Chapter 787 Reversal of Time

  "Really think about it? Stop struggling?"

  Looking at Smaug, who was lying in the fire, with a calm face, as if he was willing to die, Xiao En narrowed his eyes and asked.

   Hearing this, his eyelids quivered a few times, then opened again, and a bright light flashed across Smaug's muddy eyes.

  Want to die? Of course it doesn't want to die. If it really wants to die, it won't eat so many life-prolonging wonders. It feels that it can still be rescued.

Of course, when things have progressed to the present, Smaug really has some intentions to give up. He is not willing to die, but he can't see hope. Morrel had visited it before to see if he could help him find a way to continue his life. , But failed.

When transforming into Sean’s appearance, Morrel can also leverage the power of time, but this method of using magic to extend life is actually similar to the essence of life-extending wonders, and it has little effect on the current Smaug, because it One's own endurance has reached its limit, and the best time magic·time freezing can continue to take effect, but the longest maintenance time of this magic for any living body is only one month. After one month, even if there is no external force Intervening in this magic will naturally fail. The most important thing is that the freezing of time cannot really erase the traces of time. Using this method is just drinking poison to quench thirst.

  But now hearing Sean’s words and looking at Sean’s calm expression, Smaug’s heart has a new wave of hope. Doesn’t it need to die?

  Although it is said that it is an old dragon from the physical age, it is very old, but from the psychological age, especially from the age of the dragon, it is still a child, younger than Sean.

  Continuously crawling, regardless of the decay of the dragon's body, Smaug came to Sean.

  Shrinked into a puppy size, lying on the ground, Smaug looked at Sean with a longing look.

   "Master, do you really have a way?"

   Hearing this and seeing Smaug's performance, Sean laughed. Although he said that even if Smaug is dead, he would not be harmed, but he was raised by himself, so how could he have no feelings.

   "It seems that you still don't want to die."

  The tentacles were cold, and he reached out and touched Smaug's dragon horns, Xiao En said.

Hearing this, Smaug nodded like smashing garlic. He really didn't want to die. His good life had just begun, and he didn't even leave any offspring. It would be a shame to die like this.

But there is no way. He grows too fast. When he matures physically, he has no such consciousness in his mind. When he has such thoughts in his mind, he has no such ability, but it is it anyway. A regret in my heart.

  "The mythical dragon species is extraordinary. Even now I have no good way to help you transform from a pure blood species to a mythical species."

   "All I can do is help you reverse time and fight for you again."

   Dropped his gaze, looking at Smaug, Sean's face was gloomy.

  The nature of the mythical dragon species is extraordinary. All Sean can do is help Smaug fight for a period of time. The final result depends on Smaug himself.

With words, a gray flame rose from Sean's hand.

  "Time Magic·Fire of Backwards."

  The palm of his hand fell, and a gray flame spread from Sean's hand, quickly enveloping Smaug completely.

   "Huh? The vitality of my body is coming back. I can do it again? But I seem to have forgotten something."

  The crimson dragon's body was wrapped in gray flames, and Smaug's face was filled with joy and confusion.

At this moment, Smaug's rotten scale armor is recovering its due light, and the ferocious dragon's horns are flashing cold again. Everything seems to be getting better. The only bad thing is that Smaug's own powerful aura is slowly declining, blinking. From the sixth-order limit to the appearance of entering the sixth-order.

  His eyes were slightly narrowed, and Xiao En quietly watched the changes of Smaug.

   "Master, why are you here?"

  The gray flames became more and more vigorous, and Smaug's eyes became more and more confused.

Falling from Tier 6 and degrading from pure blood to mixed blood, Smaug is getting younger and younger, and this is not the end. Falling from Tier 5, from mixed blood to mixed blood, Smaug loses the vivid color in his apricot pupils. .

The gray flames continued to burn, and time flowed back on Smaug's body. Sean continued to maintain the effect of magic. If he just wanted Smaug to linger for a while, Sean could have stopped, but if he wanted to increase Smaug's promotion to the mythology. Possibly, Sean needs to transform Smaug's roots.

Phew, the gray flame went out, and Smaug's figure disappeared completely. At this moment, all that was left in front of Sean was a dragon egg with a dense flame pattern, a purple and immaculate orb, and an illusory, Fruit shaped like a pineapple.

Among them, the dragon egg is naturally Smaug, which is the Smaug that has been traced back to its original form by the time of the retrograde fire. The purple orb is the jade of the four souls. As for the illusory pineapple-like fruit, it is a natural burning fruit. This fruit should have dissipated and reborn in the outside world, but was restrained by Sean.

  Waving his hand, the burning fruit and the jade of the four souls merged with the dragon egg under the control of Xiao En.

  "This time you will have a higher starting point. I hope you can seize the opportunity."

  Looking at a little purple light shining inside, and the dragon egg bathed in flames, Sean whispered softly.

  Hearing this, the dragon egg trembled, and the purple brilliance inside became more and more dazzling, as if responding to Xiao En's words.

  Back in time, Smaug seems to have lost his memory and wisdom, but in fact it did not. This situation is only temporary. When the situation stabilizes, Smaug will continue to grow and regain his memory step by step.

Of course, using the fire of retrogression, although Sean gave Smaug a chance to start again, this opportunity is not without limits. It reverses time and washes away the imprint of time on the wisdom life, which is the true spirit of the wisdom life. It will cause tremendous pressure. From the point of view of Smaug's situation, if it comes twice, its true spirit will be overwhelmed, and then it will be broken.

  "We still need to think of a way. With this alone, Smaug's hopes of being promoted to the myth species are still slim."

  Inciting the power of the flame, using the entire sea of ​​fire to nourish the dragon egg, Sean turned and left the Sun Palace.

  "The mythological dragon species is too rare and mysterious, and the information left is too scarce. Next, Sieggel needs to look for related secrets through the temples."

"Maybe you can go to the world of The Eternal Nightmare, as the Supreme Wizard Tower, is likely to have relevant research. After all, the original wizards used to be invincible, not to mention even the Eternal Nightmare. , The same as the Supreme Wizarding Tower, specializing in the study of the bloodline of the blood source must also have related knowledge, and it may not be impossible to exchange it at some price."

His eyes flashed, and the thoughts in Sean's heart continued to emerge one after another. If Smaug wanted to be promoted to the mythology, he needed to make some other preparations, and the relevant secret knowledge in this void was most likely to be mastered by the temples and temples. The wizards have become civilized, because they have dominated the world, and they have profound backgrounds.

  Of course, compared with the gods, Sean puts more hope on the wizarding civilization, which is determined by the characteristics of the true god.

   "Perhaps Julien Borges is also an option, but hopeless."

   Shuttle through the void, a new idea emerged in Sean’s mind.

If anyone knows the mythical dragon species best, it is naturally the mythical dragon species itself, but Yulin Borges is a natural mythical dragon species·fairy dragon. His understanding may not be comprehensive, especially in terms of bloodline transition, because he It was born with no need for research. This is not in line with the characteristics of dragons. The most important thing is that this kind of knowledge is likely to involve the taboo of dragons. Even if you know, Yulin Borges probably won’t Willing to confide.

  (End of this chapter)

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