In the early morning, the sun first shines, which is the best time of the day, but at this moment, Duomu Village, an affiliated village under Luye Town, is shrouded in a huge cloud at this moment.

   "Master, the little stone is gone."

   One of the largest yards in Doki Village, logging leader Vos found Enke, the elder of Doki Village, who was really smoking tobacco.

   Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at Voss, who was holding a double-barreled shotgun. Old Enke took a bite of grass smoke.

   "Is that the monster again?"

   lowered his head and spit out a big mouthful of smoke, making people unable to see the expression of Old Enke at this moment.

"should be."

   As he said, Vos's hands holding the shotgun couldn't help but clenched, and the veins were exposed.

Taki Village's main business is logging. As the leader of the logging team and the second person in Taki Village, Voss has encountered many dangers, such as being attacked by a hungry brown bear while logging, but never once made him like today. Feel the same powerless.

   Six days ago, an old scythe of a lumberjack in Doki village disappeared inexplicably. At first, it did not attract everyone's attention. It was not until the next day that the villagers found out that it was wrong and organized a man to search for it.

  The search for nature had no results, and in the process three more villagers disappeared, and an atmosphere of panic began to permeate the village.

   Under such circumstances, Old Enke decisively gathered the villagers and asked Voss to lead the young people in the village to take up arms to protect everyone. No one was missing on this day.

With the protection of armed forces and the gathering of everyone together, the villagers’ hearts began to calm down slowly, but the good times did not last long. On the third night, two people disappeared when everyone got together. The most important thing is that no one knows when and how they disappeared.

   The seeds of fear began to take root, and the hearts of the villagers were unknowingly swallowed by monsters called panic. Many people’s sanity was on the verge of collapse. It was at this time that someone proposed the idea of ​​leaving the village.

   There are people who support and oppose this idea. There are more opposition than they support. After all, this is their home and their comfort zone. The more important thing is that leaving the village does not guarantee safety, and it may be more dangerous.

   Realizing that the situation is not right, Old Enke stepped forward to calm everyone's disputes.

   did not leave the village for the time being. Everyone took on their weapons and could not act alone at any time. They handed the only two horses in the village to the two young men and asked them to go to Luye Town for help.

   On the fourth day, I watched two young men ride away. The villagers placed their hopes on them. The day was safe and sound, but none of the villagers dared to fall asleep at night.

   On the fifth day, the weather was fine and the villagers spent the day tremblingly, but fortunately everything was safe, as if the monster had already left.

   On the sixth day, without waiting for the villagers to breathe a sigh of relief, fear struck again, the little stone was missing, anxiety was boiling like boiling water, and the monster never went far.

   "Master, what should we do? The villagers are very upset and don't know when the town's help will come."

   His own force is not reliable, and Voss, a tall and strong man, can only pin his hopes on Greene Town’s request for help at this moment.

   took a deep breath and lowered his head. Old Enke did not speak, nor did he share his innermost thoughts with Voss.

Duomu Town is far away from Lvye Town, but riding a horse back and forth for two days is enough, but today is the third day, Lvye Town’s request for help still hasn’t come. If it’s not something delayed, then it’s The request for help was not sent to Luye Town at all, and the second possibility was far higher than the first because no one was missing in the village that day.

The heart is heavy, but Old Enke can only bear it silently, because at this moment Doki Village has become a powder keg, and a spark may detonate it, and based on so many days of observation, Old Enke guessed that Only unknown monsters are likely to use the village as their own granary, eating two or three people every day, no more, no less.

This conjecture may be a bit cruel, but Old Enke knew that it was probably true. As an old hunter, Old Enke knew the psychology of those beasts very well, but unfortunately he couldn’t do anything even if he guessed the truth. Not to mention it is a kind of sorrow, the sorrow of the weak.

Although there may be a problem with the help, the old Enke is not desperate, because every once in a while, Luye Town will come to collect a batch of wood, and counting the days, the most recent will be in these few days. When the time comes, Luye Town will definitely Will find the anomaly here.

   Of course, what old Enke can do now is to pray silently, hoping to come early this day, hoping that a few people will die.


   Looking at the back of Voss leaving, Old Enke sighed deeply, his body even more rickety.

Watching the villagers die silently, concealing the facts from them, letting them wait for death with peace of mind, this is a cruel way of death for the old Enke who grew up in the village, but he had to do this, because once the villagers Knowing the truth, fleeing on a large scale then it is likely to anger unknown monsters in the dark.

An Xin stayed in the sheep pen and was treated as a monster’s food reserve. Although people would die every day, the number was limited. Tore the sheep pen and reluctant to make the food food. The monsters were furious and might hunt them on a large scale. .

  Huh, he took another puff of smoke, and the old Enke silently told himself that he must be patient, he must be patient.

   Two more days passed, and on the eighth day that Dakimura was shrouded in clouds, Iruka's brows were tightly frowned in the Greenfield Town Administration Office.

   "Are you saying that there is no news at all?"


   glanced at Iluka's face. Although the clerk was in a state of anxiety, he continued:

   "Your Excellency, the staff of the Administrative Office who was in charge of collecting wood had already set off for Takimura three days ago. It is reasonable that the next day, he should return by yesterday at the latest, but he has not returned until today."

   Huh, took a deep breath, put down the quill in his hand, and Iluka's face couldn't help but sink.

As a pioneering land, Luye Town seems to be stable, but in fact, it is perilous. Under such circumstances, public servants have strict schedules when going out on business. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to violate them, and those people have not returned yet. Something went wrong.

   After thinking a little bit, rubbing his eyebrows, Iluka took out a decree special paper and quickly wrote a decree and stamped it with his official seal.

   "You take this to the sheriff Eros and ask him to send more people to visit Dakimura."

   There is no news, no intelligence, Iruka has neither full force nor reason to let Ferrol mobilize the army, so he can only let Elos send someone to see it, just hope this matter is not troublesome.


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