Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 290 NO0121: Hongqiao and Decoding


The warning prompts flashed like a busy tone on a phone. Under the influence of the mist, Kurt Orwell's originally translucent body instantly became solid again.

Some unknown force prevented his attempt to surface and return to the base reality. At this moment, he was trapped and locked in the Eden network like a mosquito flying into a bug net.


Looking at the mist that suddenly spread out around him, Kurt was stunned for a moment.

The fog enveloped him like an egg, making it difficult for him to move. This mist is not a particle effect generated by the base construction program, but the "impression" produced by the Hongqiao brain area of ​​the opponent's hacking methods when he unconsciously unfolds his "hacker vision".

The function of the Hongpon brain area is similar to synaesthesia for "program code". It can not only convert programming language into some kind of symbolic five-sense image, but also allow hackers to subconsciously write their own needs into program code. Of course, whether the written program can run, and how effective it is, still depends on the hacker's own computing power and knowledge.

This is similar to an artist's improvisation in a state of flow. It does not mean that as long as the Hongqiao brain area is mutated, one can learn programming without a teacher. In extreme cases, even if a guy who knows nothing about programming really mutates a developed "Hongqiao brain area", he will not be able to write even the simplest program like "hello world".

But to put it another way, the Hongqiao brain area is like a language brain area for program codes. Compared with those "code aphasia patients" who have not awakened it, their advantage in learning programming is almost infinite. "Hongqiao hackers" can not only easily master a programming language in a short period of time, but can also use them almost instinctively like ordinary people speaking and writing.

There are even some talented people who can write meaningful codes full of "poetry" in a flash of inspiration like great writers.

And as the computing power that hackers can control continues to increase, their mastery of programming will even gradually approach the bottom level. It is said that there are even hackers at the "Wizard" level who can understand machine language and make adjustments at this level.

Kurt is a Sandman-level hacker - this is an important reason why he was selected to become the "Third Wish Watcher" - and as a hacker, he can naturally understand the images he sees under "hacker vision" Often represents one's most intuitive and instinctive feelings.

But this fog...

Does it symbolize being lost or unknown?

he thought.

After stripping away the basic construction and substitute programs, what the hacker perceives through vision is just like the experience of taking hallucinogens. Everyone's experience is unique. To completely understand it, hackers often need to use psychoanalysis or even religious meditation to disassemble and analyze what those images represent.

Prior to this, Kurt had never perceived the image of "fog" using "hacker vision".

Could it be that... the other party didn't intend to kill me, but just wanted to trap me here?

Kurt thought so and hesitantly reached out to the mist that blocked his path.

As he expected, the mist became thick the moment he stretched out his hand, and then swallowed his entire arm.

Seeing this, Kurt quickly withdrew his hand, and his hand felt as if it was stained with water mist. And the fog became thin again, and the scenery in the distance also looked hazy under the "gauze".

The conclusion is that this "ice wall" blocking his retreat does not look dangerous... The Hongpon brain area does not recognize it as an extreme image such as a wall of plug skulls, a constantly exploding thunder net, or a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. It is a mist that is safe as long as you stand outside and don't step in.

But on the other hand, the moment Kurt touched this fog, he felt an almost trembling fear.

If he still had sweat glands, he would be dripping with sweat by now.

There is no doubt that the existence that stops him is extremely powerful - although the technology used to build the Eden Domain itself is not an exaggeration, it is built on the "Third Will" database and is the super artificial intelligence "Nix". "Legacy.

The fog in front of him looked like it could be blown away by a gust of "wind". With the authority of "Third Wish Watch", he had the ability to easily be trapped here... He should have known with his butt that it was definitely something he dared to touch. Dare to die red line. Once you walk in, there might be something in the mist that will swallow you up instantly.

But in my subconscious, when did I have such a fear of the image of "fog"?

Kurt couldn't figure this out for a moment - even when he faced the company directors in the past, when he was overwhelmed by the fear derived from biological instinct, his hacker vision did not show him a similar image.

Let’s put this issue aside for now. If you can go back alive, you can consult your own dedicated mental adjuster...

But the premise is that you can go back alive.

Wiping his non-existent cold sweat, Kurt gave up trying to float up.

Whose masterpiece is this "ice wall"?

Judging from the level of hackers on the other side who are even difficult to touch, the existence that blocked him here is either an adjuster that has broken through the limits of human intelligence, or some powerful AI.

But no matter what it is, for me, who is still restricted by the "apoptosis program", the other party is like a god. The fact that I am still alive can only mean that the other party has no killing intention for me.

Does the other party just not want the information here to be leaked to the higher-ups of Apollo Biology? But in this case, wouldn't it be better to kill him directly?

Kurt thought.

Or is it that the other party does not want his death to alarm the company directors and plans to obtain the inheritance of "Nix" before them?

As his thoughts flowed, the most likely explanation appeared in Kurt's mind.

The other party needs the administrator rights of his "Third Wish Watch" to cooperate with the guys from Pluto Deep Diving Company to open the legacy database...

The moment he thought of this possibility, the mist surrounding him dissipated, and his surroundings became wider again.


Kurt froze once again.

As soon as he thought of this possibility, the other party released the imprisonment...

This must be just a coincidence, right?

He raised his head, and the "ice wall" that prevented him from rising still existed. But at least, now he can move freely in the Eden Domain.

Can the being who blocks you know your thoughts?

He couldn't help but shudder.

But is this possible? Regarding the workings of the human mind, that is unconquerable territory even for the inhuman monsters in the boardroom—it is the dignity of the human soul.

Or is it that the other party is just using the same method as the "Orpheus" path adjuster, observing and analyzing its own representation topology to achieve an effect similar to "mind reading"?

This thought gave him some comfort.

"I will find a way to find the key to the third wish and open the database left by Nyx... I can promise not to involve the directors, but please allow me to bring back as many copies of the data as possible so that I can resume my life. I won’t be executed.”

Perhaps in order to find a sense of security, Kurt said this to the fog in the sky.

No one responded to him, so he waited for a while, then put away the observation matrix, took steps, and walked in the direction of Perse Fanny and the others.


For a moment, he recalled the fog he had seen through "hacker vision" before, and a ridiculous idea appeared in his mind.

Perhaps the existence that is suspected of being able to read minds bypassed his own perception and subconsciousness and directly imprinted the image of "fog" into his Hongqiao brain area...

If so, it means that the other party has cracked the way the human mental model works - or at least partially cracked it.

If this is the case... this means that human souls have become something that can be rubbed at will in the hands of superior beings - it is an ultimate dystopia even more desperate than the Eden Domain.

"In this case, where is the dignity of free will..."

he murmured. (End of chapter)

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