The moon is dim. With the shelter of the dark night and the complex terrain, many mice have broken through the encirclement of the blood axe gang.

   From a high place, with a panoramic view of everything, the anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger, Krom decided not to wait any longer.

   jumped down from the roof, his legs immediately transformed into a beast form, a few jumps, over the wall of fire, Krom came into the small courtyard.

   There is no trace of the target. This is Krom's conclusion after checking. The thing he just worried about has probably happened.

   A small group of rats rushed over to the garbage disposal site, most of them got into the garbage dump, and one mouse didn't even look at the garbage, but went straight through and ran towards the sewer opening not far away.

  咻, an invisible attack appeared quietly, and a trace of human terror appeared in the eyes of the little mouse who was about to enter the sewer, vividly.

   嘭, too late to dodge, the little mouse was directly hit by an invisible attack, but it did not die, because at the moment it was hit, a dark shield appeared on its body.

   The body fluttered, and after a few laps on the ground, the little mouse's body suddenly stretched out.

   The body was elongated and the face was distorted and changed, and finally the little mouse became an old hunchback.

   There was blood at the corner of his mouth. Although the strange object on his body just provided him with a protective cover, he was still injured, but at this moment he calmed down instead.

   Steady his figure, did not turn his head to search for the source of the attack, a ball of flame quietly appeared in his palm, and threw it out without any hesitation.

   Boom, the fireball exploded and was affected by the flames, and the phantom lizard Fuerte, who was hidden in the dark, revealed his figure.

   "It's really amazing, old ghost, are you a wizard? You caught my flaw just for a moment."

   Perceived the power of the target, the phantom lizard did not rush to attack, he is not alone, and his support will come soon.

   is very clear of his own situation, the old hunchback does not mean half-point and the illusion lizard, a new round of attacks has already begun brewing at the moment when the fireball technique is stimulated.

The rustling sound of    rustling sounded quietly, and a mouse the size of a thumb came out of the fur coat on the old hunchback, and at this time the old hunchback's back was no longer hunched.

   The mouse landed on the ground and quickly grew bigger. The size of the original thumb was blown into the air. It suddenly swelled to the size of a basketball, but this is not the end.

   The hazy blood light appeared on the old hunchback's hand, and the first-order witchcraft bloodthirsty technique was activated.

   woo, woo, under the envelope of bloodthirsty art, his eyes were stained with blood, the hairs on his body were erected like steel needles, and dozens of mice uttered the low and muffled roars as before the beast attacked.

   looked solemn and narrowed his eyes slightly. From these dozens of weird mice, the phantom lizard smelled a dangerous smell.

   Emerald green scales quietly emerged, and his hands turned into sharp beast claws. At this moment, the phantom lizard revealed his human and beast form.

   Watching the change of the phantom lizard, the old hunchback gray eyes flashed with a strange brilliance, but he did not hesitate in his actions, and immediately gave the rat group an offensive order.

   Woo, running like an arrow, facing the fierce rat group, the phantom lizard did not choose to collide head-on, but chose to fight with the help of the terrain.

Chih, the sharp claws pierced the body of a mouse, and the blood was thrown away. The look on the face of the magic lizard was not relaxed, but more dignified, because at the moment he felt a sense of stagnation, you must know that it was just a moment. An ordinary mouse, there are truly extraordinary creatures in the rat group.

Perhaps because they were spawned, these mice have no other special abilities except for sharp claws and thick skin. However, even after entangled for a while, the scales on the phantom lizard showed many damages, and the corners of the mouth were also damaged. Blood came out.

   Not far away, the rat group was suppressed by the rat technique. The old hunchback watched that he could not kill the pursuer for a long time, and an anxiety surged in his heart.

He wanted to leave as soon as possible, but it is not realistic at all, because the ratmanship has a distance limit. If he stays a little further away, the rats will lose control and scattered. I am afraid that he has not run very far. It's going to be caught up again.

A fierce color flashed through the gray pupils, seizing the chance that the phantom lizard was hit by a mouse, the old hunchback once again stimulated the fireball technique, and at the same time, a clear and squeaking sound was accurately transmitted to his In the ear, a crack quietly appeared in the ruby ​​ring in his right hand at this moment.

   Flame Ring, a first-order strange thing, can activate fireball once every ten minutes, and continuous excitation in a short time will cause permanent damage to the strange thing. After many times, the flame ring is likely to be completely damaged.

   Regardless of the distress, staring closely at the movement of the fireball, the old hunchback only hopes that this time can quickly solve the pursuer.

   was in the middle of the air, there was nowhere to take advantage, seeing the fireball approaching, the magic lizard couldn't avoid it at all.

  咻, the sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded again. At the moment of crisis, he transformed the head of a lizard, wrapped his tongue around a stone pillar not far away, and pulled his body over. UU Reading

   Boom, the flames bloomed in the open space, at this moment neither the old hunchback nor the magic lizard's face looked good.

   The old hunchback did not get the desired result because he paid the price, while the magic lizard knew clearly that although he had escaped this time, it would not be the next time.

Senran's murderous intent spread. Although angry, the old hunchback did not lose his mind because of a failure. Under his command, the rat group once again surrounded the phantom lizard, but at this moment his face suddenly changed. The group that was planning to besiege the phantom lizards suddenly split, some continued to attack, and some rushed in another direction.

   "Oh, this was discovered. I was planning to attack."

   In the dark, the sick dog Walter showed his figure, and there was Bloodhoof Krom standing beside him, and the two felt together at a critical moment.

   The support arrived, and the magic lizard quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and if he drags it this way, he really might die in the mouth of these mice.

"Be careful, this old guy should be a Tier 2 wizard. The leather jacket on his body is probably a strange thing. My bullet tongue was blocked by a dark shield that suddenly appeared. "

   Facing the entanglement of a few mice, the pressure was reduced a lot. During the attack and defense, the magic lizard briefly talked about what he knew to the sick dog and the blood hoof.

Hearing the words of the second-order wizard, the expressions of the sick dog and the blood hoof immediately became more solemn, and the phantom lizard also agreed with the guess about the coat on the old hump. The weather is still hot, and wearing a fur coat under such conditions is a bit weird.

   The pressure has doubled. Looking at the three female beasts who are entangled with the three, the old hunchback knows that I may not be able to be kind today.


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