Shoo, the red light of the knife cut through the sky.

In the face of this overbearing slash, Sean could only get up and avoid it. If Baroque's attacks were introverted in the past, then his attacks are now in full swing.

"Can it still be used like this? It's a magical swordsmanship."

The body shape changed. At this moment, in Sean's field of vision, Baroque was burning with crimson flames, which was anger.

Sean had seen this trick in the previous match, except that Barrorick's target was him, and this time it was himself.

Swordsman·Anger, unlocking the shackles of the soul, letting his anger burn arbitrarily, Baroque improves his strength as much as possible, but even if the anger is fierce, there is a tendency to swallow everything, Baroque's heart is deep There is still a bit of clarity and motionlessness in the place, this is the basis for him to dare to do so.

The day-to-day polishing is not false, and the control of his own soul has reached a considerable height.

Hey, after avoiding Barorick's slash once again, Sean's look was a bit ugly. As time passed, Barorick's slash not only did not weaken, but became stronger.

"Is it the cause of anger?"

In Sean's eyes, the anger on Baroque at this moment was about to turn into substance.

"So be it."

Although he doesn't want to use his precious pupil power, Sean is still ready to make a quick battle. The big fight has already begun. Even though the white beard is very strong, his abilities are more used on the frontal battlefield, and the pursuit is not too big. It’s not easy to grab more space debris.

In fact, at this moment, whether they knew something in advance or didn't know, they had already discovered that White Beard was not easy to provoke. Whether it was fighting or retreating, they were invariably far away from the direction where White Beard was.

With his gaze moving and his body changing, Shaun was constantly capturing Baroque's figure, but he trapped him with witchcraft for a moment, and the flames of the sky light would burn on him.

But at this moment, the sky changed.

Om, a crimson light beam of unknown thickness rose from Gattusone, and dyed the sky crimson.

"Everyone, you have what you want, now it's time to leave here."

Wearing a robe of crow feathers, the high priest Piert Flame floats in the air.

When the space debris was still born, there was the shock of the orc powerhouses, and the outside transcendents still converged, they would try their best to avoid fighting in Gattuso, so as not to attract the orc powerhouses to collect the space debris. Crumbs are the first sight, and now the big melee is on, everyone has let go of their considerations and wantonly venting their power. In this case, even if there is no deliberate targeting, just the aftermath of the battle has caused Gattuso to suffer heavy losses. .

This also completely ignited the anger in Catu Rhein's heart, so he let the high priest clear the court.

The totem pillars of fire came one after another, and the mighty power stunned the surroundings. Even if Pelt's voice was not loud, it also caused everyone present to stop temporarily. There is no doubt that this is a Tier 5 power.

Pelt's own extraordinary rank is only Tier 4, but he has a totem pole handed down, which is enough to burst out Tier 5 power in a short time. This is the horror of the Totem Priest.

"The magic has changed."

Looking at Baroque who did not attack again in the distance, Sean also stopped his movements and began to sense the fire pillars one after another.

The moment this pillar of fire appeared, the magical nature of this area changed, and a large amount of fire attributed magical power spontaneously converged, making the air filled with a smell of anxiety.

Withdrawing the knife and scabbing it back, and the anger extinguished, Barorick hesitated for a while, but in the end he gave up his plan to continue shooting.

Although he does have the desire to kill Shaun, a blasphemer, he is still an orc after all. He understands that once he continues to take action, then the situation that Pelt is not easy to stabilize will likely disintegrate in an instant. The biggest loss is probably the orcs in Gattuso. The most important thing is that he vaguely knows some secrets about battle and the fearless god.

Seeing Barorick's back, Sean didn't stop him. It's not the time yet.

Although there are many human transcendents present, and some may even burst out of Tier 5 power, these people come from different countries and different organizations. The purpose of coming here is to **** space debris, and they are all competing with each other. It is impossible to unite.

In this situation, even if both Sean and White Beard can burst out Tier 5 powers, they can’t act arbitrarily, because the Orc King Court is not a weak one. There are obviously Tier 5 powers in it, and there may even be stronger ones. Hole cards.

Before there is overwhelming power, it is crazy to use two people to oppose one country. Let alone victory or not, heavy losses are inevitable, and even victory is bound to be a miserable victory.

Looking at the mighty and mighty totem pillar of fire, some people's eyes flashed and they began to withdraw, while some people didn't know what the purpose was, and followed them.

"Let's go too."

Converging with White Beard, Sean also made the decision to leave.

Looking at the figure of Sean and White Beard, his eyes moved. After all, both Sean and White Beard had a lot of space debris on them, but in the end no one dared to follow them.

As time passed, all the extraordinary people from outside were gone, and Gattuso regained his peace.

The light of the totem pole gradually diminished, the pressure that filled the world disappeared, and the high priest Pilt fell from the sky, while someone in the distance was watching this scene quietly.

Unknown barren hills, a glass mirror reflects the scene of Gattuso, and several people in military uniforms are watching silently.

"Fifth Tier! It's really a powerful force, I didn't expect the orcs to have such a method."

Seeing that totem fire pillar one after another, someone sighed like this.

"Shouldn't this be expected? After all, this can be regarded as a complete kingdom. Don't your Fast Kingdom have similar methods?"

Hearing this, the man who had spoken before laughed but did not speak, and although the others did not speak, they could see from their looks that they valued the power displayed by the Orc King Court but were not afraid.

The power of Tier 5 is indeed terrifying, but there are similar methods behind everyone Hey, we seem to have been discovered. "

It clicked, the mirror cracked, and all the sights disappeared.

Seeing such a situation, someone gave a slight exclaim.

"Everyone, go back and prepare, the war is about to begin."

At this moment, a man wearing a straight military uniform, gray hair, and eagle-like eyes stood up first, and when he heard this man's words, everyone else got up.

Since this action against the orcs is a joint operation, there will naturally be a coalition commander in charge of the overall situation. This man is the man who just spoke, the lieutenant admiral from the Kingdom of Begur, Maz Kanilun, known as a falcon. Card.

Of course, because they belong to different countries, it is impossible for the coalition commander to really mobilize the armies of various countries. It is more of a linking and mediating role, but the status is still lofty.


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