"Well, let's do this. This company will give you 60% of the equity, and you will fully control it, but everything you research in the future will be placed in this company."Leader No. 3 proposed another cooperation plan.

As soon as he said this, Chen Fan couldn't help it,"Leader, do you want to treat me as a scientific research machine?"

You don't need to manage the funds, and you don't need to make decisions. He still needs to provide a steady stream of research success.

What is this if it's not a scientific research machine?

Hearing this, the No. 3 leader touched his nose and said,"Then how many shares do you think is good?"

"hundred percent. Chen Fan said,"I don't need funds from the state, and I don't need you to provide management talents. I just need you to protect the company when necessary.""

"Of course, when the country needs it, the military can fully supply technology for free."

He needs very little. He only needs the protection of the country so that he can take off without any worries."

"I'll think about this and get back to you."Leader No. 3 pondered for a moment and said.

��OK"Chen Fan said.

He understands very well that leaders are also human beings. Whether it is holographic technology or other items he will invent and create in the future, they all represent a huge cake.

It is normal for the country to want to take it in its hands.

If in the feudal dynasty At that time, people like him did not have the right to make independent choices.

But now it is not a feudal dynasty. If a country wants to develop and develop better, it must grasp talents tightly.

Especially for someone like him, it's not just a simple matter of killing him.

"If I agree to you, what will the country gain?"Leader No. 3 said

"Obtain a company that can become the world's number one, acquire a great scientist and inventor that has never been seen before and will never be seen again in the future. Based on this, China will definitely become the world's economic and political center!"

"……How dare you say that."Leader No. 3 took a breath and said,

"Leader, holographic technology is just the beginning of black technology, and more black technology is yet to come."Chen Fan said confidently

"So tell me first, what are you going to do for your next research?"

"Anti-gravity devices, to put it simply, create cars that can fly, cities that can float in mid-air, and so on."

Leader No. 3,".……."

There is a saying, I don’t know whether to say it or not.

However, the cooperation was reached. According to Chen Fan's idea, 100% control was obtained, and the state provided protection.

"But I still have a question. If holographic technology is used for civilian purposes, will there be certain hidden dangers, such as using it to violate laws and disciplines?"Leader No. 3 said in confusion.

The holographic technology demonstrated by Chen Fan just now is really shocking, and it is impossible to tell which is real and which is fake.

If it is used to do things that violate laws and disciplines, it will be very confusing. A headache.

For another example, even if it is not illegal, if it is used in public places, it will be a big problem if various scenarios overlap with reality.

Chen Fan heard this and replied,"This is very simple, for civilian purposes. , as long as you ensure that you can see it, if you want to share it with multiple people, you need a certain password, unless other people are willing."

He has thought of this problem before.

It is not difficult to solve.

"Furthermore, holographic projection for civilian use will definitely be different from military use, as well as the one in my hand. There will also be certain restrictions on the scope it covers

, so security can be guaranteed."

"That's good."Leader No. 3 said with a smile. The smile on his face disappeared as he looked at Chen Fan with such wonder

"Today's society is dominated by you young people. I am really old. I will see this country getting better and better in my lifetime, so I have no regrets."

"young people? Chen Fan smiled and said,"I am not a young man anymore. My daughter is already 18 years old.""

Perhaps in the future, he will still be a young man at his age.

For example, when human life span increases significantly. This will also be one of his future research projects. The current common view in the scientific community is that human life span should be between 100 and 150 years old. Between ages.

However, due to factors such as exposure to various rays, taking of chemicals, and excessive iron content in food, harmful free radicals will accumulate in people who have not experienced accidents and diseases. Free radicals are the main , and cell aging is due to the production of some aging substances in cells. As far as Chen Fan knows, cell biologist

Eugenia has isolated them from human connective tissue cells. Produce a special protein.

This protein is only found in aging cells that have stopped dividing.

This protein is a product of cell aging, and of course it is possible that a large part of it is. , because these aging substances eventually"kill" cells.

Correspondingly, if we can find a way to remove these aging substances, humans may be able to greatly delay the aging process at the end of their lifespan.

Of course, it goes without saying that it can still maintain a certain youthfulness in Buddhism. The original text of"The Buddha's Speech of the Long Agama Sutra" in Buddhism says.

"You should know. At the time of Vipassi Buddha. Life span is eighty thousand years. When the corpse abandons the Buddha. Life span is seventy thousand years. At the time of Vaisava Buddha. Life span is sixty thousand years.

During the time of Sun Buddha in Julou. Life span is forty thousand years. At the time of Kunagami Buddha. Life span is thirty thousand years. At the time of Kasyapa Buddha. Life span is twenty thousand years. I am born today.

Life span is 100 years. Spend less and lose more."

Chen Fan had never thought about living tens of thousands of years, but he could still strive for 150 years.

"But it’s really hard to tell."Leader No. 3 said with a smile.

"Maybe it's because I stay in the laboratory every day and don't see much sunlight."Chen Fan said with a smile.

"Possibly, it is said that people who get more sun age slower than those who get less sun."Leader No. 3 said.

After the cooperation was achieved, the two of them started to have some fun.

"This is scientific, because sunlight contains ultraviolet rays, and proper exposure to ultraviolet rays can promote the synthesis of vitamin D and the absorption of calcium. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can roughen the skin and even cause disease."


The cooperation came to an end, and Chen Fan originally went back directly, but leader No. 3 said he wanted to have a meal together.

Chen Fan declined for a moment, but he had never declined before. Besides, it would be a great help for him to have a good relationship with leader No. 3.

So I agreed.

This is the canteen for senior cadres.

Things are placed very cleanly and the place is tidy. It's not luxurious, but it looks very comfortable.

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