Silent silence spread between Sean and Baroque. Although the two seem relaxed, like old friends they haven’t seen for a long time, they lock each other’s energy. Once one moves, it will inevitably suffer. Thunder strike from the other side.

"Guest, come with me."

With the sword in his hand, his sharpness was not obvious. Although Barrorick's eyes were blind, Sean knew that the other party could see him, and he could see him more clearly than ordinary people.

"Forget it this time, next time."

With a smile on his face, Sean replied easily, that is, at this moment, the knife in Barorick's hand was cut out again, but the object was not Sean who was standing there but the one behind Sean. A piece of nothingness.

Hush, the light of the knife approached, the emerald fire flashed away, and Xiao En's figure condensed out of nothingness again, and he who stood in place before had disappeared for some time. Obviously, it was just a phantom.

Illusion · Reflection, although Sean did not expect to completely hide Baroque's perception by relying on such a small illusion, he did not expect that he could not even delay it for a little time.

"The guests really make it difficult for the old blind man to do this."

Taking a step forward, his figure resembling electricity, Baroque finally moved.

Hush, hush, hush, the knives shine like weaving, like a large tight net shrouded towards Sean. In an instant, Sean became a fish trapped in the net, and it seemed that it was only early or late that he was caught.

His body was erratic, his eyes glowed with red light, like swaying lightning, Sean walked in the knife net like a fish, seemingly precarious but safe.

The domineering characteristics of seeing and hearing color foresee the future. After the fourth-level, seeing and hearing color further grows, Sean vaguely touches the threshold of foreseeing the future, but it has not been mature until now, and cannot be applied in actual combat. , And today, under Barrorick’s net of knives, Sean finally grasped the context of foreseeing the future.

Unlike the wizarding approach that values ​​accumulation, the domineering thing progresses a bit faster in actual combat, especially in the battle of life and death, and this is what Sean has always lacked.

Thinking of this, Sean didn’t rush to evacuate. Of course, he didn’t want to fight a life-and-death battle to sharpen himself. He was not such a person and there was no such need. He simply wanted to take advantage of the pressure brought by Baroque. To urge himself to further grasp the characteristics of foreseeing the future, he is confident enough to leave smoothly.


As if perceiving Sean's difficulty, Barorick changed his offensive and gave up his previous ideas.

Om, the blade vibrated, causing the air to hum like weeping like a complaint, as if someone was crying. At the same time, an inexplicable sadness rose from the bottom of Xiao En's heart, causing his changeable body to stagnate slightly. It was at this moment that a sword light like a horse training cut open his body.

"It's amazing."

Phew, gathering and dispersing invisible, Xiao En's soul body once again quietly condensed, but at this time, in addition to the broken left hand, there is also a slanted scar from top to bottom on his chest, which seems to be about to cut him in two.

"With such a condensed will, I'm afraid you have reached the threshold of the Juggernaut."

Touching this unerasable wound on his chest, Xiao En felt the deep will on it.

Although Kendo is not a direct current in the Liberal World, it is more just a supplement to the extraordinary way of the knight, but it is undeniable that it is the top in killing and killing, and the Juggernaut corresponds to the fifth-order legend.

"It's almost, but soon."

Seeing Sean appear again, Baroque gave his answer, his voice was as calm as water, neither proud nor humble, just stating a fact.


Hey, the light of the knife enveloped Sean once again. Baroque’s knife is no different from the previous one, but in Sean’s eyes, it can be clearly seen that Baroque’s knife is on his body. The crimson flame was burning, it was anger.

With the red light swaying in his eyes, the figure was scattered and invisible. With the help of the characteristics of foreseeing the future, Sean accurately avoided the light of Baroque's knife, as if dancing on the tip of a knife.

The number of fights became more and more frequent, and Sean used Barrorik to polish his domineering look and feel, and made rapid progress, while Barrorik seemed to have not noticed anything, and was willing to practice sparring.


The Flame of Life erupted, and with a head-to-head blow with Barorick, Sean finally found out that something was wrong.

"It turns out that this trick doesn't need to hit me."

The flames of life condensed and turned into a wave of flames to temporarily force Barorick back, and Sean stretched his right hand into his chest.

"Is this anger?"

With the palms open, a small cluster of scarlet flames is slowly burning in Sean’s right hand. This is the flame of anger. It just happened to affect Sean unknowingly, leading Sean and Baroque to head-to-head. Fortunately, Sean found out in a timely manner, and did not cause any irreversible consequences.

The five fingers squeezed, the power of the soul surged, and the flame of anger was pinched out by Xiao En.

"Your sword skills seem to be more magical than I thought."

"You are more difficult than I thought."

Cut off the wave of flames and raised his head to look at Sean. Baroque's expression became colder. The other party destroyed the temple and blasphemed the gods. The sin is unforgivable, and he will die today.

Although Barorick was a blind orc, at this moment Sean could clearly feel his cold gaze, which was the manifestation of the soul.

"Next, please confess to the gods."

Holding a knife in both hands, his sharp edge was exposed, and at this moment Barorick seemed to become one with the knife in his hand.

"Forget it, let's stop here today."

His figure was erratic and he pulled up quickly. Although Sean wanted to compete with Baroque in this state, feeling the powerful momentum coming from a distance, Sean chose to retreat wisely. If he is entangled by these people, he might really die here today. After all, Baroque, a guy with a clear mind and condensed will, has the ability to kill him.

"Want to go? Have you asked about the knife in my hand?"

Secret Skill Sword Wave, the body moved, and the air rippled under Baroque's feet like the surface of the water, carrying Baroque close to Sean quickly.

"Then your knife agrees?"

The secret technique·breathing snake, the heat of life condensed in Sean's hands, turned into a blue giant python, biting towards Barorick, the sharp fangs gleaming with cold light in the sun.

Juhe·Zhan, facing the fierce flame snake, Barorick kept walking and slashed with his knife.

Buzzing, cold light flashed, the vigorous flame snake had no resistance to the plain light of Barloric. It cut in half and was easily chopped into neat pieces by Baroric from beginning to end. Two halves, but this is not the end.

The emerald flame burned The corpse of the snake that was split in two derives once again, turning into two flame snakes and biting towards Baroric, but the size is smaller than the previous one. Number one.

Seeing the two flame snakes entangled again, although Barorick was a little surprised, he was not panicked.

Juhe Zhan, the cold light in his eyes flashed, and he slashed twice. The snake heads of the two flame snakes were out of touch with his body, but he didn't wait for Barorick to chase the fading Sean again, the emerald green The flame burned again, and the two dead snakes became four living flame snakes.

"It turned out to be so."

Looking at the four flame snakes that surrounded him, Baroque finally understood the true meaning of Sean’s secret technique. The killing may not be excellent, but it is a pretty good choice for trapping the enemy and delaying time.

Puff, the last emerald flame was extinguished under the light of the knife. Looking at the sky, Baroque was silent, and by this time Sean had already disappeared without a trace.


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