Bioconcrete live_1 line-x protective coating.

Super adhesive!

In a piece of news, three inventions that could affect the world instantly shocked everyone's eyes and shocked everyone's eardrums!

One changes the construction industry, the other changes desertification, turning desert into fertile farmland... plus the two previous news.

A water-hydrogen engine and super energy storage battery. Moving the energy field!

Then there are optoelectronic integrated chips and quantum computing chips, which have moved into the IC field again!

Oh my God!!

What kind of magical species is this Chen Fan!!

The people of Xia are crazy!

"Damn it, damn it! Damn it!!"

"Really or not, am I dreaming? ?"

"The world is about to change! The Xia Kingdom is about to rise!"

"Is this the national headquarters? Oh my God!"

"Hahahaha, so awesome! Chen Shen is so awesome!"

"This earthquake was really powerful"

"The signal released here is really big!"

Xia Guo's network almost crashed because of these three pieces of news.

If it weren't for the auxiliary strong artificial intelligence, the webpage would definitely crash.

Tieba, various platforms, Tianya, Weibo, all were blocked.

Everyone who posted a message People are extremely excited!

For ordinary people, they know that these are closely related to their lives. Building materials will change, domestic chips will be on the market, and the desert will become smaller in the future, which means that they can live in it. The area will expand!

But for practitioners in related industries and vested interests, it can be said that the news is a bolt from the blue! The phone keeps ringing, hoping that someone can stop this torrent, even if it is only for a while. They responded.

Some people kept asking for Chen Fan’s phone number, wanting to get piece after piece of the pie! The official website of Fanke Technology was also crowded!

"Does anyone have Chen Fan’s phone number? Can you find your uncle?"

"Be fast, must be fast! Whether you can turn over or not depends on now!"

"Regarding the water-hydrogen engine, we must move quickly! Energy markets will be volatile"

"It’s time to start delisting! Otherwise, we don’t even know how we will die, and the financial crisis is probably about to break out!"

"quick! You have to act quickly. I don’t have the funds in the energy sector, but I can move in the construction industry. I must find a way to find Chen Fan!"

Some people can't find Chen Fan, so they call the customer service number of Fanke Technology Company, wanting to know when these things will be on the market.

When will they recruit dealers and general agents!

The customer service staff of Fanke Technology are extremely busy!

The phone number is not available It kept ringing, but the call was not disconnected. Another call, or even several calls, were coming in this direction.

"Sorry, there is no news about this from our company yet. If there is, it will be notified on the official website. Please wait"

"Sorry, ma'am. There is currently no way to disclose it. Thank you for your support to Fanke Technology."

"Sir, thank you for your support to Fanke Technology. However, I have not received the relevant instructions above. Please wait patiently."

"Sorry sir, it may take some time. We still need to wait for notification of the specific launch time. Please pay attention to the official website."

The Xia Kingdom is in such a state of shock, let alone the Western countries headed by the Mei Kingdom.

《Hydrogen engine appears! Is Xia Guo suitable for the purpose?》

《It’s hard to distinguish between true and false. Three pieces of news shocked the world!》

《Financial market earthquake, financial crisis coming next?》

《Has Xia Guo Chip been localized? Is it true or false!》

《It’s unbelievable, the energy world has changed dramatically!》

《Chen Fan! A man who makes the world tremble》


The news fell like snowflakes on millions of Western families one after another.

Hydrogen engine, super energy storage battery. This is what touches their nerves the most.

Everyone knows that the economy of the United States is built on energy. If there are new energy sources that can replace oil.

Economic collapse is inevitable!

But now new energy appears!

Presidential Palace of the United States

"ah! Damn it!"

"Your Excellency, what we have to do now is to take down new energy. In a short time, the structure will not collapse."

"go! Hurry up and find Qing Guowu!"

Teap was angry and anxious. He originally wanted to use the chip to teach Xia Guo a lesson, but he didn't expect that Xia Guo actually invented the chip himself!

And it was more advanced than their chips!

Moreover, the water-hydrogen engine also Taken out, these Xia people!

I want to blow them up with nuclear bombs!

Of course, this idea can only be thought of in the Prime


's Office.

"Prime Minister, it has been confirmed that the news is true and valid."

"Get ready. I plan to visit Xia Kingdom in the near future. In addition, as Xia Kingdom requires, I need Chen Fan to accompany me to receive him."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

The Prime Minister sat silently on the chair and lit a cigarette.

The Xia Kingdom has risen so fast! Is the Tang Dynasty's Ten Thousand Kingdoms coming to court again!

Damn it!

Why didn't Chen Fanjun come to our big island country?


"Her Majesty……"

"Needless to say, contact Xia Guo. I want to visit Xia Guo."

"Queen, why don't you let the prince go?"

"He is not qualified. go ahead….."

The Xia Kingdom has risen, when will it be the turn of the Ying Empire?

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