bang bang, gunfire buzzing, rifle and musket intertwined, blooming bright blood flowers, dyeing everyone's eyes red.

   Standing on a small hill, watching the battle or massacre not far away through the single-lens telescope, Xiao En's mind was calm and there was not a single wave of waves.

   The autumn raid in Luye Town has been going on for nearly a month. Although there were losses during this period, the existence of firearms and half of the extraordinary squad was not unacceptably large.

The gunfire gradually died down and became sparser. This also means that the battle is about to come to an end. The result is not the slightest deviation, but this is normal. After all, one party is well-trained and well-equipped, and one party is just a group equipped with stone knives and wooden spears. mob.

   The flames rose. After cleaning the battlefield, the prisoners were strung together. The soldiers of Luye Town skillfully lit the fire source and set the small village torch.

This is not the first aboriginal village to be burned and it will not be the last. Before this aboriginal village, the soldiers of Luye Town had burned down four similar villages. Of course, these villages were small villages with the number of people in the dozens. There are no extraordinary powers in the village when there are about a hundred people.

  The battle is over, and he returns to the temporary station. A small celebration banquet begins as night falls.

   Slightly bitter dark beer in barrels was delivered to the table, accompanied by beast meat roasted by flames and dripping with golden oil, and moderately flavored vegetable soup and brown bread. It was a good meal for the soldiers.

  Drinking and having fun, laughter and laughter, the camp is full of joyful factors. Of course, in addition to drinks and food, women are also essential.

In the course of the raid, the greatest wealth that Luye Town gained was the captive population. These captives were all selected. They were all young men and women. After they were brought back, they became qualified slaves who could be transformed quickly. For productivity, as for the elderly and children either died in the battle or were executed after the war. Although this sounds cruel, it is indeed a tested method.

   In the long-term combat in the wild, the biggest difficulty for the soldiers of Greenfield Town is not the indigenous people who can only be regarded as rabble, but the harsh environment.

   Miasma, poisonous insects, beasts, and the accompanying diseases are all stresses that cannot be ignored. Sometimes drinking a sip of raw water can cause severe diarrhea and death.

   The shadow of death has always been with the army in Greenfield Town, and has never been far away. Under such circumstances, the mental health of the soldiers is very important, and drinks and women are a simple and effective method.

  Different from the hustle and bustle outside, it is much quieter in the main tent. Sean, Monnes, and Ferrole sat in the main and second order, tasting the food on the table.

After eating the last piece of steak on the plate, put down the knife and fork in his hand, sipped a sip of wine, and wiped his lips. Sean raised his head and glanced outside the main tent, while watching Sean's movements, Monens and Ferrol were both He also quickly put down the knife and fork in his hand.

   "Ferrolie, how is the military situation?"

   "My lord, the current situation of the army is okay. The casualties are not large, and the morale is usable. The only worry is that the logistical pressure is a bit high. The prisoners need to be transported and the supplies need to be supplemented."

   After finishing speaking, Ferrol turned his eyes to Sean and waited for Sean's instructions.

   "Well, you can handle these things. Next, we will clean the wild greens. How is the situation there?"

   "Lord Lord, according to our information, the situation of the indigenous people in the Wild Green is very different from that of the Tam River Basin. There is only one tribe, but the specific situation needs further investigation."

   As he said, Ferrole glanced at Monens. Due to the harsh environment and complicated circumstances, the army's spies were only responsible for the outer detection, and the internal situation was handed over to Monens's team of Transcendents.

   Perceiving Ferrolie's gaze, Monnes did not hesitate, and said directly:

   "Lord Lord, the guard squad has been spilled out. It is led by Krom. It is not enough, and there is no information coming back. It should take some time."

Speaking of this, Monnes also feels a little helpless. After all, the Guards are not professional spies. They have natural flaws in detecting intelligence, but fortunately, they are all extraordinary. Under such circumstances, their survivability is better than Ordinary spies are much stronger.

   Although he was not satisfied with Monnes's answer, Sean did not say anything. After all, it was not his fault. Of course, deep down, Sean already had the idea of ​​building a professional intelligence team.

   "In this case, temporarily slow down the advancement of the troops and wait for the collection of intelligence."

   "Yes, Lord Lord."

  The small meeting is over, and the atmosphere in the main account is much more relaxed.

   In the middle of the night, the banquet has ended. Except for the guards, most of the soldiers have fallen into a deep sleep.

   The moon is dim, the trees are densely covered, casting a piece of distorted shadows, occasionally a breeze blows, disturbing the branches and leaves, making strange noises, quite penetrating.

  Early in the morning, after washing up and walking out of the main account, Xiao En immediately found something wrong.

"How is this going?"

   Looking at the ten mummy corpses arranged in a row on the ground, Sean's expression was a bit cold.

   The atmosphere was deep, UU reading www.uukā was overwhelming, and under such circumstances, Monnes still stood up.

   "Lord Lord, these ten bodies were found this morning. The identities have been confirmed. Eight of them were militiamen and two were professional soldiers. The time of death was about midnight, and the cause of death was that the whole body was drained of blood."

   Listening to Monnes's words, Sean kept silent, squatted down silently, and carefully checked the body of the deceased.

After inspection, Sean found that the ten men died very similar. They were all with shrunken torso and peaceful faces, as if they were dying in a sweet dream. There were no extra wounds except for the two small holes in the neck. All of this can't help but make Sean think of three words, vampire, but what makes Sean puzzled is that these blood holes are a bit too small.

   got up, glanced at the dignified and worried expressions of everyone around him, and Xiao En asked:

   "Can the murderer be identified?"

   has a light tone, without any ups and downs.

   "Lord Lord, it is still uncertain for the time being. The soldiers who watched last night did not find any abnormalities, and we did not find any valuable clues where ten people died, not even footprints."

   After listening to Ferrolie's words, Sean's expression remained the same, only a pair of azure blue pupils became more profound.

"In other words, the murderer easily crossed the cordon of our camp, killed ten of us in silence, and then retreated without leaving a trace? Even if we even him or they are human The beast doesn't know it, does it?"

   At the end of the talk, Sean's tone suddenly rose.

   "Yes, yes, Lord Lord."

  At this moment, everyone felt the raging anger under Sean's calm face.


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