"This is the speech, Mr. President."

"Does Mr. Otenando need to be seen?

Te'alang was very angry,"It's not working time now. I want to sleep. Don't disturb me, or I'll tell you to get out of the presidential palace.""

On the other side, it started with the hacker organization of the Technetium Kingdom, which announced that it would not"step into" the Chinese Empire for 20 years.

It was followed by the hacker organization of the Kingdom of Fa, who took the initiative to state that it would not participate in this operation and to disassociate itself from the relationship!

Followed by the Maple Leaf Kingdom. Foreign hacker On. He is also the fifth-ranked hacker in the world.

He expressed his apology for the inappropriate behavior of some compatriots here and is willing to unconditionally maintain the Xiaguo network within five years.

He hopes that the virus creator can show mercy and remove the virus. Canceled.

A hacker organization in Mei Country immediately announced that it had dissociated itself from the hackers who attacked Xia Country this time. Like on's statement, it apologized for the behavior of some people and was willing to unconditionally maintain Xia Country's network within five years..

Hackers from the island country and Ying country also expressed their opinions and apologized.

After seeing this, the people of Xia country were extremely excited!

"So handsome!"

"So handsome! My blood is boiling"

"Hahaha, I am the most awesome in Xia country!"

"Love, love, my motherland"

"Haha, I apologize. I apologize."

"What's the point of apologizing? It's a private matter. If you have the ability, the government will apologize!"

Leader No. 3 came here.

At this time, Director Zhao was waiting here, and the door was opened.

There were cheers and cheers inside.

"It turns out to be Chen Fan!"

"He is the hero!"

""Sure enough, a genius is a genius in any field. I admire him."

"That’s awesome, this is a hero!"

"my idol!"

Leader No. 3 glanced around, looked serious, and said coldly,"No one is allowed to reveal the things here, especially Chen Fan's things, to the outside world. If they are discovered, they will bear an unimaginable price. Everyone understands. Yet?"




Everyone knows what kind of earthquake it will cause if Chen Fan is responsible for the release of the virus. He is already a thorn in the side of other countries. If this is added to the list, the United States will put pressure on Xia Guo.

Will definitely show up!


Li Quan, Director of the Network Security Branch, and Zhao Yuan, Director of the First Division, immediately came to greet them.

"Tell me exactly what happened."Leader No. 3 said seriously.

Li Quan looked at Division 1 Director Zhao Yuan,"You tell me."

Zhao Yuandao said,"Just now... Dean Chen Fan is now at the Military Region General Hospital.

Leader No. 3 said,"Okay, I understand." Just do as he says. No one is allowed to touch that computer. Even people with a higher will not do it. Once they get close, they will kill them on the spot without listening to dissuasion. Do you understand?"

"clear!"Zhao Yuan performed a military salute

"Is it the Military Region General Hospital? I'm going to see the hero!"After Leader No. 3 finished speaking, he led the people away from here.

On the way, Leader No. 3's excited expression finally showed.

It's Chen Fan!

It's really Chen Fan!

He did it!

Thinking of Chen Fan's self-recommendation before, then The confidence in his tone made Leader No. 3's hands tremble slightly.

This is the backbone of Xia Guoguo, a figure like a national warrior.


Military Region General Hospital.

Senior cadre ward.

The place is clean and spacious.

Leader No. 3 specifically asked the doctor about Chen Fan’s current situation.

"It was fainting caused by overexertion. I made some tranquilizers and just take a good rest."

"For no other reason, every part of the body was checked?"

"All checked, very healthy. There is no problem"

"That's good. From now on, you will send people to check him regularly, and I will leave his physical condition in your hands. Needless to say, you should understand the importance of Chen Fan to our country"


On the hospital bed, Chen Fan was still sleeping soundly.

He was really tired these past two days and basically had no time to rest. His mind was constantly running, and he was already overloaded mentally and physically.

If it weren't for With super strong willpower, he fell down long ago.

Fortunately, he didn't fall down after doing everything. After an unknown amount of time, Chen Fan opened his eyes and looked at the stranger in front of him. He looked at the words written on the quilt again:

Shangjing Military Region General Hospital.

He felt relieved and then looked at the ceiling, saying nothing and saying nothing. things, let yourself relax and rest

"Dean Chen, you’re awake!"

Someone shouted.

Immediately afterwards, leader No. 3 walked in not long after. Without saying anything, he gave Chen Fan a military salute.

This was the third largest leader in the military.

He saluted Chen Fan like this.

Chen Fan Feeling slightly moved in my heart, I said,"What are you doing, leader?" I can't bear it. Leader

No. 3 put down his hands and said seriously,"No one may be able to bear it, but you, Chen Fan, can definitely bear it." You are a great hero of our Xia Kingdom! Save us a lot of losses. Chen

Fan smiled when he heard this and said,"As I said, I will make those who provoke our country pay the price they deserve."

What's going on outside now?"

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