Latest website: Greenfield City, Underground Laboratory.

"This kind of blood is not easy."

With an open mouth, Sean performed a detailed dissection of the body left by the undead. Although this body has gradually lost its extraordinary essence due to the dissipation of resentment, Sean still has some gains.

Seeing a bit of blood extracted from the body of the undead, Xiao En narrowed his eyes.

The blood was light gold, although it was only a drop, but holding it in his hand gave Sean a sense of heaviness, as if it were not a drop of blood, but a boulder.

"Although it is very complicated, this drop of blood does have a bit of sacred essence. Could it be that the predecessor of this undead is still a certain god? And this drop of blood seems to have traces of death."

Looking around, and thinking of a certain possibility, Sean's expression changed for a moment.

The goddess is the descendant of the gods. Of course, the gap between goddesses and goddesses is also very large. The powerful goddesses are born comparable to the sixth rank, and the weak ones are just ordinary people before they have the power to dig out the bleeding veins. That's all, of course, as gods, compared to ordinary people, they are born with the possibility of stepping into the transcendence.

In this era, the descendants of gods are very rare, even in major churches, because gods rarely leave blood, and only a few ancient nobles with long heritage seem to inherit gods. Blood.

However, in the age of ignorance and the golden age, the gods were not uncommon. At that time, the gods had not yet exalted the kingdom of God, and still walked on the earth in their true form, living together with all the races, often with blood left behind, and the immortal body has existed for a long time. It is not impossible for people living in the Silver Age to have God's blood in their bodies.

"Perhaps not only this undead is a goddess, but the entire immortal kingdom is a goddess."

Looking at the pale gold blood in his hand, a light flashed in Xiao En's heart suddenly.

In the golden age, the gods still walked on the earth, giant beasts were rampant, and all races were fighting for the front. Unlike those races that were born with extraordinary blood inheritance, the power of the human race was almost nothing, and it was completely blank, so at that time, the human race was also Other races despise them as mud-bloods, blood-stainers, and their status is very underground.

However, white paper is good for painting. It is precisely because they have no blood power that all human races have the possibility of fusing the blood of other races, minimizing the possibility of rejection, that is, at that time human race has its own first kind of transcendence. Strength, power of blood.

Fusion or stealing the blood of other races for their own use, this has caused the human race to be hated by many other races, and even massacred, but the human race finally survived and became stronger step by step, and among the many blood The most powerful are those with the blood of the gods, that is, the so-called descendants of the gods. If the blood of the immortal kingdom is passed down from that time, then they may really be a rare group of gods, and they The true **** at the source of the blood line may very well have the authority to death.

"If the people of the immortal country are really all gods, then their transformation ritual of the immortal art will make sense."

After reading the memory of the undead, Sean has repeatedly scrutinized the undead transformation ritual of the undead, but he has not been able to form a closed loop, and now the appearance of the blood of the gods has added the most critical link for him.

The immortal transformation ceremony of the immortal kingdom is actually an application of the power of blood. Through the ritual, the blood of other gods is extracted to supplement one’s own blood, allowing one’s own blood to undergo essential evolution to the blood. The source of this is closer, which is truly self-interested.

"However, this method seems to have some flaws. Although these undead have completed the transformation, the blood in their bodies has completely lost its power and become waste blood."

Looking at the divine blood in his hand, Xiao En's thoughts in his heart kept turning. Although this drop of divine blood still has a trace of sacred essence, the power in it has long been exhausted and lost its due value.

"There seems to be something hidden behind this immortal country, and I don't know if the shadow and white beard can find out."

Shaking his head, Sean still collected this drop of discarded blood.

"Baron, these are the three potions you need for gardener, shepherd, and plant engineer."

Watching Sean walk out of the laboratory, Anis, who had been waiting there, immediately greeted him and handed him a ring. The equipment in the Boya World Space is still relatively scarce at present, mainly because The derivation of related resources will take a certain amount of time. However, in the world of fighting spirit, there are extraordinary space resources such as Nashi, which can be obtained with a little source power point. Therefore, space equipment is no longer so scarce for Greenfield City. The high-levels of Yecheng basically have a ring of their own, and even Sean has opened up a certain share so that the people below can use the contribution points to exchange it, and at the same time sell a part in exchange for the corresponding resources.

Seeing Anais handing over the ring with both hands, Sean shook his head.

"Hold things, this time I will send you and Monnes to a special puzzle, you need to do two things in it, one is to improve your strength as much as possible, and the other is to continue the previous experiment. Observe the use of these three potions."

Hearing this, Anis nodded with a sudden jump in his heart.

Thinking of the various traces of the past, although there were various thoughts in his heart, Anais still remained calm on the surface, and did not further question.

Looking at Anis like this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Sean walked out.

Following behind Sean, Anis also walked out of the underground laboratory.

Cloud City, the crown of emerald, Monnes, who had been ordered by Shaun, had been waiting here long ago.

"Remember, this time will be a rare opportunity for you, you must seize it."

In front of the Gate of Two Realms, Xiao En exhorted again.

Hearing this, Monens and Anais nodded at the same time. According to Sean's performance, they both realized that this opportunity was not easy.

"go in."

Retracting his gaze, Shaun gave the order.

Hearing this, and looking at each other, Monens and Anais walked into the portal of the world of vindictiveness at the same time.

Seeing the disappearing backs of the two of them, Sean stood there in silence, motionless.

Although the overall concentration of magic power in the world of fighting spirit is lower than that of the present Liberal World, the gate of eternal life occupies the best secret place. Generally speaking, the cultivation conditions are relatively better. It is just that whether to further open the world, let His subordinates entered the practice Sean still had some hesitation, which mainly involved two key issues.

The first is the problem of the time flow rate. There is almost a fifty times the flow rate difference between the world of fighting spirit and the great world of Boya. Before entering the fifth stage, the life span is limited, and the results of entering it are mixed.

The second is the issue of confidentiality. A person’s secret is a secret. If there are more people who know it, even if there are various means to conceal the traces, it may eventually be leaked. This is a certain risk for Sean, this time to reduce the risk. , Even if Monnes and Anais are more reliable, but Sean still left the pupil technique of six reincarnations in their souls, which is not only a restriction for them, but also a protection for them.

Of course, the main reason why Sean finally made such a decision was because he had condensed his complete real name, and his safety was even higher.

"I hope you can gain something this time."

With words, Sean stepped into another door of two realms, which represented the world of the Ark.


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