Chapter 814 Gourmet Guild

  Lvye Principality, the emerald capital, and Lvye City.

With the official convening of the first food festival, the noisy Greenfield City has become more lively. After the initial formation of the umbrella plan, the environment within the Emerald Principality has become more stable, and the frequency of various extraordinary events has linearly decreased. Coupled with the support of new agriculture, the industry is booming, and the overall social order has been out of chaos and has become formal. Under such circumstances, many rich and idle people are willing to spend some time and money to see the excitement in the emerald city. , And the opening of the Principality’s maglev train also greatly facilitates people’s travel.

Walking on the streets of the emerald capital, wearing a simple silver-gray suit with a golden toad on his shoulders, watching the bustling crowd around him, listening to the noise that has not been noticed for a long time, Sean has something in his heart. Somewhat in a trance, before he knew it, he was a little out of tune with this situation.

   "Master, there is a food court over there, do you want to go over and take a look?"

Holding Sean’s arms in one arm, wearing a flaming red tunic lace skirt, showing his perfect figure vividly, looking at a particularly lively block in the distance, Gu Leia spoke. At this moment, the two of them stood together. It's like a little couple going out for fun.

   "Let's go, go over and take a look."

  The discomfort in his heart was suppressed, and Xiao En walked towards the food court.

  Although this food festival is the first time, it may be because it was suppressed too hard under the natural disaster, so the enthusiasm of the people broke out unexpectedly, and the whole food court was crowded.

The food festival is mainly divided into two parts. One part is for businesses to provide some common food for free and introduce new dishes for tourists to taste, mainly various specialty snacks and bread, etc., and the other part is a competition between chefs. Of course Because it is officially organized, the corresponding compensation will be given, and the business will not lose money.

  In Greenfield City, there is more than one food street. Every food street gathers a large number of restaurants and snack bars, and each food street is a sub-field.

  "Free tasting, free tasting, milk-heart buns secretly passed down from the palace."

  "Roast suckling pig, delicious roast suckling pig, it's not delicious, don't need money."

  "The latest chicken curry rice is available for free tasting."

  The aromas of various foods are intertwined, forming a picture of life that is not gorgeous but full of fireworks.

  Invisible power radiated from Gulea's body, unknowingly separating the crowded people, Sean carefully perceives the smoke.

  Along the way, Sean and Gulea tasted a lot of special snacks. Although the overall taste is not as good as palace cuisine, they also have their own characteristics. The most important thing is the different atmosphere of eating here.

Food pays attention to color and aroma. The first priority is naturally taste. At the same time, color and aroma can also give diners a happy mood. In addition, the dining environment will also affect the feelings of diners. After all, food feedback is not only objective. In addition to factors, subjective emotional factors also have a great impact.

   Putting aside his otherworldly attitude, Sean was like an ordinary person, taking Gulea and Emperor Baochan to play in the food court, tasting the food and watching the competition of the chefs.

In fact, compared to Sean and Gulea, the fist-sized King Swallowing Toad was the one who ate the most. The King Swallowing Toad was originally hired by Woking, and both parties had a contract, but with Woking's death , This contract naturally disappeared. Under such circumstances, the desire to survive exploded. In order not to die, the King Swallowing Toad and Sean signed a psychic contract and became a psychic beast.

And Sean, who has mastered the rules of life, easily pulled the dying King Swallowing Toad from the edge of death. However, it is not that simple to restore his transcendental essence that was consumed in previous battles. It takes time. And resources.

Hu eats Hesai, Swallowing Jinbaochan Emperor Gross once again swallowed a pot of flame-fried dumplings that had just been baked. The faces of the merchants were all green. New products were launched, and they were free to try, but they weren’t tried like this. The meat of the dumplings is the hind leg meat of the Huotong sheep raised in the farm, and the skin is also magic wheat. Although the rank is not high, it is only the most basic, but the cost is not low.

  Looking at such a scene, people watching the excitement around could not help exclaiming.

With the increasing popularity of extraordinary knowledge and the spread of psychic secrets, many capable people will choose to train a monster, either for combat or for viewing, but it is as small as the King Swallowing Toad. It's rare to see something so edible, after all, the satiety of these extraordinary delicacies is very strong.

The corners of his mouth split, and there is an undisguised smile in Gross's jade-like eyes. He can eat without spending money, even if it is just some infamous and extraordinary delicacy, he is also very happy, second only to the one in his own treasure house. The treasures increased by a point, and the joy in his heart after seeing the merchant's distressed face was another step, but soon he stopped smiling, because he suddenly remembered that he had no treasures anymore.

After encountering Woking, the big gold master, Gross once thought that he would rise to the pinnacle of Toad and possess countless treasures. However, after working hard for many years, he still returned to the pre-liberation period. I have to say it is a sad story.

   "Let's go."

Seeing the downcast Gross and understanding his thoughts, Sean smiled and turned to leave. He had hesitated before how to deal with Gross. He didn't know whether to kill him to gain a source of power. It is better to transform it into a devil fruit, but it is better to refine it into an emperor.

In the end, after confirming Gross’ temperament, Sean still kept him. Although a bit lazy, he was indeed a genuine emperor of Beasts, and his defenses were outstanding, even if he could not be used as a meat shield and a treasure trove. Or prison is also possible, after all, there is an independent space in his abdomen.

  Looking at the figure of Sean leaving, he threw a bag of gold coins to the merchant, and Gulea immediately chased him. These were enough to make up for his loss. Although it was said to be free, Gross really ate a lot.

  The happy time is always short. Before they knew it, Sean and Gulea walked to the other end of the food court.

   stopped, looked back, and glanced at the still lively food court, Xiao En's originally impetuous heart suddenly sank.

   "It's different after all."

  Experienced, there is no aftertaste, no memories, space fluctuations, and the shadows of Sean and Gulea disappeared.

There used to be a beautiful girlfriend like this, a little spare money, nothing to go shopping, and a life of eating delicious food is his biggest wish, but now it is different after all, compared to the life like this past yearning For him now, it is more of a kind of boring. One day of experience today is enough to make up for the regrets of the past. As for more, Morrel will complete it.

The behind-the-scenes promoter of the Food Festival is Morrel. The original reason was to satisfy his appetite, and now he also has the idea of ​​selecting chefs, spreading the path of food magicians, and forming a food guild. After all, food not only satisfies him. In addition to his appetite, it is also related to his extraordinary way.

At present, the overall environment of the Emerald Principality is relatively stable, and the material supply is also considered abundant. It already has the foundation for forming a food guild. A food guild with relatively loose management but capable of networking a large number of chefs and gourmets can effectively promote food. develop.

  Before the food guild, there was already a successful case of a similar model in the Emerald Principality, that is, the agricultural guild. During the development of an industry, especially in the early stage, the emergence of a guild can effectively promote and regulate the development of this industry.

In fact, in addition to the Agricultural Guild and the Gourmet Guild, the Emerald Principality is currently preparing for the Hunter Guild. Its founder is the Viper Snow. The apparent purpose is to gather civil power and further open up the wilderness outside the Principality. The actual purpose is to spread Now he has solved the problem of mind ability inheritance. He only needs to inject a potion of flesh and blood to complete a fine-tuning of his body structure.

  (End of this chapter)

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