"Grandpa Sean, can you give me an apple?"

A crisp voice sounded, and a child with croissants ran up in front of Xiao En, looking at the red apples on the apple tree, full of longing.

Hearing this, Xiao En stretched out his rusty body, stretched out his hand tremblingly, plucked a fruit from the apple tree and handed it to the child.

"Thank you, Grandpa Sean."

Taking the apple, the child's happy eyes narrowed, and then ran away with a cheerful laugh.

Seeing the child running away, withdrawing his gaze, dragging the old body, Xiao En continued the previous things and continued to check the situation in the orchard.

After staying in this inexplicable place for a period of time, Xiao En has been very clear about the situation around him. The place where he is now is called Kahn Village. The population of the village is small, and it only adds up to 100 people. All the people in this village People all live by growing apples. The apples produced are big and sweet. Although life is not rich, food and clothing are not a problem. However, this situation has changed now. A sudden disease has swept the village of Kahn. Apple trees withered in pieces, and life in Kahn Village seems to have become a problem this year and even beyond.

"This disease is actually a kind of aphids. Although I have lost my extraordinary power, it is not impossible to solve it, but the most important thing now is to prevent and preserve the remaining fruit trees."

The thought in his mind turned, and Sean had an idea in his mind.

Although I don't know what this test is testing, and there is no clear reminder, Xiao En believes that he must have something to complete when he comes here.

Using stones and grasses to prepare pesticides against insect pests, Xiao En shared them with the people in the village, and as a price, the people in the village needed to help him spray these pesticides on the orchard.

Then the disaster came as scheduled in the second year, but it was more complicated than the first year. Of course, at this time, Sean had recovered a bit of extraordinary power, although it was only a trivial one.

With extraordinary power, and after a little thought, Sean successfully solved the disaster in the second year, but I don't know why this extraordinary power can only be used to target plants and cannot cause harm to people.

Then came the third, fourth, and fifth years. Every year, the disasters became more and more weird, involving all aspects of knowledge. Fortunately, after spending a lot of effort, Sean passed the test smoothly. During this process, Sean also became the most prestigious person in Kahn Village. It can be said that everyone in the village has received his favor.

Year after year passed. When the old man passed away and the children grew up, Sean planted a special apple tree in his yard. It was full of golden apples, not golden in color, but It is gold.

Faced with such a fruit tree, many people were moved their minds, and soon someone came to the door, saying that they could not live any longer, and hoped that Sean could give him a golden apple.

Faced with such a request, Sean agreed, and smiled and picked him a golden apple from the apple tree.

There are one or two. More and more people are asking for golden apples from Sean. At first they were more restrained. Basically everyone only needs one, but more and more are needed later.

When the last golden apple was picked from the tree, someone finally turned his attention to the fruit tree. He asked Sean to give him the fruit tree. This person thought that Sean would not agree and was ready to kill Sean. , But Shaun agreed with a smile in his surprised eyes.

He gave his house to that person, and simply packed his things. Sean walked out of Kahn Village, alone, no one came to send him, and no one came to hold him until he was about to walk out. At the border of the village.

"Grandpa Sean, are you leaving now?"

A crisp voice sounded behind Xiao En, but it was the kid who asked Xiao En for a red apple, but the little girl from that year has grown up.


Stopping and turning around, Sean looked at the girl and said.

"Grandpa Sean, don't you feel bad about giving the golden apples to others?"

With her eyes wide open, the girl asked again.

Hearing this, Sean smiled and shook his head.

"Little girl, do you want golden apples too?"

This time, the little girl shook her head.

"Grandpa Xiao En, I heard that the nobles in the city already knew about the Golden Apple. Do you think the people in the village are in danger?"

Just as the little girl was speaking, a group of robbers had already rushed into Kahn Village from another direction. They killed people when they saw them, ignoring the village name's begging for mercy. For a time, there were screams in Kahn Village.

"Grandpa Sean, can you save them?"

Anxious expression appeared on her face, and the little girl asked for help from Sean.

"I can't save them. When they seek golden apples, they should consider whether they have the ability to hold this wealth. This is their own choice."

Shaking his head, Sean gave a negative answer.

Upon hearing this, the girl's complexion became extremely pale.

"I can't save those greedy people, but I can save you, do you want to go with me?"

Looking at the girl, Xiao En asked, and then turned and left without waiting for the girl to answer. This time, Xiao En really walked out of Kahn Village without being blocked by invisible boundaries.

On the hillside, looking at the back of Xiao En, and then at Kahn Village where blood and fire were intertwined, the girl sighed as if she was sighing something.

"It's your choice to ignore it, just be a passer-by who sits on the sidelines?"


Om, the space changed, and after crossing that invisible boundary, Sean once again returned to the old house where he lived before. There is a small yard with a leafy apple tree in the yard. Under the apple tree, there is a gray-haired old man who is pruning the branches and leaves of the apple tree.

"Sit down, kid."

After cutting a branch, the old man turned around and said to Sean, his face was exactly the same as when Sean was in Kahn Village before.

Hearing this and taking a look at the old man, Xiao En walked to the slightly worn stone table under the apple tree and sat down.

"If she could see clearly like you did, maybe she wouldn't live so fortunately."

When he walked across to Sean and sat down, the old man let out a sigh.

Hearing this, Sean shook his head.

"It's not the same. Everyone has their own way of living. There is no difference between superior and inferior. How can you not know that she will be happy after making a choice like mine?"

Hearing this, his eyes froze, and the old man let out a sigh again.

"Yes, I am not her after all."

"So little guy, do you want to eat an apple?"

The old man's voice fell, and an apple tree branch fell down, with three apples on it, namely a golden apple, a silver apple and a green apple.

"You can choose one of these three apples."

With a slight smile, the old man said.

Hearing this, Sean did not make a choice, but asked:

"Old man, can I choose which branch you cut?"

Hearing this, the smile on the old man's face receded, and he took a deep look at Sean.

"Little guy, those people in Kahn Village are greedy for golden apples, so they are all dead, don't you see it clearly?"

"Old man, I am different from them, greed is not wrong, they are wrong in not having the strength corresponding to this greed."

Shaking his head, Sean did not change his choice.

Hearing this, the old man was silent for a while.

"Yes, greed is not wrong, because excessive greed is true greed."

With words, the old man put a thumb-thick apple tree branch in front of Sean.

"If you want it, then give it to you."

Seeing the apple tree branch that the old man handed over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sean did not hesitate, and took it directly.

"and this."

Seeing Sean's clean movements, the old man picked the three apples again and handed them to Sean, but this time Sean didn't pick them up.

Seeing such a scene, the old man spoke again.

"This is your reward, take care of her."

Hearing this, there were unconcealable fluctuations in Sean's blue eyes.

"I will help you hide the existence of golden apples and branches, but remember, unless you really have nowhere to go and want to use external forces to take that step, or that you have already taken that step, or else don’t Eat golden apples or you will die."

The old man's deep words sounded in his ears, and the scene around Xiao En became blurred in an instant.


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