Chapter 30 We are not suitable (please support, fifth update)

Elizabeth's arrival surprised Chen Fan. Chen Ming smiled naively, then lowered his head, ignored it, and ate his own food.

"I've arranged a seat for you. Sit over there."


Elizabeth was very quiet, which highlighted her dignity as a princess. Of course, it was just because she hadn't reached the point of explosion yet.

"Teacher, I will not go back this time. I will send away the last batch of students.

Chen Fan nodded and said,"Well, okay. When you come back this time, will you be my assistant, or will you inherit the family property?""

"I think you still need new assistants. I heard that you plan to develop 5g technology."

"Well, after this time, I plan to start executing it. Where is your home?"

"It’s not a big problem. It’s not that I haven’t studied. Although I don’t have the Internet, I have learned a lot of things and I will use them all. When the time comes, I’ll ask the teacher for help."

"This technology is something Lin Qiuyu can't bear. She simply can't bear this technology, but your dad's side"

"No problem. If he complains about you, I will run away from home again. It is my own idea to go to teach, and you did not ask me to go."

The junior brothers sat together to exchange feelings, and the old people sat together.

Elizabeth and Lin Qiuyu sat together.

"It's really shameless to chase you here."

"That would be much better than falling in love with your brother-in-law with your status, right?"

"That is our family matter and has nothing to do with you. You should just be the princess in your castle."

"Oh, right? Why did I hear that Chen is already planning to fall in love?"

Lin Qiuyu pointed to the junior sister's table in the distance.

"None of the girls over there dislike my brother-in-law, so you don’t really think you can do it, right?"

"That has nothing to do with you either."

Neither of the two women gave in to the other.

The accountant who collected the money here did a preliminary calculation. Looking at the money received, his back started to feel numb.

This Chen Fan is so scary.

Nasser is a Jin was clamoring to go out to play, but in the end Chen Fan did not stop him and asked Nasser to take him with him. After all, Chen Fan still believed in this person. Back then, there were so many people targeting him and he had no place to publish his paper. Nasser directly asked Chen Fan to publish it in Dubai..

This kind of deep friendship is worth having.

After sending the old man away, everyone left one after another, while Chen Keke’s classmates showed off in various ways.

"Chasing stars? One by one, look at the photos of my idol, Grandpa Shennong, and me."

"This is my idol, hahahahaha, I got it"

"Grandpa is so handsome and warm, hahahaha."

Just like what Chen Fan said at the beginning, young people in this era have never disappointed anyone. They always know how they will choose when faced with big issues.

The Kyoto Hotel suddenly became empty.

Apart from the waiter who was packing things, the only ones left were Chen Fan, who was sitting here in a daze, and Elizabeth and Lin Qiuyu who were accompanying him.

"Do you have a notebook?

Lin Qiuyu asked someone to deliver the notebook.

Chen Fan began to calculate.

This is Chen Fan, he always likes to work

"According to the current news from Silicon Valley, the 5G algorithm seems to have started, but it is still uncertain whether this news is nonsense or just to create some effect.

Lin Qiuyu was a little nervous and started to chew her fingernails out of habit.

Elizabeth on the side said:"It's fake news. It's just to earn some research funds and find someone to promote it.""

Lin Qiuyu's mood finally calmed down.

Chen Fan said:"Don't be too happy too early. The 5g algorithm and the 4g algorithm are two concepts. There is a core here, which is the basic algorithm equation. If you can understand it, Understand, forget it if you don’t understand"

"I understand, I am also a top student after all. Chen

Fan took out a piece of paper and said:"In my eyes, traditional 4G is just a piece of white paper. You write something on the white paper, but the area of the white paper is only so large, and all you can do is weigh a few cents." The expansion of the white paper itself."

Currently, whether it is 4G, 5G or Wi-Fi, the modulation used is QAM modulation. This modulation can carry N information bits onto a waveform. Therefore, more information bits can be represented by a waveform at the same time. , then the data transmission efficiency and rate will be higher, and of course the technical implementation will be more complicated.

The QAM modulation used in the 4G era is called 64QAM modulation. What does it mean? The number in front of QAM modulation is equal to the power of 2, which is quite large. How many bits of information can be carried in one waveform.

64=2 to the 6th power, so the next waveform in the 4G network can carry 6 bits of information. What about 5G? Currently, 5G uses 256QAM modulation, so the same radio. The waveform can carry 8 bits of information, 8/6, which is a rate gain of 1.33 times.

Chen Fan said it in detail, and Lin Qiuyu was responsible for recording it here.

"So, do you hope that the speed will only reach the 5G standard, a hundred times the speed, or do you want the core technology to change as I said?"

"Core technology changes."

Elizabeth said:"Three ports, the most basic physical programming technology of the wireless terminal is the core of 5g. It is not difficult to increase the bandwidth, but what is needed to increase the efficiency of air legend?"

Lin Qiuyu was confused this time.

When it came to the top major, Lin Qiuyu didn't understand.

Chen Fan looked at Elizabeth and said,"You are indeed suitable for applied mathematics."

"You taught me well"

"Well, your talent is not bad.

Come and explain to Lin Qiuyu.

Elizabeth thought for a moment and said:"Take our pursuit of Chen Fan as an example.

You chose the frequency transmission speed of 4G.

There is no doubt that the message was transmitted, but the information conveyed was too little and too slow.

And your sister The new transmission frequency chosen is, yes, a new equation, a new frequency signal conversion equation.

It is simple, straightforward and more effective.

This is the so-called 5g.


Damn it.

Are you adding salt to the wound now?

PS: Please support me, thank you all.

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