Whether it is in the desert or the Gobi, the resources required to build a modern city are huge.

Geographical location, weather factors, water and electricity, etc. all deeply affect whether a place can become a city.

This is why some parts of the country are uninhabited.

It's not that we don't want to build it into a big city, but the funds required are simply too great.

Chen Fan is not worried about funds. On the one hand, he has strong artificial intelligence, and the benefits it extends are huge. On the other hand, he also has Fanke Technology, whose market value has soared.

This money is enough to support a city, not to mention there is no rent.

Chen Fan's thoughts were flying far away, as if he had already seen the city he built.

"Where are you going to build your city?"The Consul General asked with a smile.

A map of ** appeared in Chen Fan's mind. After thinking about it, he said,"It's in Zuolan, Suzhou."

"I remember it was at the junction of Xinjiang and Lanxi. The traffic there was better than other places. But there is a lack of water and it is very dry."

The Consul General said with a smile.

Because of the drought, it is almost turning into a desert.

The place is very large but sparsely populated, covering more than 13,000 square kilometers.

"Compared to other places, it is much better."Chen Fan said with a smile.

The place is big enough for him to do his work.

"Um. The Consul General said with a smile,"Then have you decided on a name for this future city?""

"It's called Future City."Chen Fan replied with a smile.

This city will always be the future.

It will stand at the top of the times and the world.

It symbolizes the future!

"Future City, this name is very meaningful. I also hope you can succeed."The Consul General said with a smile.

If he succeeds, it will also be a great achievement for him.

Chen Fan will become the most dazzling one, and he who gives him such rights will also become one of them.

"Thank you, Consul General."Chen Fan said

"Zolan's more than 10,000 square kilometers will be given to you free of charge. At the same time, I am making arrangements to give you 20 billion Xia Guo coins. As for other aspects, you can only rely on yourself."The Consul General thought for a moment and was ready to allocate the money to Chen Fan.

On the one hand, the country's financial reserves are still sufficient, and on the other hand, he also hopes that there will be a shadow of the country behind the construction of the future city.

These two tens of billions It sounds like a lot of money, but for the construction of a city, it is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

Take a project in Xiangcheng, a new first-tier city, which only cost 2.8 billion to build a subway. The cost per kilometer is as high as 7 to 8 billion.

Therefore, 20 billion is really very little for the construction of a city.

"I will definitely succeed, Consul General, just wait."

With the Consul General's words, he can relax about the city construction.

Now he really has his own piece of land. He is really excited when he thinks about it.

This is the starting point of the sea of stars.

"Well, I believe you. I hope I can go there and take a look during my lifetime."The Consul General laughed.

The two talked for a while. Chen Fan scratched his head in embarrassment and asked,"Can I pry some people in the country?"

"Pry someone off? The Consul General's eyes widened, he was angry and funny at the same time,"You still want to pry people from the country?"!"

Not just one or two, but some more!

"Well, to build a city, talents from all aspects are needed. The country has absorbed a lot of talents, and there may be a surplus of talents. Instead of putting them over there, why not give them to me?……"

Before he finished speaking, the Consul General waved his hand and chased people away,"Go, go, you go out. I'm going to get busy."

Chen Fan was stunned, and immediately understood what the Consul General meant, and said with a smile,"Then I'll just rely on my ability. Please ask the Consul General to release him when the time comes!"

Chen Fan left with satisfaction. The Consul General sat down and couldn't help but laugh.

This smart boy


Chen Fan always does things very quickly.

Before I went back, I made a phone call on the way and told my daughter Chen Keke the news.

"Dad, what you said is true!"

Chen Keke was stunned. It took him a long time to realize.

He actually asked for a piece of land of more than 10,000 square kilometers.

How big is Shangjing?

It's also 6,000 square kilometers. The land that is coming here is enough for two Shangjings.!

"Well, I plan to build a city on it called Future City. It will be the vane of every era and the ultimate goal of countless cities."

Chen Keke didn't know what to say for a moment.

Her father is always so unexpected and incredible.

Fanke Technology has just been built, and now there is a future city.

Her father is really amazing.!

"Why don't you speak?"Chen Fan was a little puzzled.

"I was shocked."Chen Keke had heard Chen Fan's vision for the future city, but he never thought that it would happen so quickly.

After all, it is a city. How could the country hand over the construction rights of a city to a scientific research person? In the hands of the people?

Yes, a city has not been handed over to her father, but more than 10,000 square kilometers of land have been handed over!

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