Chapter 63: The robots that the world is crazy about (please subscribe, third update)

Several famous doctors started rubbing their hands, waiting for the results. Chen Fan stood aside. Although his hands were recording, he was actually just writing casually. Thing, in fact, Chen Fan has asked Nuwa to record the data.

The panda is slowly telling

"On the first day after surgery, I was unable to eat or drink. Since the gastrointestinal function has not yet been restored, if you eat or drink water at this time, the gastrointestinal distension and pain will be very uncomfortable.

But on the first day, you should turn over properly and move your hands and feet. If you can do it without pain, then sit for a while, not for too long."

"The next day, there is definitely no problem in doing it. You can move around, gently move your stomach, and drink half of the water to activate the gastrointestinal function.

Try to pass gas as much as possible, because if you don’t pass gas, the doctor won’t let you eat and will keep giving you nutritional solutions."

"In 4-7 days, if you can eat, your body will return to normal.

Please be discharged from the hospital promptly and ask for it.

Go home and find a clinic to check the anti-inflammatory drugs you received during your hospitalization. Just use the same type. The doctor at the clinic cleared the dosage and the dosage was given for seven days. Be careful not to lie down all the time during this period to prevent intestinal adhesion."

It was a simple statement, but several doctors couldn't hold it back. Someone said:"Chen Fan, these are the answers and procedures written by the official."

"Yes, there are also doctors’ personal instructions here, but I don’t know who to choose. There are seven or eight versions here alone, all of which are instructions from the more powerful doctors at the moment, but they are all okay. They are all here. It can be connected to the Internet in real time and can be added independently."

A doctor said: 'You mean, this is our official internal medical website?’

"Yes, that's all we can do. If you want to be more detailed, unless you contact a personal doctor directly, but which doctor will take the initiative to write down what he needs to do for medical treatment?"

"But this is already pretty good."

An old doctor thought deeply and said:"Do you know how much trouble you can avoid? Basic daily health supervision, personal situation control, independent help-seeking in case of physical emergencies, etc. It is completely a 24-hour personal nanny."

"How to say?"

The doctor said:"I am a neurosurgeon. My name is Jiangdong. Every year, too many patients die due to misdiagnosis or personal delays. Remember, the hospital is never the place with the highest death rate, only at home. It is the core. Among the patients and deaths we receive every year, the largest proportion is that they seek medical treatment late."

"Yes, who has a doctor at home 24 hours a day?

Jiangdong said:"But if you act like this, the number of people going to the hospital to see a doctor will begin to decrease, and physical examinations will also decrease."

Chen Fan said with a smile:"I know what you are thinking, what should the hospital do if it cannot make a profit, right? I think you actually know the answer to this question." 0"

Jiangdong thought about it carefully, and it seems that it has really been solved.

There are many people getting physical examinations every year, but this also causes the hospital to have too many things that are ineffective. The hospital needs to maintain basic expenses, and naturally needs to make money. Therefore, after the physical examination, some doctors will exaggerate the ingredients to make patients pay more for medical treatment, but in fact these are minor illnesses.

If the physical examination can be replaced, then most of the hospital's functions will be used to treat the needs. In fact, the profit of patients still exists, but the useless profit has been cancelled.

It can be expected that the time of waiting and queuing for medical treatment will begin to decrease. The most effective treatment is the core of reducing mortality.

It has been predicted that this will definitely lead to changes in medicine, but how specific it will be will require actual practice to know the results.

"The ten robots were first selected for deployment in hospitals, data sampling was conducted privately, and then compared."

Chen Fan nodded. He thought this was a good suggestion.

"Basically, it can be done in five days and thousands of samples. Then we will compare it. If it is more than 90% accurate, I think it can be sold. By the way, Chen Fan, the price of this item how many?"

Chen Fan didn't say anything.

Jiang Dong was stunned for a moment, and the doctor on the side pulled Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong is the same age as Chen Fan this year, and as a chief surgeon at this age, it can be said that Jiang Dong is the best in the young area, while the others They are all elderly people much older than Jiangdong.

"Teacher, what are you doing to me?"

"Let's experiment first. Regarding the price, Chen Fan will give a similar result."

It's about how much it is. It's too expensive. People can't afford it. That's not possible."

"Koto? I think we can be friends."

Jiang Dong didn't understand much, but he still left his contact information with Chen Fan.

Zhang He was responsible for sending people off. When they walked out of Peking University, Zhang He and Jiang Dong said,"You and Chen Fan are the same person."

"I don't understand what you mean"

"Haven't you noticed that other doctors never think about the price issue? Only you think about the price, whether people will use it, and whether it is affordable. However, some people present do not support this thing, because after all, it will increase the workload of doctors. Not only that, but even There will be times when the hospital's income cannot keep up.

Jiang Dong thought for a moment and said,"Isn't it just that I can't get the red envelope and get a kickback?""

"What are you talking about? Now I wonder how you succeeded in your position as a doctor."

"The only person who can do neurosurgery in China, besides me, is my teacher. My teacher is old and can’t keep up with the energy, so I’m the only one left."

A knife?

That's powerful

"You'd better extract the data with peace of mind. Let's talk about the rest. This is no longer something you and Chen Fan can mix up."

Jiang Dong doesn't understand so many colorful intestines. Anyway, if it can cure diseases and save people, then it is a good thing. If the price is cheap, then it is a top-notch good thing.

You must support it.

After a few people left���Chen Fan began to tidy up the laboratory. Ten machines were neatly placed in the laboratory.

In fact, the appearance doesn't cost much at all. The core thing is the light scattering spectrum plus the program.

Chen Fan only needs seniority for these things.

Chen Fan had never thought about the labor cost because it was handmade, but what about the price?

If it is made by a factory or handed over to some people, they will try to raise the price.

"Teacher, I don’t want to go to class. It’s really boring."

Li Cha came to the laboratory, ready to complain, but after seeing the panda, he looked excited.

"Is this a toy?"

"Have you seen Super Marines? 0"

"Saw it, what happened? Chen

Fan said:"The function is probably Dabai's medical function. I have extracted it. It can scan the health of the human body. Eighty or ninety percent of the diseases can be directly analyzed to determine whether it is necessary to go to the hospital or to rest." , hazards, etc., can be told directly."

Li Cha's head turned rapidly, and he quickly understood

"Teacher, how about selling this thing to me? You get 70% and I get 30%. That’s not right. I’ll give you 90% and you get 10%. That’s not right either. I’ll give you 9.5%. Don’t hit me."

Chen Fan had already picked up his hand and hit Richard on the head.

"What's wrong with me making money? My family also scolds me, and you beat me, but I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong. Isn’t studying to learn skills just to make money? I just need to be able to make money, that's all. Why did you hit me?"

"Qiu Nan."

Qiunan stopped what he was doing and looked at the teacher.

"Supervise him to go for a run. If he doesn’t finish ten laps, he won’t eat."

"This is abuse, Chen Fan, let me tell you, my family is very awesome, I just can’t name them, don’t think……"

Qiuna hit Richard on the head with a book, which made him a little confused.

"Don't think that I'm a girl and I don't dare...forget it, I don't have the same experience as you."

Finally, Richard was asked to go for a run.

After watching the two people leave, Chen Fan picked up the phone and called someone.

"Old sir, can I come over for dinner?"

"Ah, Xiao Chen, come whenever you want."

"Can you help me contact someone, someone with a high status but a nice person?"

"Okay, by the way, you bring Coco."

Chen Fan agreed.

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Chen Fan and Coco came to the old man's house by car. In the old courtyard, people could already hear the voices of people talking in the yard before they entered the courtyard.

Coco gave Chen Fan clothes. After sorting it out, he said:"Dad, I'm still nervous."

"That's your grandpa, don't be nervous, just relax."

Coco nodded hard.

Knocked on the door and walked in.

The old man looked at Chen Fan happily and said,"Come on, come on, haven't I asked you to come and have dinner with me a long time ago? You haven't come to me at all for so many years."

Chen Fan said sorry, and then sat on the dining table in the courtyard.

There were two copper hot pots in the middle of the huge table.

One.���food on the table.

Chen Fan looked at the sling on the old man's chest and said,"How is your health?"

"The doctor said that it has begun to stabilize. Now my eyes have become much brighter and my hearing has recovered a lot. This thing is really good."

"That's good."

Coco took out the gift she had prepared, a blessing of peace that she had prayed for.

She gave it to the old man.

The old man was stunned for a long time. The rest of the people on the table were stunned for a moment, and then everyone laughed at the same time.

"This gift is the second one I received. Guess who gave the first one?"

"your child?"

"If they have that idea, I won't be upset. It's your mother. When Chen Fan and your present came to recognize their relationship with you, they prepared this for me, but your mother's share was sewn by herself."

"I don’t know how, so I can only ask for one."

After the rest of the people on the table followed suit, Mr. Yuan said:"Come and eat, eat, it's October, why don't you have some hot pot to warm yourself up."

It's true. The weather in October is hot at noon, but it's cool at night. If you're not in good health, it's really easy to catch a cold.

After Chen Fan took a few bites, he said,"I studied something."

"Say it."

The other ten people on the table stopped their chopsticks one after another and listened with peace of mind.

"You may not have seen the movie about a robot similar to Baymax.

Let me briefly describe it.

This robot can detect 80 to 90 percent of diseases.

It only needs to scan the body to get the results.

It is also very fast and highly accurate.

In addition, it is not harmful to the body, but it will not cure the disease.

It can only tell the person being tested and provide suggestions on what plans need to be taken.

If a serious illness occurs, the hospital will be contacted in advance and the doctor will be notified to save the person.


Chen Fan's description was very simple, but the ten people present were frightened when they heard it.

Chen Fan knew that the mission is not over until this thing is started to be used, and this mission has stuck with him for too long.

It can be expected that in the future, There will be more and more tasks, but they will also become more and more difficult.

Mr. Yuan gave Chen Fan a piece of meat and said,"What is your purpose for finding me?""

"I always feel that maybe this thing will not be used and will be boycotted."

"How about you eat first and I'll take care of it for you after you're done?"


When a child is wronged, he naturally needs to find his parents. Chen Fan is not a fool. You can see a lot of things from people's expressions. There are many doctors on site to observe. Except for Jiang Dong, more than half of the doctors are worried.

In fact, they are worried about their own income. Will it be affected?

It is precisely this worry that makes Chen Fan feel a little uncomfortable and a little aggrieved. The most powerless thing for scientists is that no one buys the things they produce, just like the first genetically modified rice was criticized for being harmful.


Chen Keke lowered her head to eat. She couldn't participate in these things.

"Dad, were all your research used back then?"

"No, I used a pressure cooker to write out a new equation for nuclear fission and was imprisoned for a year."


"Then how did you get out?"

"It was either a year of imprisonment or a year of invisibility, which was considered as a way of protecting me. When I was young, I was studying theories such as weapons. Now most of them are studying things that are useful to people."

Chen Keke looked at the rest of the people at the table. Several people stood up and started talking on the phone.

Obviously, a meeting was needed.

"Come and eat, don't look at it, don't mix it in."

Chen Keke lowered her head helplessly. Suddenly she had an idea. In fact, she can learn archeology by herself, but she should do something else.

"Dad, I suddenly want to take the civil service exam."

Chen Fan and Mr. Yuan were stunned for a moment at the same time.

"Are you sure?"

Mr. Yuan looked at Coco

"I'd better think about it again."

Hahaha, Mr. Yuan said:"Don't be in a hurry to choose a path, take your time, don't be in a hurry, and once you have done your archaeological research, the rights you need will belong to you."

Keke doesn't understand much, but I feel that the old man is not lying to me.

"If you reach the extreme in any field, any glory, power, and wealth will come."

Coco nodded.

At this time, a man on the table said:"Mr. Chen Fan, I would like to ask how much it costs to make your robot. Chen

Fan sighed and said,"What do you think the minimum will be."

The man thought for a moment and said,"Two million?" ? ?"

Chen Fan gave a hand.

One hand, five fingers

"Half a million? No, no, it's too cheap"

"It's five thousand yuan."

Bang, someone's chopsticks fell on the table, I was so frightened.

PS: Please support me, thank you all.

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