Chapter 41: Study Light (please support, first update)

Chen Fan has completely become famous here at Peking University. However, the new media only publicized this kind of thing for two or three days to truly look like a star. The whole world knows the same thing, but it's not very realistic.

In fact, Chen Fan himself doesn't feel much about it. Just walking on the road to the university, more and more people greet him.

There are also people who take photos with themselves, but Chen Fan mostly allows them, which is just a few seconds.

"Teacher, this is meaningless."

Qiunan criticized this matter very seriously. Chen Fan said:"I used to think these things were meaningless, but after my daughter's accident at home, I knew that there were some things that I had to do."

"I, okay, I don’t really understand. Maybe I will start to understand when I grow up."

After sending Qiunan to the library and giving her a book list, Chen Fan continued his research.

【Experiment date, September 20, 2020.

Time: 7:30 a.m.

Experiment purpose: To explore the main components of black matter

Number of experiments: The 1786th experiment.

Experimental results: Weak radiation changes were initially detected and would have subtle effects on genes. 】

After analyzing it two thousand times, the results obtained really surprised Chen Fan.

Artificial intelligence is very good at conducting experiments. It will execute the set program completely, and after adjusting the measurement, Chen Fan does not need to perform any experiment.

Just need to get the results

"Can it be cut? In other words, only a small part is needed, plus some radioactive elements, and it can be combined?"

Chen Fan still felt that there was something wrong, and then he began to try to find several substances mixed together.

Under the microscope, Chen Fan discovered a little interesting phenomenon. This phenomenon cannot be explained by current physical knowledge. Chen Fan called this phenomenon Change.

Yes, it was a real change. It turned into a substance that Chen Fan didn't know about.

The result of the new substance's detection surprised Chen Fan. In other words, this black thing.

Is the substance theoretically a catalyst? Or something similar to a fusion agent?

No one in the laboratory answered Chen Fan.

In the afternoon, Chen Fan made a very simple disc.

"Calculate the healing time of wounds on my body"

"The healing time of a simple skin injury is between five minutes and thirty seconds."

Chen Fan frowned, then took a knife and cut an incision on the back of his hand.

Then he took the substance and moved closer.

Observing carefully

"Wound healing time, two minutes and eighteen seconds."

Chen Fan knew that his idea was right. This thing is definitely related to genes.

But this is not consistent with physics or science.

Because the components of everything are particles, and atoms and protons are the core , and the formation of different substances is simply the difference in the arrangement and combination of these atoms and protons.

The prerequisite for producing a substance is to have a machine that can make the core of the particle, and then know how to combine it. It is a particle accelerator.

Of course, it is used in reverse. The particle accelerator can destroy particles. If the energy is enough, it can also be synthesized. Chen Fan returned to his mission again.

, the core of the problem is here.

The scattering spectrum of light.

Thinking of light and the recent 5g calculations, Chen Fan instantly understood that what he needed was a lithography machine that he could use himself.

Chen Fan frowned. Fan stopped his experiments and was about to start studying optics. The study of optics was basically just trying to get across the river, because the study of optics ended with the physics knowledge in high school. Chen Fan rarely mentioned the word light, rubbed his temples, picked up the phone, and said:"I want to meet a domestic physics master."

"If you are just a physics guru, you need Qian Duorong in your address book. Of course, he is engaged in polymer particle acceleration, and he will accompany you to the European Particle Summit. side"

"I don’t remember, have I ever chatted with this person?"

"It should have been added at a tea party, he mentioned you to me."

After hanging up the principal's phone, Chen Fan called Qian Duorong.

"Hello, my name is Chen Fan.

Qian Duorong, who was sleeping soundly, was stunned for a moment and said,"Chen Fan?" Is your name really Chen Fan?"

"The probability of having the same name is indeed very high, but not many people have your phone number. I want to ask you for a favor."

"you say"

"Recommend a big guy who is good at optical research to let me know him."

Optics? Why is it such an unpopular subject? From the world's difficult problems in mathematics to 5G, and now you go to optics, what are you making a fuss about? I really don't understand the world of top academics.

"If you are talking about optical research, I think there is someone you are familiar with, and she is more powerful in optical research."


"Zhang He, your psychiatrist."

Chen Fan was confused. Does this mean he is telling himself that there is no future in studying optics?

Chen Fan didn't think much about it. After a simple courtesy with Qian Duorong, he went to find his psychiatrist. The one at school At the hospital, I saw my classmates getting injections and also saw my daughter.

"You are hurt?"

"No, Zhang Rongrong is not feeling well, I will accompany her. Chen

Fan was stunned for a moment. The doctor was too embarrassed to say anything and said,"It's just a little tired, nothing serious.""

Chen Fan nodded and left.

Zhang Rongrong whispered:"Will your father find out?"

"How is it possible? How does my father know this? Don't move and lie down. If you feel better, we will go back to military training again."

"That's reasonable. Oh, my daughter, I'm tired."

"Go away, you have always wanted to be my mother, you can take down my father first and then talk about it. Don’t give me any more money. Don’t dream about the change fee." ps: Please support me, thank you all.

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