Latest website: Greenfield Town, Crown of Emerald.

"Baron, so far, fifteen people have successfully integrated the first-order potion gardener and become the first-order transcendents. They all have shown the ability of plant affinity and have been stable. No special defects have been found for the time being. Speaking of the second-order potion tree shepherd, because the time is too short, no one has successfully integrated so far."

Following Sean walking in the experimental field of the Emerald Crown, Aneth reported on the experimental situation during this period.

"Baron, these gardeners have been internships at the Emerald Crown during this time, taking care of the magic plants here. With their efforts, they have tried small-scale planting of magic plants, such as the Cauchy raspberry, which is growing well and is expected to be available next year. Entering the fruiting period."

Watching Sean squat on the ground, carefully observing the growth of a Cauchy raspberry, Anes told the details of the large-scale planting experiment of Mozhi during this period.

"It's really good, Anais, you have suffered during this time."

While listening to Anis's statement, while observing carefully, Sean found that the situation is indeed good, at least on the right track, no major problems, this is very rare.

Any experiment is often the most complicated at the beginning. When the two experiments of testing potions and trying to plant magic plants on a large scale are carried out at the same time, Anis can sort out the clues and let everything It is not easy to get all on the right track, which shows that a lot of effort has been spent.

After getting Sean’s affirmation, Anis was relieved. He knew that Sean attached great importance to these two experiments. He had always been afraid that he was not doing well enough to satisfy Sean. Now he finally let the stone fall in his heart. land.

"This is what I should do, Baron."

Since following Sean, Anais has obtained a lot of benefits, and he hopes that he can show his due value.

"Speaking of Anais, what is the current conversion rate of the Emerald Crown's spiritual soil?"

Ignoring Anis's humility, he reached out and grabbed a handful of shiny soil, feeling the special magic contained in it, Xiao En asked.

Hearing this, after thinking for a while, Anis gave the answer.

"Baron, the concentration of magic power of the Emerald Crown has been increasing during this period, and the conversion rate of the spiritual soil has also followed closely. So far it has reached 10%, and a large area has appeared near the botanical garden. Spiritual soil."

For the emergence of spiritual soil, Anais is also very concerned, because spiritual soil is very helpful to the cultivation of magic plants.

Different varieties of magic plants often have different requirements for the growth environment, but they basically have one thing in common, that is, the demand for magic power, and the magic power transformed by the spiritual soil is more conducive to the absorption of magic plants and promotes the growth of magic plants. .

However, although spiritual soil has great benefits for the growth of magic plants, it often only appears in places where the concentration of magic power is extremely high. The Emerald Crown is also when the devil fruit tree devours the sacred tree and has the characteristics of gathering magic power before the spiritual soil begins. The births are not only small in number, but not high in quality. Most of them are first-order, and only the part of the area close to the devil fruit tree has reached the second-order.

"Anas, can you say that spiritual soil can be artificially created?"

Grinding the soil in his hands, feeling the magical changes in it, a thought arose in Sean's mind.

Hearing this, Anais frowned.

"Baron, spiritual soil is naturally produced under the moisture of high concentration of magic power. In theory, we can make it artificially, but the change of spiritual soil is not irreversible. Once it leaves the environment of high concentration of magic power, the magic power it contains will be It will quickly dissipate, then lose its transcendent essence, and become ordinary soil again. Under such circumstances, even if we artificially create spiritual soil, the ultimate effect may not be great."

After being silent for a while, Anais still directly expressed his thoughts. The value of spiritual soil is that the magic power transformed by it can be better absorbed by the magic plant. Its role is actually in the magic plant and the external magic power. Build a bridge of communication between.

When the concentration of external magic power is high, the spiritual soil will be born naturally, at least at a slower speed. When the concentration of external magic power is low, the spiritual soil will naturally degenerate. Under such circumstances, the meaning of artificially creating spiritual soil is actually not great.

Hearing what Aneth said, Sean nodded.

"Anes, this concern of yours is reasonable, but if we make some cheap, cheap spiritual soil suitable for one-time use? Will this help us realize the large-scale planting of magic plants? Or we Based on the spiritual soil, other elements are added to create a special spiritual soil to meet the different needs of different magic plants? Is this more conducive to the growth of magic plants?"

Seeing the thoughtful expression on Aneth’s face, Sean’s words paused for a while. The appearance of spiritual soil reminded him of the existence of fertilizer. For the magic plant, at least the low-grade magic plant came. In other words, spiritual soil is not a necessary condition for growth. They can still survive without spiritual soil, but they can grow better with spiritual soil, and even have a certain chance to break through the ranks. This effect is very similar to fertilizer.

"For example, a demon plant originally lived in a volcanic area and has a great demand for the magic power of fire. Under such circumstances, can we create a spiritual soil with a partial fire attribute based on ordinary spiritual soil to satisfy this? Does the growth demand of the magic plant reduce its demand for the growth environment?"

Having said that, playing with the spiritual soil in his hands, Sean's mind became clearer and clearer.

"Baron, your wisdom is as bright as a star."

Understanding Sean's thoughts, Anis exclaimed from the heart.

Hearing such straightforward compliments from Anais, Sean shook his head.

The reconstruction of spiritual soil is actually not a very difficult thing. In the past years, no one proposed it completely because there was no need.

Demand is the driving force for progress. In the past years, the large-scale cultivation of magic plants has always been a major problem. Most magic plants are scattered and scattered. Only some special magic plants are suitable for large-scale cultivation. The people of these magic plants generally have great forces behind them. They do not lack places where magic power is rich, nor do they lack spiritual soil. For some scattered magic plants to study the reconstruction of spiritual soil, there are some gains and losses, so until now Ideas similar to those of Sean did not appear, or they did appear but were not realized.

"Anes, leave the reconstruction of spiritual soil as a subject for those newly born After thinking about it, Sean gave Anas a task.

The reconstruction of spiritual soil inevitably involves a variety of solutions, and it is not urgently needed at present. Under such circumstances, it would be a good choice to give it to those gardeners. After all, gardeners are the transcendents of the potion pathway. It is to be engaged in agriculture.

"I see, Baron."

Hearing what Shaun said, Anis nodded and agreed.

"I don't know when I saw Mozhi planting the entire territory."

Straightening up, looking into the distance, there was a strange brilliance in Sean's blue pupils.

If the plan goes well, when a steady stream of gardeners are born, when the large-scale cultivation experiment of the magic plant is successful, and when the spiritual soil becomes colorful, the day that Sean is looking forward to will come.


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