The second floor of the underground laboratory.

   Compared with the various more complete experimental facilities on the first floor of the laboratory, the second floor is much simpler, and many places are still empty.

   After passing through the three security doors, Sean and Aneth came to the place where the baby's bones were placed.

The skeleton is placed in a square box made of glass, like a small coffin, and there are square blood pools around him, but except for one of the blood pools, the other three blood pools are basically Not much blood.

   "Anas, how is the blood effect of these ordinary people now?"

   "Lord Lord, I have tried it, but the effect is not ideal, perhaps because the time is too short, the effect is not as good as the blood pool of the Black Bat tribe."

   Hearing this, Sean fell into silence. For now, the blood water that has been affected by the bones is a very important and extraordinary resource in Greenfield Town. If it can be mass-produced, it will provide great help to Greenfield Town’s extraordinary training plan, but it is a pity....

   "Anas, is there any progress in the preservation plan for these blood?"

   As soon as the voice changed, Sean changed the subject.

"Sorry Lord, there has not been any progress in this aspect so far. I have tried various storage methods, such as low-temperature refrigeration, and also tried adding other ingredients to the blood as a stabilization. Unfortunately, it has no effect. There is no way to stop the decay of blood."

  Speaking of this, Anais is deeply ashamed. Although the effect of alienating blood is good, if its storage method cannot be solved, then its effect will be severely limited.

   "Well, Anais maybe we can try to use these blood as the main material to formulate new potions."

   Seeing that the storage method has no clue, Sean proposes a new direction.


Hearing Sean’s words, Aneth fell into hesitation and didn’t know what to say, because the emergence of every potion requires a deep accumulation of mystery knowledge by the dispenser, and thousands of continuous experiments. , And more need a smile from Goddess of Luck. Feeling Aneth’s hesitation, Sean didn’t say much. His newly proposed conjecture is undoubtedly much bolder than Aneth, but it takes a lot of experimentation to transform the conjecture into reality. It was in vain.

   "Let's go, let's go down and have a look."

   If the second floor of the laboratory can roughly see what a laboratory should look like, then the third floor is completely different.

   dim, cold, and damp, this is the first feeling after Sean comes down.

   seemed to be aware of Sean’s discomfort, and Aneth said:

   "Lord Lord, because the phone worms and blood bats like dark and humid environments, I did not carry out large-scale renovations on the third floor, and kept its original environment as much as possible."

   The invisible sights and colors spread out and enveloped the third underground laboratory. Sean had a certain understanding of what Anais said.

   Squeak, sensing the breath of unfamiliar humans, many blood bats that closed their eyes and slumbered opened their green eyes, but before these bats rioted, Anais had calmed them down.

   Crossing the area where blood bats live, Sean sees the phone bug.

At this time, the phone worm was lying quietly in its comfort zone, gnawing on the food on her mouth from time to time. Even if she noticed the movement of Sean and Anais, she just glanced at it and continued to do her own thing. .

   "Lord, this female phone worm is currently in very good condition, and it has bred three small phone worms."

   Listening to what Aneth said, Sean's eyes fell on the three thumb-sized little phone bugs beside the phone bug.

Seeing the corner of Sean’s mouth outline a smile here, although these phone bugs are still small and cannot be put into use, the emergence of new phone bugs means that the phone bugs have fully adapted to the surrounding environment, and this is undoubtedly a good news.

   "Anas, you did a good job, but you still need to continue to work hard. I am afraid that the next days will not be too peaceful."

   "I understand Lord Lord."

   As a black bat sacrifice in the past, and obtained a lot of information from Sean, Anais naturally has a vague judgment on the future.

In order to transform the conjecture into reality, in the following days, Sean and Aneth used the enchanted blood (blood affected by the bones) as the blueprint, and used a variety of experimental methods, including but not limited to human experiments. Further analysis of the nature, and on this basis, conduct medicinal experiments to study new potions.

   Putting my heart and soul into it, the time passed very quickly, and it was two months in a flash.

In the past two months, the town of Luye has been a little turbulent, but the overall situation is still stable. With the enlistment of hunters and the sweep of the guards, the expansion of the beast attacking incident was finally brought under control. In the process, the guard team found traces of three extraordinary One of them escaped from the hunt, the other two were captured alive, and the other was killed. Finally, they provided Sean with 1.5 sources. Strength points and two templates, and the only disharmony is probably the murder in Greenfield Town. Three people have been killed in Greenfield Town in the past month. It is not small, it is completely handled by the public security department, and has been closely tracked.

Of course, Sean was not without gain in these two months. After two months of research, with the help of his own domineering advantage and flash of light, after a lot of experiments, Sean and Aneth finally demonized it. The blood and the stomach sac of the blood bat are used as the main material to formulate a new type of potion, which was named Knight's Blood by Sean.

   Knight’s blood, a first-order potion, can strengthen the body of the transcendent.

Perhaps because the time is too short, perhaps because the potential of general blood is limited. So far, Sean and Aneth can only formulate the blood of the first-order knight. The blood of the second-order knight is currently still being conceived, and Sean intends to use it. Try it with the blood of extraordinary creatures, but at this moment a letter from Menfitos disrupted Sean's next arrangements.

   In the study, letting the warm coffee gradually cool down, Xiao En's face was gloomy and unsightly, and there was an opened letter on his desk.

   "Has the reputation of the Montere family been trampled so much?"

Boom boom boom, unconsciously knocking on the desktop, as if hitting people's hearts, although the soul comes from another world, but these years enjoying the convenience provided by the Montell family, feeling the family's care for him, Sean naturally treats Monte The Er family has a high sense of identity.

   "Gurea, let the Yin Beast come and see me."


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