rushed out, then raised his hands toward them and opened them.

Accompanied by this movement, the metallic aerosols that filled their surroundings... or rather, what Aconitum-1 originally thought to be metallic aerosols, followed Liao Qi's command, and suddenly shrank inward. Almost in just a few seconds, it shrank to less than one-tenth of its original volume.

Then, those floating aerosols, accompanied by the flapping of the "wings" behind him, surged like a vortex.

The silver-gray storm gathered around them, it was as dense as a liquid, and gradually became deeper and more violent. It was only at this moment that Aconitum-1 realized that he had made a fatal mistake earlier...

"That's not a metal aerosol, that's TM's magnetic fluid controlled by a magnetic field!

"All immediately close their respective prosthetic body interfaces, we are now in his body!"

Realizing what happened, Aconitum-1 warned loudly while flashing the light signal.

Why in such a complex electromagnetic environment, under the cover of flying dust, the other party was able to catch the flaws of their mistakes so accurately?

Because the ferrofluids permeating all around at this moment are being controlled by the other party, and can perceive all the things in it.

And not only can they perceive, they can also instantly turn into deadly weapons!

Accompanied by the warning from Aconitum-1, the Wolfbane team immediately launched vector injectors to evade.

But it's still too late...

That gathered together, if there was any substance, the lead-colored storm engulfed several people.

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