Three days later, at the port of Ghost Island, six three-masted armed merchant ships set sail. On this day, Sean left the Ghost Island. He also left with all the new artillery and a large amount of supplies.

Since the evil ghost pirate group is occasionally involved in the slave trade business, many of the captured members of the Montell family fleet have survived this time. With the addition of these people, Sean manpowers the ghost island. The problem of deprivation has eased, and it is precisely because of Sean that he can handle everything quickly and return to Greenfield Town with peace of mind.

Considering the importance of the magic stone ore veins, after careful consideration, Sean allowed the viper to stay, and asked him to use the soldiers and sailors of the Montell family as the foundation, with the help of Mahal and other surrender pirates to establish the first ghost island. The armed forces, the ghost island garrison, and the remaining pirate captives have become miners, responsible for the mining of the magic stone veins. Not surprisingly, they will spend the second half of their lives in the magic stone veins until they die. stop.

There are 150 soldiers in the Ghost Island garrison. Although the good and the bad are made up of different things, they are enough to stand guard and supervise the work. What's more, as long as you have a complete grasp of the Ghost Island port and the suppression of the poisonous snakes, those pirate captives There is no turmoil at all.

   As for the Black Crow Pirates of Resick, it was the first to leave after Sean had solved the evil ghosts and Pirates, and before that, Sean gave Ressick a phone bug to facilitate contact.


Luye Town was as calm as ever. Standing on the pier, watching this peaceful scene, Xiao En quietly breathed a sigh of relief. This time, in order to solve the evil pirate group without accident, he transferred all the things in Luye Town. High-end combat power, he was really afraid that Greenfield Town would suffer huge losses during this period.

   Back to the Lord's Mansion, after enjoying Gureya's attentive service, Sean slept comfortably. He was indeed a little tired after going out to sea for so many days.

   While Sean fell asleep, some people stayed up all night because of him.

   Green Bank Coffee, Travis looked at the brightly lit pier and fell into contemplation.

   On a merchant ship, looking at the large wooden boxes that are constantly being unloaded from ships flying oak flags, an imperceptible suspicious color flashed in the eyes of a wealthy businessman with small eyes.

   At the same time, shortly after Sean returned to Greenfield, a message about him was sent to Memphis through a secret channel.

   There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, after a night of rest, Sean came to the botanical garden.

  The shadow of the tree appeared, and the devil fruit tree broke away again, and for a while, Xiao En was a little uncomfortable.

   Looking at the grapefruit-like devil fruit between the branches and leaves, densely covered with black grimace patterns, Xiao En's face showed a smile. This should be the biggest harvest of his trip besides the magic stone veins.

Of course, in addition to this, Shaun also harvested 25 source power points and two third-order strange objects, of which most of the source power points came from the dead bullhead ghost pythons and ghost hands, and a small part came from the absorption of strange objects and other pirates. And those two Tier 3 wonders left by Sean are the treasures of ghost hands, a war wonder glass, a vow of an exclusive wonder knight. Needless to say, the role of war wonders is this exclusive. The strange thing also has the power that Sean can't give up.

   Knight’s Oath, a third-order special strange thing, dedicated to knights, can enhance the connection between the knight and the mount, allowing the third-order knight to use the secret of life that can only be used by the fourth-order knight in advance, and has a part of the characteristics of the fourth-order knight.

   Although the knight’s oath has a single effect and has exclusive limitations, its effect is really not to be underestimated. Without it, the ghost hand and the minotaur ghost python would not be able to sustain the white beard and the poisonous snake for so long.

   For such a strange thing, although Sean doesn't need it, it is a good choice whether it is used for rewarding his subordinates or for trading. It is really a waste of turning into a source of power.

Looking at the devil fruit tree and the unhatched Fengshen pterosaur egg, Sean sank his consciousness into the door of the alien world, with 25 newly harvested source power points, plus the previous 18, he It should be possible to change something again.

   The scenery is still the same, and it is empty. After this period of time, besides the Taidao that Shaun hadn't exchanged before, there was a new item as expected.

   [Item]: Jade of the Four Souls (Fragment *4)

   [Evaluation]: A treasure from the world of Inuyasha with a trace of moon authority. It may bring you power, but please don't get lost in it.

  [Price]: 40 source power points

   Inside the door of another world, looking at the four fingernail-sized pieces of the jade of four souls in the bubble, Xiao En fell into contemplation.

There is some understanding about Sean, the jade of the four souls. It is rumored to be the creation of a witch. Sean is suspicious of this. In the anime of Inuyasha, the jade of the four souls basically runs through the beginning and the end. It has powerful power and causes With the chasing of many monsters, many weak monsters quickly became stronger after obtaining the jade of the four souls. Know the killing.

   "Does the moon have authority?"

Consciousness fluctuations, the jade of the four souls, Sean, cares most about the feedback given by the door of another The word authority is very special, at least it is like this in the liberal arts world, and it is generally used to describe it. Not everyone can use the power that the true **** has.

If this is the case, then the jade of the four souls with a trace of moon authority may not be low in personality. The complete state is at least Tier 5, and it may even be Tier 6, because only in this way can it explain that the exchange price of a piece of it is equal to the same. It is a fact that a fourth-order strange thing is quite.

   A little pondered, Xiao En exchanged the Four Soul Jade Fragments, only for a while, he only had 3 source power points left. As expected, no matter when the source power points were not enough.

   Looking at the four pieces of four soul jade fragments in the palm of his hand, Xiao En turned around and entered the underground laboratory.

   Five days later, Sean walked out of the underground laboratory and left Greenfield Town with a white beard and entered the dense forest.

Perhaps it is because the essence is too high, or it is because of the deep hidden power. In the five days in the underground laboratory, Xiao En's research on the jade of the four souls has not made any gratifying progress, and this time he went out for the sake of another in his heart. An idea.

   In the unknown forest, a long-tailed Timberwolf was sent to Sean by the white beard.

   嗷嗷, two days later, a long and powerful wolf howl mixed with a trace of tyrannical wolf came out from the forest, shocking the surrounding area.

   Seeing the wolf monster in front of him who had changed dramatically in shape and was more than three meters long, exuding a tyrannical aura, with saliva in his mouth, and made no secret of his killing intentions, Sean’s blue pupils were full of wonder and curiosity.

In just two days, under the influence of the jade of the four souls, an ordinary wild wolf turned into a monster equivalent to the second-order beast. This speed is terrifying. Although it had been predicted, Sean still Marvel at it, of course, the real experiment has just begun to this point.


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