咻, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and at this moment, Monnes didn't hide a bit of it. Of course, it is impossible to continue sneaking now. After all, they are not assassin-like transcendents.


   was discovered by the black bat tribe, Monens did not have any plans to stop, but further accelerated the speed.

   Kazed, shattered the breastbone of a guard, and twisted the neck of a guard, Monens opened the prelude to the killing.

   bang, fists up and knives down, and under the leadership of Monnes, the extraordinary squad turns into a killing machine, killing people at sight, without the slightest stagnation, and the goal is directed at the sacrificial hall of the Black Bat tribe.

   One step at a time, the bones paved the way, and the noise made by Monnes and others finally alarmed the high-level members of the Black Bat tribe in the sacrificial hall.

   "Patriarch, a white ghost has come in!"


"How can it be?"

   Suddenly received the news from the guards, Heiguida and several elders thought they had heard hallucinations, but before they could ask them carefully, the gate of the sacrificial hall was kicked off.

  噗, he threw the corpse of a guard in the place. Monnes glanced at the black bones and waited. After determining the target, he rushed forward without any hesitation. The killing had just begun.

   Seeing the blood-stained Monnes like Shura, Black Bone Fighting and others were shocked for a while.

   嘭, the ground cracked, Monnes's speed was a bit faster, and he was in front of Hei Gu Da and the others.

With five fingers wide open, Monnes is ready to grab the black bone in his hand. At this moment, the living black bone may be more useful than the dead one, but at this moment a harsh scream sounded, making him The pace of progress could not help but stagnate slightly.

   Seizing this opportunity, the recovered Black Bone hurriedly took a step back and rolled away from Monnes.

   At the same time, a weird bat the size of a millstone and a red body flying from nowhere rushed towards Monnes.

   Seeing the nausea caused by the screaming sound was suppressed, and looking at the big bat that leaped over, Monnes had to temporarily give up his plan to catch the black bones.

The pure white fighting spirit above his right arm gleamed, and with his feet pressed hard, he made a jump. Monnes wanted to hit this big bat by surprise. Unfortunately, this bat was much more flexible and cunning than he had imagined, and he could avoid it with just one flip. His attack.

   One blow missed, Monnes's expression remained unchanged, regardless of the height of the big bat, rushing straight to the nearest elder, killing all over him, obviously not intending to stay alive.

Hey, his wings closed, a dive, and the weird bat struck Monens's back, seemingly trying to keep him, but at this moment Monens, who was rushing forward, suddenly changed from movement to silence, forcibly twisting himself Forehead body.

   With a grin on his rough face, Monnes suddenly swelled his right arm and punched him as he watched the big bat assaulting him.

   嘭, unable to dodge, flesh and blood splattered, the weird bat that just swooped down was slammed back by Monnes with a punch.

   A weird black smoke emerged, and the strange bat the size of a millstone suddenly became the size of a baby's fist like a punctured balloon and fell straight out of the air.

   The weird bat died, but Monnes did not relax at all, because the matter was far from over.

   The black smoke billowed and floated in the air, and the figure of a bat was faintly visible.

Huh, the sharp tweet appeared again, and Monnes could not help but stagnate again, that is, at this time, the black bones who had fled in embarrassment did not know when they reached a consensus with several elders, and seized this opportunity to charge at the same time. Come up and want to kill Monsige.

As the leader of the tribe, Black Bone Fighting is naturally not lacking in bravery. Although he is not an extraordinary person, his strength is definitely the top among ordinary people. With the assistance of several elders, he is sure to seize this opportunity to kill Monns. .

   was getting closer, looking at Monnes's indifferent face, thinking that he was about to slit the throat of an extraordinary person, the black bones could not help but gush out a kind of perverted pleasure in the depths of his heart.

   "Hey, go to hell."

   His eyes were red, and he held the sharp blade against him, and the black bone hit and wiped the dagger in his hand at Monens. At the same time, the other three black bat tribe elders also handed out the sharp blade to Monens at the same time.

   Ding, the cutting sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh did not sound, but the sound of gold and iron strikes.

  'S ferocious smile gradually stiffened, and he raised his head to meet Monnes's gaze as if he was looking at a dead person, and the black bones hit the ice cave for a while.

Uh, the left hand lifted the black bones with one hand, the right hand punched the sternum of one elder, turned around and kicked the other two elders away, and the original crisis of Monnes was resolved for a while. The amount is completely clean.

Ignoring the blushing face and the black bones that were not breathing well, Monnes couldn't help but touched his neck. If it weren't for the secret technique taught by Sean, he might have his neck severed at this moment, think about it. Still a little scared.

   "Where do you want to go!"

   A cold light flashed in his eyes, without the slightest hesitation~www.wuxiaspot.com~Monnes took the black bone in his hand as a throwing object and slammed it against a figure who was going to sneak away in the corner.

   The black bat sacrifice seems to be very old, but the action is extremely flexible, and a black bat who leaned back to avoid being hit by the black bones, of course, this does not change his ending.

Beast Soul Sacrifice is an extraordinary profession with a single method, with great fluctuations in strength and weakness. The key is to integrate the strength of the beast soul and the beast group that can be controlled. He is talented in witchcraft, but today he only brought a cultivated blood bat with him, which greatly weakened his strength. The two extraordinary abilities he possessed, beast soul possession and the dominance of the herd, would have exerted its power. The battle took place in the Black Bat Cave, so the result is likely to be rewritten.

  嘭, the beast soul dissipated, was hit in the neck, and the black bat sacrificed into a coma.

   His gaze swept across, looking at the few people who had fainted on the ground, who didn't know their life or death, and a smile appeared on Monnes's wild face. He knew that with these prisoners, his mission on this trip should be completed.

   Monnes's beheading operation was a complete success, and the front line also made breakthrough progress.

As a result of receiving the highest-level distress signal from the camp, the Black Bat tribe’s original force felt tight on the front line and had to send some people back to rescue. Under such circumstances, under the cover of the captives, the army of Greenfield Town seized their scarcity. The resulting flaws directly tore their defenses.

   "The overall situation is set."

   Seeing the black bat tribe's defense line was breached by his own, Ferrol couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As the commander of this war, he was under pressure.

   The line of defense was torn, and the Black Bat tribe, which was originally supported by geographical advantages, had no room to turn, either being killed or caught.


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