Chapter 799 Refactoring Rules

  Wh, the gray flame extinguished, and the boiling Yuklar world returned to peace again.

  The momentum collapsed, a thousand miles away, lost the blessing of the retrograde fire, the power of the door that had faintly reunited in the door of the infinite, collapsed again, and the aura of suppressing the time and space of one side also disappeared again, just like a tall building that has lost its foundation stone collapsed.

Although the seventh-order magic of retrograde fire has the ability to reverse time, it once returned the sixth-order pure blood dragon of Smaug to the state of dragon eggs, and it is permanent and constant, not temporary, but the premise of all this is to cast a spell. The person can support the consumption of this process.

  The power consumed by the magic of the Fire of Retreat is not static, and its consumption varies according to the target of the spell and the amount of time against the current.

  With Sean’s current power, aiming at the Gate of Infinity, it is already very difficult to reverse the time in his body to the nearest eighth state, and it is impossible to fix it.

The body of rules was hidden, his face pale as paper, and the dragon roar and snake hissed in the depths of his heart. Seeing the breath stabilized again and returned to the original state of the door of the infinite, there was a rare excitement in the blue eyes of Sean. color.

Although the previous attempts were incomplete, and even failed in terms of the results, Sean was still heartily happy, because it confirmed that his conjecture was feasible, using the fire of retrogression as a prelude, even if The Gate of Infinity is incomplete, and it is still possible for him to leverage the power of the eighth rank.

   "The power of Tier 8 is still too strong for me now, and it is not easy to induce it."

  The excitement faded, and the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning.

"Although I have the power of the three rules of life, time, and space, I have initially constructed the prototype of the power of the creator, but my own grasp of the power of these three rules is actually not enough, just because of the particularity of the magician path. , It directly condensed the body of the rules, skipped the step of accommodating the rules, and went to the level of digesting the rules."

"If I want to use the retrograde fire magic to pry the power of the eight levels of the Infernal Gate, I must go one step further, from digesting the rules to restructuring the rules, which is comparable to the powerful divine power, and the power of these three rules All refactoring must be completed, because only in this way can I maintain my balance and the stability of the prototype of power, and have enough strength to support the horrific consumption of the retrograde fire."

  The spark of wisdom collided in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Shaun had a vague embryonic shape in his heart for the future route.

"The existence of the retrograde fire makes it possible for me to advance the eighth-order mighty force in advance, but the true perfection of the door of the infinite can not be given up. Using the fire of retrograde, I can at most limit the power of the door of the infinite, I want It is impossible to fix him at the eighth level, even if I am promoted to the eighth level."

  Ignoring the echoes in the depths of his heart, Sean’s eyes became clearer.

"The first thing I want to do is to prepare for the reconstruction of the rules, and the second is to find a way to complete the infinite door. The two things can be done at the same time, but the first thing should be the first thing. After all, compared to the completion In the door of the infinite, the first thing must be clearer."

  With a decision in his heart, and completely dissipated the power of the Infinite Door, Sean turned and left Yuklar.


  City in the Clouds, Shaun’s residence.

Lying on the recliner, resting on Gureya’s lap, looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds rendered pale golden by the sun, Sean half-squinted his eyes, comfortable and cozy, and there was still a white floating beside him. Feather pen.

  The real magic power possessed by the magician in the seventh rank is already like a sea, and the regular battle can't be exhausted at all, but once it is exhausted, it will be more troublesome to recover. Now Sean is in such a state.

   "Edward killed the dragon and rescued the trapped civilians..."

A crisp voice sounded, Ruyu's fingers gently kneaded Sean's head, and Gureia recites the content of "How a Knight Is Made" for Sean. This is a fantasy novel of the Emerald Principality. One of the hottest novels at the moment. The author tells the rise of a grassroots knight from the perspective of a commoner. The protagonist of the novel, Edward, was born in poverty and an orphan. He embarked on the path of a knight because of a chance encounter, and gained a nobleman because of his outstanding talents. Is pro-gained, but was also framed because of jealousy.

   Suffered from persecution, the protagonist relied on his powerful strength to kill those who were jealous of him, but because of this, he had to leave his hometown and embark on a wandering road.

After leaving his hometown, the protagonist went through many twists and turns, and in the process his own strength continued to grow, and he gradually gathered a group of reliable partners around him, and then he got it because he killed the dragon and rescued a large number of civilians. The pro-gaze of the princess of the kingdom, as for the follow-up story, the author still needs to update.

  Of course, while listening to the story, Sean is also thinking about how he should go next. According to the previous ideas, restructuring the rules is the first step, and Sean also has some clues about this.

Refactoring rules is not only needed by the wizard, but also by the wizard. In the inheritance that Sean received, there is a clearer introduction to this. After the wizard has completed the digestion of the rules, he needs to add my concept to the rules and completely occupy the rules. Make the rule that one occupies unique, and this process is called the reconstruction of the rule.

The power of the rules is vast. Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to complete this process, and it may even cause backlash. In the long years of exploration, in order to complete this step, the wizards have thought of many ways, of which the most successful It is the collision argument reconstruction method.

The core of this method is that the wizard integrates his own rules into a world, merges with the original rules of the world, changes the two phases, and imprints my concept in this process, replacing the old with new rules. Rules, complete the reconstruction of the rules.

This method has been verified by the wizarding civilization for a long time. The effect is trustworthy. The only drawback is that it is not easy to find a suitable world. If the world is too weak, it will not work, and it will not work if it is too strong. It is best to just be at the seventh level, and There are not too many powerful existences in the world, because this method is actually a fundamental change to the original world. Although it is a fine-tuning, it is still not easy to ignore.

  The world is too Like the Great World of Liberal Arts, wizards will definitely suffer the backlash of the world, and there are too many powerful existences in the Great World of Liberal Arts, they will not allow such things to happen.

  However, Sean doesn’t care about this, he has the right world in his hands.

  "Wait until the status adjustment is complete, you can start preparing."

  When Gureya's reading voice disappeared, Xiao En had a decision in his heart. At the same time, the gate of the palace quietly opened.

   "Your Majesty, your humble servant greets you."

  The clouds were surging, and a white cloud with a human-like face came to Sean. It was one of the cloud beast races created by Ymir and possessed a higher intelligence.

  Hearing this, Sean turned his attention to it.

   Feeling the invisible pressure, Bai Yun becomes more humble.

   "Your Majesty, Qiwuhai Christine wants to see your Majesty."

   Cast his eyes down, Bai Yun said.

  Hearing this, Sean sat up from the recliner.

  (End of this chapter)

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