Chen Fan, who was sleeping, received a greeting from the system in his dream.

【Dear host, congratulations, you have completed all the academic pinnacles that humans can currently achieve]

Chen Fan sighed silently, he was finally here. Counting the time carefully, he was actually relatively slow.

【Next you will meet new academics and new technologies, please start a new journey】

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task. You have obtained 2000 academic points. You have obtained the Artificial Intelligence Magic Box. Please choose which mode exists. 】

Chen Fan thought for a while and said:"Watch, wear a pair of headphones, preferably one that can be directly connected to the brain. In addition, after changing the computer, it can also be connected."

Chen Fan said very clearly, the system knows exactly what to do.

When a watch appeared on his wrist, Chen Fan's worldview was impacted. Is this the starch of academics?

Gradually moving towards black technology?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that this development

"Hello, you can give me a funny name"

"I like Nuwa, she represents the mother of all things"

"Thank you, we are changing the female title. Hello, user"

"Check out the latest news."

The message appeared in Chen Fan's brain, like a three-dimensional computer.

Chen Fan knew that this item was a reward, or in other words, the system let Chen Fan know in advance what kind of technological world he would bring in the future..

The world of stereoscopic optics, holographic projection, etc., are all what Chen Fan needs.

And the information that appears in his mind is really tempting.

For Chen Fan, who likes academics, such a tool is simply more powerful.

"Nuwa, I think our communication should be suspended for a while. I am going back to China."

"Good user, can I connect to the Internet and study independently?"


After there was no reply, Chen Fan opened the door and looked at several students standing at the door.

Qiu Nan and Wang Dongxi stood together, and Li Ming looked at Chen Fan with red eyes.

"Don't cry, I don't know how to comfort you."

Everyone hid their tears.

Chen Keke said:"Dad, I have packed my things."

"Well, let's talk about it when we get home."

The group of people boarded the plane under the reception of specialized department personnel.

When they were participating in the competition, no one knew they were out, but when they went back, countless people were waiting. Maybe this is reality.

On the plane, Wang Things have been emphasized

"I will never go abroad. The only one who can teach me is you, Teacher Chen."

"You are not suitable for my teaching. What I am suitable for is the general direction and hands-on operation. I think it is a waste of time. You are suitable for Tsinghua University." ah?

"What about my sister?"

"Your sister is suitable for the Mathematics Department of Peking University. Peking University and Tsinghua University have junior classes. You can probably go to school directly when you go back. But the exam is in a month. You can study freely or study here at Peking University and Tsinghua University. The choice is yours. Of course, this summer vacation, you can also choose to play by yourself."

No one would choose to play by themselves.

After the plane landed, Chen Fan took Chen Keke and Zhang Rongrong to the side entrance, leaving the main entrance to these children.

After all, the honor belongs to these children.

Lin Qiuyu stood next to the car, holding a bag in his mouth. A cigarette.

Chen Keke took the newly bought mobile phone in his hand and happily captured such a beautiful scene.

"Dad, my aunt is really pretty."

"You will be more good-looking than her. The notice is probably coming soon. What major do you plan to major in?"

"I want to major in archeology."

Chen Fan and Zhang Rongrong fell silent at the same time.

Chen Keke was a little at a loss.

"Well, go ahead, go if you like it. I don’t know much about your talent, but I believe in my daughter. I will always support your choice."

Chen Keke nodded hard.

After looking at the art exhibition hall, Chen Keke discovered what he really liked, the accumulation of history, the products of beautiful culture, and seeing the work of ancient people from history. This is a A very good thing.

The future is the direction of my father's research, so just study the past by yourself.

"Get in the car, Zhang Rongrong, are you going home? If you don't come home, your parents will definitely be worried."

"I want you to take care of it"

"Yes, yes, I won't care, but do you hope that when you say you like Chen Fan in the future, your parents will say,"Chen Fan is shameless?""

Zhang Rongrong naturally understood the meaning behind her words and didn't say anything, but she was very angry.

After all, the young girl had been staying by Chen Fan's side and had not had a very good influence on Chen Fan.

After seeing off Zhang Rongrong, Lin Qiuyu said something in the car funny words

"Chen Fan, there is something I need to tell you."

"5g algorithm? I guess it will be soon, but it will take some preparation time. You can handle the matter of the company's shares."

"Not these"

"what is that?"

Lin Qiuyu really wanted to drive the car under the telephone pole and have a close contact.

"What I'm talking about is, when will your daughter's college entrance banquet be held?"


Chen Fan and Chen Keke both had question marks at the same time.

At this time, Chen Keke remembered what he was going to do during the summer vacation, the college entrance banquet.

The university entrance banquet.

Chen Fan said:"Are you sure?"

"Dad, please don't do it. It's so troublesome. We don't have many relatives, just my aunt."

Lin Qiuyu was a little angry. You and your daughter are really stingy to the extreme.

Lin Qiuyu said:"Everyone else's children have the banquet. Why, our family's Keke doesn't."

Chen Keke lowered his head and said nothing.

Chen Fan thought for a moment and said:"Well, I understand, I will handle it."

"Do you think I don’t have money to hold a college entrance banquet? Chen

Fan said:"No, I am Lin Qiuyu's father, so of course I will host it.""

Chen Fan picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Ahem, Chen Fan, you did a good job. I plan to call you to wish you well."

"Um, nothing, just a competition. By the way, I want to hold a banquet for my daughter to enter college. I would like to invite you then."

"Well, okay, I'll be there."

The phone ended.

Lin Qiuyu said:"Who is it?"

"Keke’s godfather, I knew him when he was a kid, I should meet him now"

"So who is it? Chen

Fan looked out the car window and said,"Whose rice do you eat?""

Lin Qiuyu was so frightened that he almost rolled over.

PS: Please support me, thank you all.

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