Chapter 14 Father (please support, fourth update)

Chen Keke told Liu Dong the message, and Liu Dong said:"I probably understand what the teacher means. Let me handle it. I have a certificate here."

Liu Dong woke up the sleeping man. The man opened his eyes and saw a group of people standing here. He quickly said:"Do you want to buy food? At this time, the food is not fresh. If you want it, come in the evening. I can Something new."

Liu Dong took out his ID and said,"I am a graduate student at Peking University. This is my ID."

"Ah, I'm illiterate and can't understand this. I know Peking University. What are you doing?"

"Let me tell you something. Your son is a mathematical genius. We suggest that he can represent the country in the International Mathematical Olympiad."

International Mathematical Olympiad?

No matter what the Mathematical Olympiad is, but representing the country, this old man understands

"That's no problem. When do we leave? I'll go home and pack my kids' things."

"Your child doesn’t seem to want to go, talk about home……"

"What does he know? You���Don't worry, what a great opportunity, he will definitely agree. Don't worry, leave it to me."

He grabbed his ears and called Wang Dongxi aside. The two talked for a long time. Wang Dongxi had always been stubborn, but in the end he was slapped in the face by his father.

"What, do you want to sell vegetables like your dad and me for the rest of your life? Don't worry about where I go to get money. I have money at home."

"But I can clearly calculate how much money you have in total."

"It's none of your business. I can borrow it. You can study with peace of mind and seize the opportunity when it comes. It would be a great thing if the opportunity to go abroad falls on you."

Maybe this is what his father thinks.

Chen Keke sees it in his eyes and understands his father's meaning in his heart.

Father will always support his children. This is an eternal truth. In fact, this is not anything at all. Question.

Just say it and the child will come.

"Why did my dad teach me this truth?"

Liu Dong said:"I'm probably worried that you think too much. Your father is a great man, but he can't manage things at home and doesn't give you a complete childhood."

"It's okay, I know it all. It's not like I'm incapable of doing it myself. My dad just listens to the nonsense of those psychologists. There's nothing wrong with me, but he has a problem. When will he find me a stepmother? Liu

Dong didn't dare to interfere with this topic. He was afraid that the teacher would beat him.

"That, leader……"

Liu Dong waved his hand and said:"I am not the leader, my name is Liu Dong"

"When to set off"

"If allowed, it would be possible today, we can wait.

Qiu Nan looked at Wang Dongxi and Liu Dong said,"You are also on the list. Both of you have been selected.""

Qiu Nan nodded, got up, and went home.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Both of them had packed up. Here, Wang Dongxi's family stuffed Wang Dongxi with 10,000 yuan, which he meant to give to Chen Fan, but Liu Dongxi was Dong refused.

Liu Dong promised that the state would be responsible for the food, accommodation, and pocket money.

In fact, Liu

Dong was willing to spend the money. After all, the teacher was so helpful to him that his father was even willing to do so. Give Chen Fan shares to repay this kindness.

After returning to Peking University, the six people got together and explained the situation directly to some people.

"Divide into two groups, three of you, and you will be responsible for solving the questions. To be very realistic, I don’t think your talent is enough. If you think you can, talk to me with your scores."

The three of them nodded one after another.

Chen Fan pointed to Li Ming and said:"You and the two of them are in charge of their basic social issues, as well as the calculation of some questions. Of course, your papers, questions, I give it to you alone."


Liu Dong stood aside and watched, he didn't understand at all.

In theory, Wang Dongxi and Qiunan were the most powerful geniuses. Among the six, Li Ming was the best.

But why did the teacher choose Li Ming ? ?

I don’t really understand, but generally there is nothing wrong with teachers’ choices.

"Welcome to the new students. Let's do a math question. There are seven days until the exam. During these seven days, I will teach you. How you do it depends on you."

It's really a template for math teachers. Without further ado, here's a math question first.

"The cheating guessing game is played between two players A and B. The game relies on two positive integers k and n that both A and B know.

At the beginning of the game, A first selects two integers x and N, 1xN. A truthfully Tell B the value of N, but keep it secret about x. B now tries to obtain information about x by asking questions in the following way: for each question, B chooses a set S consisting of several positive integers (you can reuse the ones used in previous questions) set), ask A whether Restriction, the only restriction is that A answers the truth at least once in any consecutive k+1 answers.

After B has asked all the questions he wants to ask, B must point out a set X containing at most n positive integers, if If x belongs to X, then B wins; otherwise A wins. Proof: (1) If n2k, then B is guaranteed to win;

(2) For all sufficiently large integers k, there exists a positive integer n1.99k, so that B cannot guarantee victory." When the question was given, Chen Fan took the scratch paper and continued to calculate his own Mersenne prime number algorithm. He didn't care about it at all.


Wang Dongxi didn't care. He took the scratch paper and started calculating.

Qiu Nan followed suit and started writing quickly.

"By the way, the person who finishes first can get a Coke reward. Of course, he can also choose the single dormitory first."

"Well, I was thinking about it. The winner can get 3,000 yuan sponsored by Liu Dong."

Holy shit, why me?

But Liu Dong suddenly became clear.

When Chen Fan finished speaking, Wang Dongxi had already finished writing the answer.

"I'm done.

Chen Fan glanced at it and said:"It's not bad. I have a good grasp of the application of inequalities and Wei Da's theorem. If there is a problem, please recalculate it.""


"Chaogang, you used the knowledge points of advanced mathematics. What I need is the knowledge points of high school, so this is wrong."

Damn it.

Wang Dongxi got angry and didn't know much anymore?

Damn it. Wang Dongxi wrote five versions of the answer in one go.

The same one was the first one to finish.

He handed it to Chen Fan.

"Of the four super categories, the only one is the most cumbersome. By the way, you can go get money from Liu Dong. Qiu Nan, if you can write six algorithms, I can give Wang Dongxi another two thousand yuan."

Qiu Nan lowered his head and started writing.

The other three provincial champions looked at these two people with tears streaming down their cheeks.

What kind of monsters are these two?

Damn, and what does this question from the teacher mean? ?

So, is this the difference between geniuses and mortals? ps: Please support me, thank you all.

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