The latest website: Liberal Arts World, New World, Monfitos.

After the resurrection of the magic tide, the extreme speed of the sea environment has caused the scale of cross-sea trade between the old and new continents to shrink. Under such circumstances, the trade-dependent port city of Memphis will inevitably be affected, and the prosperity is not there. , A little bit more bleak, of course this is only relative.

The sky is dark, there is no moon tonight, and even the stars are only scattered and dim. Against this background, there is a brightly lit place in Dongcheng District that illuminates the surrounding area. Golden rose club.

Although it is a club in name, Golden Rose is actually an entertainment venue that integrates leisure, gambling, auctions, and curiosity. Today, there is a private auction going on here.

The scale of this auction is not large. There are only more than 100 participants, but each of these people is not simple. There are wild transcendents, big merchants, members of mysterious organizations, and nobles, of course. They all have one thing in common, that is, they have money.

"Okay, my dear guests, today's auction is coming to an end, and then we welcome our finale lottery to come on stage, trust me, don't blink, she won't let you down."

As the female auctioneer’s pretentious voice fell, the lights came on, and a azure blue aquarium slowly rose from the auction stage.

"This is·······"

"God, did I see an angel?"

"It's a perfect creation."

Exclamations one after another, and the quiet auction venue became lively at this moment. The auctioneer did not stop this, but let the guests express their sighs.

The aquarium is very large, about the size of a single room. It is decorated with expensive red corals and rare flowers and plants. It looks beautiful under the light, but this is not the point. The point is that it is in the aquarium at this moment. There is an elf sleeping.

The fish tail of the human body is not even an inch, silver scales cover the breast, and the long golden hair covers her snow-white shoulders. Although the delicate little face is slightly immature, the innocence without the smoke and flames makes the forbearance. She couldn't help but arouse a desire for destruction, she was like a sleeping angel, everything was so perfect.

"Everyone, as you can see, this is a legendary mermaid."

When the atmosphere in the auction hall reached its peak, the auctioneer walked to the front desk again.

Hearing this, the already enthusiastic auction room was instantly lit.

Mermaid, what a wonderful word, it is often seen in poetry scripts. It is a beautiful incarnation. It is not only a rare stunner, but also a natural singer. It is a pity that this creature only lives in the legend. No one has seen it.

"Is it really a mermaid? It really is the same as the legend."

"Father, I want to buy this mermaid, I want to be a hero."

"You are still young, I will buy it for you later, I will give you five thousand dollars."

Without waiting for the auctioneer to speak, the guests in the auction hall have begun to bid on their own.

Seeing this look, the smile on the auctioneer's face became brighter. She knew that the prestige of the golden rose in the upper class of Monfitos would inevitably rise to a higher level after today.

Different from the enthusiasm of the Golden Rose Club, the ocean at night is exceptionally lonely, except for the sound of subtle waves, there is no other sound.

It crashed, the waves rolled, and in the offshore area not far from Monfitos, two dark shadows came out of the sea.

"Gallu, I have already found out. The princess should be in the previous city, but for some reason, the princess's blood has fallen silent, and I can't accurately locate the princess."

A faint starlight hung down, illuminating both parties who were talking. They had fish tails and six arms, but compared to the beauty of mermaids, their appearance was extremely ugly, with hair like seaweed, and blue eyes. And with their mouths full of sharp teeth at the base of their ears, they are also a rare ocean race, Jana.

"Lianna, no matter what, we must rescue the princess as soon as possible. Those **** Jiaomen will not let us off easily."

Gritting his teeth, as if thinking of something, an astonishing killing intent erupted from Garru's body.

Hearing this, Lianna was silent when looking at the dark city in the distance, seeming to be hesitating.

"In that case, let's use Tide-Calling Conch."

After pondering for a while, Lianna made a decision.

"The two of us are guards of the queen. In any case, we can't make the queen's only bloodline problem. After using the tide-calling conch, we find the princess as quickly as possible, and then quickly take her away."

Now that the decision had been made, Lianna didn't hesitate anymore, and stated her thoughts to Garru.

After her simple investigation before, the human city in front is not weak, not only has a certain size of army, but also this Tier 5 guardian, but she and Garru are Tier 5 six-armed Gana, Together, with the help of Tide-Calling Conch, they can definitely destroy that human city.

"Okay, that's it."

The strong body was densely covered with hideous wounds, old wounds and new wounds. At this moment, Garru needed to kill to vent his inner anger, Lianna's thoughts were just in line with her appetite.

"Remember, don't fall in love with war, you must fight quickly, find the princess is our first priority."

Seeing Garrule's hideous face, Lianna exhorted again.

Hearing this, Garru nodded casually.

At this moment, a conch the size of a palm, inlaid with tiny tears-shaped emeralds, surrounded by layers of mist appeared in Lianna's hands.

Woo, the tide-calling conch was blown, the mist spread, and a phantom mermaid appeared in it, and then the ethereal and ethereal singing began to echo in this ocean, drifting farther and farther.

Tide-calling conch, the fifth-order strange thing. After the death of the mermaid, the soul is placed on the conch and transformed into a strange thing. The rank is variable, the lowest third and the highest fifth, which can induce the power of the sea and set off a tsunami. Summon the murlocs and sea monsters in the surrounding waters to help set off a tide of beasts.

The singing of the mermaids drifted away with the wind, and some changes in the depths of the sea under the night were quietly breeding. One after another murloc tribe was alarmed, and at the same time they came towards Memphis, one after another sea monster was washed by the song, As if being hypnotized, he gave up what he had done and swiftly moved back in the direction where the singing came from.

The mermaid is the royal family of the murlocs, known as the daughter of the sea, and naturally has a certain control over the murlocs and sea monsters. Of course, this kind of control is not absolute, some are powerful or bloody. You can easily break away from this kind of control. In the past years, some wizards have guessed that the mermaid, such an extraordinary creature, is probably not a natural evolution, but the handwriting of a certain sea god, but this kind of guessing always only exists on paper, and Not confirmed.

Crashing, the sea is surging, standing side by side, looking into the distance, feeling the various changes in the depths of the sea, Lianna and Garlu have a touch of evil spirits appearing on their bodies.

The Jana tribe is the natural guardian of the mermaids. Their existence is to protect the safety of the mermaids. This is a belief carved in their bones, for which they do nothing.


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