Go to Beijing.

Leader No. 3 saw the email sent by Chen Fan and laughed loudly,"Okay! Okay! Okay! This good boy has actually solved the problem of land desertification."

The problem of land desertification is currently the most serious problem in Xia Kingdom.

From 1973 AD to the present, 960,000 hectares of cultivated land, 2.78 million hectares of grassland, and 6.89 million hectares of forestland in Xia have been turned into sandy land.

The average desertification area increased by 6 %above.

Due to the pressing wind and sand, thousands of herders were forced to move to other places and became"ecological refugees."

Information provided by the State Forestry Administration of Xia State shows that at the end of the 20th century, desertification expanded at a rate of 4,213 square kilometers every year. Every five years, an area equivalent to the administrative division of Shangjing City loses its use value due to desertification. The whole country is affected by desertification. Its

population reaches 190 million.

This is a very scary number. Land desertification has severely reduced land productivity. Soil wind erosion is not only the main component , but also the primary link. Wind erosion will cause the loss of organic matter and fine-grained matter in the soil, resulting in soil coarsening and reduced fertility.

Sampling analysis showed that in Maosu Sandy Land, 62,316;7 cm of soil is blown away every year, and each hectare of land loses 7,700 kilograms of organic matter,

387 kilograms of nitrogen, 549 kilograms of phosphorus, and 39,000 kilograms of physical clay particles smaller than 0.01 mm.

Desertification causes the country to lose 55.9 million tons of soil organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. every year, which is equivalent to 270 million tons of chemical fertilizers, equivalent 9.5 times the national agricultural chemical fertilizer production in 1996.

The intensification of natural disasters due to land desertification has another hazard that people can feel most directly, which is the intensification of natural disasters and frequent sandstorms.

The year before last, a sandstorm from the north blew directly to the capital, Shangjing!

The capital of a country was hit by a sandstorm! What a serious situation this is!

As a result, a massive campaign to prevent and stabilize sand began. Scientists conducted research, and the grassroots people below began to plant trees little by little, and the results were still achieved.

But the problem is that it cannot match the speed of land desertification and Gobi desertification.

But now, what Chen Fan has developed is said to be able to solve this problem!

This almost made leader No. 3 cry with joy and he quickly called someone.

Consul General

"Good boy, such a good boy."The Consul General said with a smile.

"I will send people to Zolan now to conduct experiments."The boss of the Forestry Department was overjoyed.

Soon, a delegation composed of experts and students took a plane to Suzhou. After a long transfer, they were finally entering Zolan

's territory.

But someone had already started to set up defenses in front..

They were soldiers.

Everyone was surprised and looked at each other, confused.

How could this place be fortified?

But it was obvious that the driver was already familiar with it.

"Where does it come from? What are you doing here? asked the heavily armed soldier.

"From Suzhou, these are experts and students of agriculture and mechanics sent by the higher authorities to study experiments."The driver handed the certificate to the soldier.

"Take a look at your documents."Heavily armed soldiers got on the car and looked at them one by one.

Cheng Fang, a researcher at the Institute of Agriculture.

Pu Yuanlin, a professor of mechanics at Beijing University.

Zhao Yuyuan, a graduate student at Beijing University…..

The soldiers only let them go after checking them one by one.

The car entered Zolan's territory.

Experts, professors and students all started making noises

"What's going on?"

"The soldiers even came up to check"

"I guess there are too many black technologies in it, so be cautious."

"Well, that's it, I guess."

"I'm really nervous. I can't wait to know what kind of black technology is hidden inside. The driver spoke at this time,"You will see something amazing later, which will definitely subvert your three views." However, you must not take pictures or say anything related to the construction of Zolan on the Internet. Otherwise, they will be locked up."

Experts, professors and students were stunned.

I'm going! I'm bringing something like this.

It felt like entering North Korea.

Soon, they knew the reason!

On a wide roadside, countless robots were transporting unknown Building materials, the huge 3D printer is constantly printing the needed things.

The 3D printer is not operated by humans, but by robots!

After a while, the outline of a house came out, and many robots were still planting trees and carrying grass.

The experts, scholars and students couldn't believe their eyes. It took them two or three minutes to react, as if a large stone had been thrown into the calm lake. There were splashing waves, and the whole lake was not calm anymore!

"Oh my God!!"

"my mom!"

"Damn it! What did I see!"

"Incredible, simply incredible!"

"Damn it!"

"This... my God……"

"Is it the age of robots?!"

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