Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 238 NO00ed: Memetic Virus

Chapter 238 NO.00ed: Memetic Virus

"Xiao Jin" or "Mr. Jin" is the executor of the classic coffee gang - whenever negotiation or bribery fails to solve the problem, he needs to appear as a last resort to help solve the root cause of the problem.

And such a role, in the underground of the Nord resettlement area with "simple folk customs", naturally cannot be obtained by being good-looking. In addition to being sufficiently loyal, the entire gang also used the best prosthetics to transform him.

Although Mr. Jin did not undergo formal adjustments and transformations with the help of a multi-purpose printer - not all gangs are lucky enough to have a multi-purpose printer like the "Icarus Liberation Front" - the one installed on him The prosthetics are all enterprise-level military products bought at high prices on the black market.

The manufacturing technology of many of these prosthetics even comes from cracked darknet technology.

Therefore, if you just consider the data on paper. Mr. Jin’s combat effectiveness is comparable to that of many upgrade path adjusters who are good at frontal combat at Depth 1 to Depth 2 - in terms of output, it may even be stronger due to the installation style of vigorously producing miracles.

Although it is said that adjusters who have experienced the transformation of a multi-purpose printer have much stronger control over the prosthetic body than this kind of "acquired transformation" because the prosthetic body driver is written into the brain. However, on the ever-changing battlefield, an average depth 1 or 2 adjuster may overturn when faced with such a prosthetic user.

For example, Anthony adjusts the depth to depth 1. When he was attacked by a sneak attack, his most loyal subordinate penetrated his chest just once he met him.

The moment Mr. Jin turned his head, the "Predator Mobile Device" hidden behind him suddenly popped out. The six appendages were like six spears, rushing towards Anthony who had not yet finished warming up.

Although the adrenaline pump helped Anthony lengthen his subjective consciousness, his hasty dodge allowed him to only dodge five of the appendages.

The last appendage pinned the leader of the classic coffee gang to the wall of the bar like an insect specimen.

For Anthony, the feeling of being hit was first a chill, then extended into a burst of chills, and finally spread into the sticky warmth of life... When he came back to his senses, the other party had already withdrawn his attachment. He turned around and left without looking back.

It was as if the act of stabbing his own family leader in the back didn't even require an explanation.

Anthony sat down weakly, leaning against the wall. The blood flowing out left a bright red trail behind him. His hands desperately blocked the penetrating wound on his chest, as if hoping to fill the hole in his chest.

Have you rebelled? Why...

The flow of blood made his thinking blurry, and he didn't understand why the other party did this.

Did the people above bribe him? Or is it a trap set up by a rival gang?

Or maybe it's something worse...

"Go kill that detective and bring Donata back..."

"Go kill that detective and bring Donata back..."

It was at this time that Xiao Jin, who was leaving, seemed to be in a daze, repeating these words in his mouth - that was exactly the order given by Anthony before.

Such speech made Anthony's originally erratic consciousness suddenly become sober again.

This is the worst possibility...the other party is suffering from cyberpsychosis!

Moreover, his next target is his own daughter!

"The previous order...cancelled..."

Thinking of this, Anthony tried to get up and cancel his previous order.

However, the other party turned a deaf ear.

He just talked to himself, his body twitching continuously.

At the same time, the six appendages behind him stood up, lifting him into the air like real spider legs - the six appendages replaced his legs and became his mobility device.


Anthony struggled to get up and tried again.



Along with a sound of breaking through the air, a steel needle about half a meter long and as thick as a chopstick nailed Anthony to the wall.

Mr. Jin, who has fallen into a state of cyberpsychosis, will never allow anyone to hinder him from completing the task - not even the person who sent the task himself.

Then, facing the bar door of the "Dark Blue Zone", his appendages began to accumulate power like a jumping spider. The bricks under my feet developed spiderweb-like cracks under the huge pressure, and then——


With a crisp sound, Mr. Jin popped up like a gust of wind and disappeared into the bar with an afterimage.

It wasn't until a few seconds after he left that the heads of those who had previously blocked him from the gate slowly rolled to the ground.

Several still-beating hearts pumped their blood along the carotid arteries to the ceiling of the bar.

Screams and sirens filled the entire Dark Blue Zone bar.


As the alarm sounded, Shenlan stood up suddenly.

"what happened again?"

The sharp sound gave her a headache - it had only been a while since the bar reopened, so why did another serious safety incident happen...

At this time, the office door was pushed open, and Blake rushed in to answer her question.

"That old guy Anthony's bodyguard is suffering from cyberpsychosis. He just killed three people who were blocking his way in the bar, and now he is killing people outside the bar."

After explaining the general situation, he then asked:

"How do we deal with this?"

"Anthony didn't leave any safety devices such as prosthetic locks on his bodyguards?"

Deep Blue frowned.


Blake shrugged and replied:

"But old Biden was the first one to be nailed to the wall, and now he's just like a stuffed butterfly."

"He is quite relaxed..."

Deep Blue patted his forehead with a headache.

"Should we contact the Public Security Bureau or let someone from the security force come in?"

Blake asked.

Although the onset of cyberpsychosis is as unpreventable as a car accident, it is always a very embarrassing thing to let such a madman act so wildly in front of the bar.

However, Shen Lan was in trouble when it came to handling this matter.

Contacting the Public Security Bureau to deal with it would affect her current status on the first floor; and the firepower of the direct security department she had just established was not suitable for dealing with that kind of cyberpsychosis...

Damn it, if only I had waited a few more days for the mercenaries I hired from Icarus to be here.

Deep Blue thought.

"First appease the customers in the bar and seal the door to prevent them from rushing back..."

Shenlan hesitated for a moment when she said this, and finally she said as if she had made up her mind:

"Then pick up Miss Héloïse Haenel for me."


[Can you talk about the relationship between "Dionysus worship" and the cyberpsychosis opposite? 】

Jim, who knew the final outcome of the "Dionysus Bureau", naturally did not continue to pursue this piece of information, but chose to ask for the information needed for the current battle.

[Then this is a long story... The worship of Dionysus originated from the Bacchus Order. Before the Bacchus Order entered the ranks of the Olympian gods, they were still a cult called the Bliss Order... I'm not kidding when I say the word "cult". They were actually certified by the Anthroposophical Ethics Supervisory Committee at the time, and are a high-risk organization that may cause "anthropic collapse situations." in those days……】

Chen Wan from the Thought Box talks about it.

[If we were chatting in a hotel now, you could start with the Cambrian Explosion]

While complaining, Jim opened the wheel magazine of the "Persuader" in his hand.

He skillfully pulled out three of the silver bullets, and then solemnly replaced them all with special subsonic bullets with dark red shimmering warheads.

To deal with that guy, three jamming rounds should be enough...

[Okay, let's make a long story short... The Bliss Cult believes that a god unique to mankind is being nurtured deep in the Abyss Dark Web. Once He is born, he will end all the pain in human history, and everyone will ascend to a paradise called "Bliss." Therefore, the purpose of their sect's existence is to help that god give birth to the world as soon as possible. 】

The template of this story told by Chen Wan made Jim feel inexplicably familiar.

[These days, walking on water or resurrecting after seven days are not considered advanced tricks. How many people can be deceived by this trick that was used more than 2,000 years ago? 】

After changing the bullets in the revolver, Jim pushed aside the fleeing crowd and headed upstream.

[There are far more than you think, otherwise the Bliss Cult would not eventually become one of the Olympus gods... When their believers gathered, the company even needed to send out troops to suppress it. But that's not the point. The point is that their unreliable-sounding prayer rituals really got responses from the abyss and dark web]

[So, this is actually a cyber version of Lovecraftian horror story? 】

Jim teased.

[I don’t know, who is that? 】

Chen Wan asked curiously.

[The ancestor of all unspeakable evil gods and tentacle elements in pop culture]

Jim tried to explain it from a perspective that the other person might understand.

[Then I will have to ask him for an autograph when I get the chance... But you are right. In our eyes, those AIs from the depths of the abyss are as indescribable as evil gods? 】

Chen Wan sighed in Jim's vision, and then continued:

[In short, it may be the work of a powerful AI. The prayers of the Bliss Cult have indeed obtained many extremely powerful technologies. Among them, a virus called "Carnival" is the most terrifying. It can cause infected people to fall into a certain state of ecstasy and begin to attack all living creatures around them indiscriminately]

Chen Wan continued.

【Virus? Is it an electronic virus or a biological virus? 】

This description of the other party made Jim very confused.

In this era, virus weapons that kill each other are not uncommon - whether it is the identification friend or foe equipment that paralyzes the prosthetic body, causing it to start attacking the surrounding electronic viruses indiscriminately; or using the rabies virus as a template to transform humans into flowing A biochemical weapon that salivates and bites "zombie".

But they are rarely used on the battlefield. This is not due to humanitarian considerations, but because these virus weapons are really difficult to use - slow to work, ineffective, easy to target, and uncontrollable.

However, Chen Wan's answer surprised Jim.

[Nothing, it’s a meme virus]

[Wait, meme virus? Is it a meme virus as I understand it? 】

At this moment, Jim was still less than five hundred meters away from the cyberpsychopath who was exchanging fire with the security system of the Deep Blue Zone. But when he heard the word "meme virus", he slowed down a little and asked.

Chen Wan nodded his hammer and replied:

[Yes, all it takes is a special picture, a piece of audio, or something else that can carry the information. After receiving and understanding its meaning, the virus will take effect]

[I originally thought that this kind of thing would only affect some popular trends at most-such as making you laugh when you hear a certain melody, or being inexplicably aggressive towards the players who play a certain game]

Jim felt a little confused about this.

【I know you are thinking of something】

Chen Wang said:

[But the “rave virus” is not something as gentle as the World Wide Web trolls. If you are infected with it, your self-awareness will be strangled and you will enter a state of complete chaos - just like the guy not far away]

Jim couldn't help but look forward.

At this moment, the cybermaniac with six slender spider legs extending behind him knocked down a security robot equipped with explosion-proof heavy armor as fast as an afterimage - and then in almost just one second, he Then he tore the opponent into pieces all over the sky.

[Back then, the Paradise Cult had such a trump card. With just one instruction from the cult, their followers can instantly transform from ordinary people who dare not even kill chickens into such efficient killing machines]

Chen Wan continued.

"So, can the 'Carnival' virus be unconditionally effective on everyone? As long as you see a certain picture or hear a certain audio, you will go crazy?"

Seeing this scene, Jim couldn't help but ask directly.

[If so, then humanity should probably be finished long ago... Of course not. Most of the targets that the "Carnival Virus" can take effect on are true believers who have accepted the beliefs of the Paradise Cult. Didn’t I say before that you have to receive and understand the meaning of memes before you are infected by the virus?]

Jim nodded when he saw this.

If this is the case, it is still within the scope of my understanding. Imagine you are telling a joke about a meme to a friend who doesn't understand it - it's normal for the other person not to find it funny.

Are only senior believers affected by that memetic virus?

Jim thought.

Or is it the other way around, first being infected by the memetic virus called "Dionysian beliefs" and then becoming their believers?

If this is the case, then the so-called "carnival" virus is actually a trigger used to activate specific "symptoms"?

Thinking of this, Jim tightened his grip on the revolver in his hand and continued to move forward - although the opponent had already entered his shooting range, the speed previously shown by the cyber madman was completely enough to dodge his subsonic jamming projectiles.

So he had to get closer.

"Take care of yourself for a while and don't get hit by a stray bullet."

There was no place on his body to fix Chen Wan's thought box, so he naturally had no intention of carrying something the size of a suitcase into battle. Therefore, before the battle began, Jiang Zhou found a convertible sports car nearby. After punching open the console, Chen Wan's thought box was inserted into it.

"Don't worry, I can even provide you with some tactical support."

The car audio turned on instantly, and it was a voice as bright and sunny as an announcer, yet polite.

"Forget it...if you die here, I won't be able to save you."

Jiang Zhou said, then he frowned and asked:

"Let me ask you one last question, in the belief of the Bliss Cult, the human god nurtured in the depths of the Abyss Dark Web...isn't he referring to Janus?"

"Of course not. The Bliss Cult has not even named the god they believe in. They believe that the god will not have his own name until he gives birth."

Chen Wang replied.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just when he was about to turn around, Chen Wan continued:

“However, after the Bliss Order became a member of the Order of Olympus, the Dionysian Sect, which split from the original Order, merged with the Holy Trinity.

"And in the Revelation chapter of their new doctrine, the god who belongs to mankind alone will return to the world as the Son in the future to judge this dirty world."

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