Chapter 43: It finally became light (please support, third update)

After Liu Qiudong won the championship in the mathematical modeling competition, the school directly gave him a special reward, without saying anything, a scholarship of 100,000 yuan.

Three people to share.

In the end, the other two people only took 10,000 yuan, and the remaining 80,000 yuan were given to Liu Qiudong.

And this dull boy has become the favorite of the math group, and all the teachers look at him with special fondness.

After the class, Liu Qiudong found his instructor and asked,"Teacher, why didn't I see Professor Chen Fan?"

"Going to become the dean of the School of Chemical Engineering"

"Ah, he also studies chemical engineering?"

"It wasn't that he was studying chemical engineering, it was that there was a lack of someone to be the dean there. It happened that Chen Fan wanted to be the dean, so he was allowed to go and no one stopped him."

"I remember that the level of chemical engineering in our school was like the passing line for the second book."

"Who says otherwise? These days, Chen Fan is like crazy. He is in the laboratory every day, talking about light, light, light and so on. I thought Professor Chen was the most���I'm fascinated by Ultraman."

Actually, the person who doesn't understand the most is Zhang He. As a girl, Zhang He finally realized what it's like to be a man. He has to do everything by himself.

You must know that complicated screening work is very troublesome.

Changes in media , can produce light of different wavelengths, and precisely because of this, many different effects can be obtained. The scattering that the frequency of the scattered light is the same as the incident light, and its intensity is proportional to the frequency f4, is called the Rayleigh scattering law.

Just the fourth power of f is enough to make people sick.

Fortunately, Chen Fan has artificial intelligence screening tools, but he can use programming to conduct experiments. Otherwise, such a huge workload is really beyond the reach of humans. But even so, it was still not enough.

In the end, I had no choice but to borrow a few more laboratories, but it was still too slow. I had no choice but to link up with the laboratory at Tsinghua University and activate Chen Fan's laboratory.

The programming experiment was naturally noticed, but Chen Fan said that the technology was not mature at this stage and he did not intend to give it to others, so everyone left it alone.

Liu Qiudong found Chen Keke and asked Chen Fan what he liked to eat. I bought some and went to the laboratory to find my teacher.

Without a teacher, it would be impossible to win the prize.

Liu Qiudong understood how important the simplest hunter was. The teacher played with six mathematical models of the prey game, which directly opened the door to Liu Qiudong's new world.

But when Liu Qiudong came, he was a little surprised when he saw the two people basking in the sun.

"Teacher, are you taking a break?"

"Liu Qiudong? Is the mathematical modeling competition over?"

"Well, it’s over, I took first place, your favorite popcorn."

Zhang He frowned and looked at this thing

"Chen Fan, do you like to eat these?"

"Corn won’t make you fat, and with a little bit of sugar, it’s the best thing to replenish energy for your brain. Why don’t I like eating it?"

Okay, I can't continue this topic.

"Teacher, I heard that you are experimenting?"

"Well, the light scattering spectrum experiment is almost completed. We are just waiting for the final results to be screened. We need a region to know what we need in the end."

"I don't understand optics. I just came to say hello to you. I also want to ask you how I should take the next step."

Chen Fan sat up and said,"Tell me what you know."

"Basic advanced mathematics is all over, and I understand almost all the current theoretical equations and functions. I haven't written many sci papers yet. I have written about five papers, but I didn't win any awards."

Chen Fan shook his head and said:"That's not good. It's normal. Five articles, how can there be points for winning awards? It shows that it is generally spiritual."

Liu Qiudong nodded. He admitted that compared with the teacher, he was indeed far behind.

Zhang He said:"Chen Fan, that's enough. He is still a student. He is not spiritual or spiritual. After all, he has a mathematics degree. Is the champion of the model competition any good? If he has poor spirituality, what about the other students? Chen

Fan said:"You don't understand. Forget it. There's no point in explaining to you. Liu Qiudong, I will give you a path. You don't have to think about my path. You are not suitable for my path.""

Liu Qiudong nodded.

"You are suitable to engage in academic research and teaching in the mathematics group, and to study for a doctoral degree. I think with your qualifications, money is not a problem."

"Thank you, teacher. I still like to study books.

After sending Liu Qiudong away, Zhang He looked at Chen Fan and said,"I don't quite understand.""

"There are two types of geniuses who are suitable for books and those who are not suitable for books. This is my definition. The former type is the type of Liu Qiudong. Li Ming, a child I talked to you before. These two are the same type. They are what the teacher teaches. I can use it very well, but it is difficult to expand it. It belongs to mastering, but there is no way to adapt it."

"The second kind?"

"Qiunan, I, this category, are suitable for expansion and innovation, and are limited to books. This is torture for us. We naturally like to doubt various theorems and formulas. Our ideas are only to solve puzzles and make the world change. Some of them are more technological, and the rest are not of much interest."

In the evening, the experimental data was sorted out by Nuwa and sent to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan looked at the data and immediately felt something was wrong.

"two explanations"

"I haven't finished the calculation yet"

"As for the oral calculation, I will tell you the results directly. The first result is that our experiment went wrong."

Zhang He chuckled and said:"It's impossible, everything is complete, there is no���It is possible for people to change the experiment, and it is a machine experiment. They all follow a pattern."

"That's good. The second explanation is that there are problems with Mie scattering theory."

"When the radius of the spherical particle is a0.3λ/-2π, the scattered light intensity obeys Rayleigh's law. When a is larger, the relationship between the scattered light intensity and frequency is no longer obvious."

In his mind, Zhang He recalled this data

"If I calculated correctly, it should be 0.3689."

Zhang He didn't know how to answer Chen Fan for a moment.

This theory has been used for too long.

PS: Please support me, thank you all.

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