After the equipment was placed, there was still a lot of open space, which was what Chen Fan had requested when building the laboratory.

After the soldiers placed the equipment, they also specially modified the roof of the house.

After the modification, the temperature in the room was much lower.

Chen Fan sat on the workbench, took out the battery solution that he had placed before, and continued to experiment.

Stay focused.

Another hour passed.

The experiment made a major breakthrough.

He couldn't help but become excited, but the movements of his hands became more and more cautious.

Because the development of lithium-air batteries is very dangerous, if one is not careful, it can easily cause an explosion with a large range.

For safety reasons, Chen Fan asked Xiaoqiang,"If there is an explosion, how can I ensure my safety to the greatest extent."

Xiaoqiang replied,"Dad, push hard on the ground and throw yourself to the right. There are the most obstacles, and the safety is 89%. , the worst result is a fractured tibia and abrasions all over the body."

"knew."Chen Fan said.

His heart was in his throat, but his hands became more and more steady, not daring to make any unnecessary movements. He tried to keep the solution still.

After completing the last movement, Chen Fan exhaled heavily.

Unexpectedly, this breath was a little too strong, and a small paper clip on the shelf was blown into the solution. The still solution rippled. Chen Fan's face turned ugly for a moment, and there were only two words in his mind:"It's a critical moment!"

At this moment, he kicked off his feet and fell to the right. Most of his body was blocked by the experimental equipment.


The huge explosion stunned everyone in the camp!

Everyone's face was pale!

It's over!!

Chen Fan!!

The huge explosion directly hit Chen Fan's ears and blew up his whole body. His head and ears were buzzing.

Some instruments were rushed down by the huge explosion shock wave, and he didn't move.

There was another loud bang.

The soldiers and members of the Panda Team who came up were also knocked away.

At this moment, Chen Fan's face was filled with calmness, and blood was dripping from his forehead.

"Xiaoqiang, check my body."Chen Fan said

"Dad, forehead abrasion, right hand dislocation, soft tissue……"

It was all a small problem. Chen Fan closed his eyes. His ears were still ringing and he couldn't hear any other sounds.

If Xiaoqiang hadn't scanned and analyzed it, he would have thought his eardrum was ruptured.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory was slammed open.

The people from the Panda Team ran in first, followed closely by Captain He and a group of people.

Their faces were full of panic, and their faces were so frightened that there was no color at all.

The workbench that Chen Fan always liked to stay on had completely fallen apart. A large hole about half a meter deep was smashed out four or five meters around the workbench.

There was still a little bit of floor foam and pitch black that had not completely exploded inside. of sand.

Some of the instruments had been shattered, while others were washed to the ground by the shock wave, with their respective data and materials scattered all over the place.

The Panda Team and He Changnian were stunned, and the next moment they started shouting crazily.

"Dean Chen! Dean Chen!"

"Dean Chen!"

Chen Fan couldn't speak or cry out. He felt as if something was strangling his neck.

Soon, someone found him.

He was lifted up and rushed to the medical room. There are national equipment here. Needless to say, his doctors have excellent medical skills and excellent medical equipment.

"How about doctor! How about Dean Chen!"

The Panda Team looked at the doctor without blinking and asked anxiously.

Captain He and the others, as well as the senior management of Fanke Technology, were also gathered here. Everyone's face was full of worry.

"My right hand was dislocated and slightly bruised, nothing serious."The doctor was also shocked. Fortunately, it was nothing serious.

"That's good, that's good."Everyone took a long breath. I don't know when the cold sweat had wet their clothes.

Especially the soldiers of the Panda Team, who had been celebrating for many years, their hands and feet were a little weak.

When they heard the explosion just now, They were so scared.

Especially the second explosion, they almost fell to the ground.

They are all highly trained people, and they are here just to protect Chen Fan. Everyone knows the importance of Chen Fan, and they have always valued Chen Fan's life more than their own. The people of Fanke Technology are not much better. The plan for the future city has just been launched. Roads, houses

, The excavation of the river is in full swing. If Chen Fan is gone, there will be no future city! They never think that there is anyone other than Chen Fan who can do such a great thing.

"When he wakes up later, Dean Chen's ears will be temporarily unable to hear. Let him have a good rest these days and don't let him do any more experiments."

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