In the Old World, the horn of war sounded from the northwest.

The kingdom of Sutilt, the royal capital, Karpas.

The ancient capital was shrouded in the darkness of night, and inside the brightly lit palace, the old king Eberhard Bansane sat alone on the throne, looking at the two documents in front of him in silence.

One of these two documents is a proposal submitted by the House of Nobles regarding the promotion of Baron Sean Montre to earl, and the other is a declaration of the National War submitted by the Cabinet.

"It seems it's time to make a trade-off."

After a long silence, the old king Ebohard still stamped his iron rose mark on these two documents.

In the past two years, due to the revival of the demonic wave and the deterioration of the environment, the cost of transporting materials from the New World to the Old World has increased a lot, but the value of the New World to the Kingdom has not actually decreased, and has even vaguely increased because of the transportation cost of a large number of ordinary materials. Although it has increased and greatly reduced the original profit, there are still extraordinary materials. So far, apart from other things, the kingdom’s pioneering land in the New World has discovered several extraordinary veins, including black iron veins. There are also chalcocite veins, and even a small mythril vein.

For the kingdom, these extraordinary materials are strategic materials, even if the transportation cost is higher and the danger is higher, it is completely acceptable, but now the kingdom has to abandon this benefit.

In fact, if the two seemingly unrelated documents hadn’t appeared at the same time, the old king or the Kingdom of Surtilt would not have abandoned a land as large as the New World so easily, at least it would not have abandoned it as clean as it is now. net.

It is true that Asim Bansain was seriously injured, and the Kingdom temporarily lost control of the pioneering land of the New World. It is true that the Montere family has a Tier 6 title in the New World. To gain control of the pioneering land of the New World, after all, the kingdom has not only the royal family, but also other nobles. It is not that the powers of Tier 6 cannot be drawn to the New World. It is just that the pros and cons need to be weighed to consider whether it is worth it.

In this balance of interests, the full-scale outbreak of the war has added an important weight to the Montreux side. Under such circumstances, even though his heart is vaguely unwilling, Eberhard still has to reluctantly give up. The pioneering land of the New World in exchange for the support of the Montell family.

"The sleeping lion has woken up, what will the end result be?"

Under the seal of the iron rose, the tight body slowed down, the light shone, and the look of Ebohard was hidden under the shadow, making people unable to see clearly.

In June 1226 AD, on this rainy day, six years later, the Kotea State of the Free Federation was once again lit by red flames. Bor, who was originally **** suppressed by the Free Federation because of the first independence uprising. The special people actually launched the second independence uprising at this time. The most dramatic thing is that they have once again taken control of the Kotea State as if they were assisted by gods.

And when the Free Federation was shaken by the second fall of Kotea State, it was silent for hundreds of years. It has long since fallen in the eyes of ordinary people. The Mensa Empire, which has completely fallen into a second-rate state, has declared war on the Free Federation. This news is confirmed. , The entire Old Continent was shaken by it.

Some people laughed at the Mensa Empire’s overpowering ability, because although the Mensa Empire still bears the name of the empire, it lags far behind the Free Federation in terms of economy and force. The tide has been rolled up, the Mensa Empire with a long history and ancient cultural heritage may give birth to brand new vitality under such circumstances.

The war broke out, and the progress was beyond many people’s expectations. Within a short period of one month, the Mensa Empire had taken a state of the Free Federation and formed with the Kotea State occupied by the Bolts. Linkage.

But at this time, the Bald Eagle Kingdom also issued a statement, officially declaring war on the Mensa Empire, standing on the same front with the Free Federation, and this is not over yet. In the same month, the Kingdom of Oshasia also issued a declaration of war and officially joined This war stood with the Mensa Empire, and behind them vaguely revealed the shadow of the war church.

The four countries fought, and the flames of war began to spread outward. It was like a spark, completely igniting the pile of oiled dry wood in the Old Continent.

During the next month, August 1526, more than a dozen kingdoms and principalities were involved in wars, or voluntarily or forced to join the two parties. So far, the northwest of the Old World became a mess. The mainland has been ignited by the war.

And now, the Kingdom of Surtilt, which is in the southeast corner of the mainland, has also been affected and has to participate in this war and build an anti-aggression alliance with the Freedom Federation, Bald Eagle and other kingdoms.

Of course, the Sutilt Kingdom made such a choice, one is because the relationship between the kingdom and the Mensa Empire has been relatively rigid due to historical issues, and the other is because the condensing of steam theocratic power was involved behind this war.

Under the impetus of the Freedom Federation, the Bald Eagle Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Sutilt, steam power has been spread on a large area in the Old World, and there are vague signs of starting a steam trend, but if you look down from the top , You will find that there is still this huge steam gap on the Old World.

The Mensa Empire is an ancient country with a large population and vast land, but perhaps because it is too old, the Mensa Empire is relatively repellent to new things like steam engines from top to bottom~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Even if the steam engine has proved its worth with facts, its use in the Mensa Empire is still quite limited, and it is basically concentrated on the military.

Regarding the practice of the Mensa Empire, the Freedom Federation, Bald Eagle, Sutilte and other countries that compete for the power of steam are naturally very dissatisfied. Because of the lack of the huge territory of the Mensa Empire, the progress of the condensing of the steam power will be reduced. Greatly postponed, and may even die. In this matter, several major kingdoms have negotiated with the Mensa Empire more than once, but the result is not satisfactory.

In fact, before the outbreak of the war, the Freedom Federation and other kingdoms considered the possibility of military diplomacy. Since words don’t make sense, they use their fists to speak, force the Mensa Empire to change, or even divide the Mensa Empire, and operate it by themselves. , But what they didn't expect was that before they had made up their minds, the Mensa Empire would take the initiative to declare war.

It is precisely because of this background that the scale of this war has been repeatedly expanded, sweeping the entire Old Continent in a very short period of time.

The horn of war has been sounded, but I don't know where it will go in the future.


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