In the cloud city, six islands float quietly on the sea of ​​clouds.

One year later, with the existence of devil fruit trees and magic cloud vines, the concentration of magic power possessed by these six islands has reached a higher level, far surpassing the outside world.

With the crown of emerald, the shadow of a huge willow tree obscures the sky, and the willow branches hanging down like threads, completely obscure the entire island.

Om, the space is distorted, and the invisible interval is quietly formed. At this moment, the Emerald Crown is clearly there, but from the outside, it makes people feel a sense of distance inexplicably, as if it is in a very far away. Same place.

In the botanical garden, on the top of the mountain, in the meditation room, Sean is making a new attempt.

With the help of Wisdom Gu, all the magic crystals excavated by Ghost Island during this period of time were burnt out. Two months ago, Sean finally pushed the analysis of space rules to 10%, and successfully condensed the seeds of space rules. This step of the sixth-order titled wizard is really within his reach for him, and he only needs to complete the resonance of the rule seed and the true spirit.

The most difficult part for a fifth-order true spirit wizard to be promoted to a sixth-order titled wizard is the aggregation of the real name and the analysis of the rule seed. As for the resonance between the rule seed and the true spirit in the last step, there is no difficulty in itself, but the time is sooner or later.

The wizard’s legendary posture is a manifestation of his true spirit, and the resonance between the rule seed and the true spirit is actually a fusion with the legendary posture, and this process is often a watermill.

Every attempt, every collision between the regular seed and the legendary posture, will improve the adaptability of the legendary posture to space seeds. After the adaptability reaches a certain level, it will naturally resonate and integrate thoroughly. This process is often required according to individual circumstances. It can take a few days to a few years.

Hum, a silent buzzing sounded, the space vibrated at extreme speed, and strands of silver silk threads began to outline on the leaves of willows in part of the space. Although these silver threads seemed fragile and inconspicuous, each of them contained a part of space. The mystery of is the manifestation of the rules of space. At this moment, after two months, the resonance of the seeds of the rules of space and the true spirit is finally completed. At the same time, from this moment on, Sean is a genuine Tier 6 titled wizard. His spatial Yangliu has also changed from a legendary posture to an incomplete mythical posture.

The power of the space is permeated, and the space is covered by the rules. At this moment, the Emerald Crown is completely separated from this world by Sean, leaving only a blank in place, as if nothing had existed.

"Is this the power of the space realm? As long as I want to, I can really separate the space where the Emerald Crown is located from the main world, making it a maze-like existence."

Feeling the power of Tier 6, the thought in Xiao En's heart turned.

Compared with the fifth order, the sixth order is much stronger, which is a qualitative change, and the existence of the power of rules is like a lever, which can make the sixth order exert a very effective effect. In one step, the wizard began to be truly inhuman, and the essence of life began to achieve a great leap.

Om, the power of the space domain condensed, and the disappearing jade crown reappeared, stepping out in one step, and Xiao En's figure disappeared in place.

On the Island of Beasts, looking at the emerald crown that disappeared and then appeared, Skylar pursed his dry lips, silently, turned around and plunged into the new round of dragon seed training.

Over the past year, Sean has provided many dragon eggs for Bai Beast Island, although most of them are just dragon beast eggs that can't even be regarded as miscellaneous blood, but the huge number makes up for this shortcoming.

There is a true dragon of Piaoxuelong and a large number of dragon species. In this year, through herding dragons, Skylar, as a dragon shepherd wizard, has made rapid progress and has become a Tier 4 wizard.

Om, the space is distorted, and Xiao En spans a long distance and arrives in a sea of ​​sand. At this moment, a giant ape and a death worm are frantically fighting each other.

Perceiving the spatial fluctuations, the white beard who was watching the battle immediately reacted, the fighting spirit in his body was burning, and he was immediately ready to shoot, but it fell silent again after discovering that it was Sean.

"Aldous looks a little troublesome."

Looking at the white beard who came by, and taking a casual glance at the battle in the distance, Xiao En said.

"Well, but he will win."

With words, although Baibeard's words were plain, he was full of confidence in his riding beast.

Hearing this, Sean nodded.

Although Aldous seemed to be evenly matched with the Death Worm at this time, it was only because the Death Worm occupied a favorable location. As long as it showed a little flaw, it was likely to usher in a fatal blow from Aldous.

The Great Ape Aldous is a legendary beast. With the help of Whitebeard, it has successfully entered the fifth rank and has become a true legendary life. In order to prevent it from dragging Whitebeard's hind legs, Sean is condensing After his real name, he also gave it a precious devil fruit.

Mini fruits, or big and small fruits, can allow consumers to change their body shape. If they simply change their body size, mini fruits are far from precious. There are many secrets in the world of Boya that can do this. Things, but while mini fruit changes the body shape, it also changes the power and physique of the eater, so that the power and physique of the eater can increase year-on-year. This is not simple. It can be said that the mini fruit is a simple and crude but powerful Fruit.

In fact, the abilities of mini fruits are similar to those of momo fruits, except that the mini fruits act on the capable person themselves, while the momo fruits act on foreign objects, but it is undeniable that these two fruits are extremely powerful fruits. .

With such strength and such fruits, Aldous's ability to defeat the same Tier 5 Death Worm is not something worth all the fuss about.

Roaring, burning blood, blocking the strong acid breath of the death worm, looking at the death worm that just touched and went into the desert again, a cold light flashed across Aldous Canjin's eyes.

Boom, pressing his feet, the ground was sunken, Aldous, who was ten meters high, instantly disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, his image had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The red hair fluttered like a burning flame, casting a huge shadow. At this moment, Aldous's height has reached one hundred and fifty meters. It is a veritable behemoth. It just disappeared at the moment. At the same time, the bloodline secret technique giant spirit real body and mini fruit abilities were activated to increase his size from ten meters to thirty meters, and then five times, reaching a terrifying level of 150 meters, which is the so-called Giant Spirit Real Body·Five times increase.

"Damn the bug, die for me."

Roaring loudly, the power of terror began to gather on Aldous's fist.

Through his special eyes, after many observations, Aldous finally accurately pinpointed the traces of the death worm in the desert.

The sky collapsed and the ground fell. As Aldous’s long-planned punch fell, the sand and sea shook, and the rolling sand waves continued to roll, covering the sky, as if a natural disaster had The flow of power, separating the space where he and the white beard are from reality, seeing the terrifying sandstorm as nothing, Xiao En quietly stares at the center of the battle.

Roar, the hearty roar echoed in the desert, and after a long period of time, when he heard this voice, there was a hearty smile on the calm face of the white beard.

Phew, the disaster subsided, and a large circular pit with a diameter of several kilometers appeared in the sand sea, which was punched out by Aldous.

Under the compression of the horrible force, the originally scattered sand gathered together at this moment to form a diamond-like substance, which shines in the sun. Perhaps this is a miracle created by great efforts. As for the death worm, it Half of his body has become meat sauce, and the other half is still convulsing, seemingly not completely dead.

Seeing such a scene, Xiao En's heart moved, the space fluctuated, and the roots of the devil fruit tree came out of it. Anyway, the death worm is also a legendary life, and it is a good template for the animal devil fruit.


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