In the early morning, the mist had not cleared, and the sun had just revealed half of his face. At this moment, Gattuso was silent.

Phew, the sea breeze was blowing, and waves suddenly appeared on the sea.

"Hey, what is that?"


The dark clouds of war shrouded, and after nearly two months of fermentation, the atmosphere became more and more dull, and even the belligerent orcs felt a trace of heavy pressure.

"It seems, it's like a boat."

"Quickly, ring the alarm bell, human beings are coming."

The sea breeze roared, the invisible air seemed to be wrinkled, the scene became blurred, and then a forest of masts suddenly appeared above the sea.

The Tier 4 war wonder, the invisible wind, was provided by the Stormwind Church, which facilitated this combined fleet raid.

The front line opened, nearly a hundred battleships were moving in an orderly manner on the sea, the gun windows opened, thousands of artillery were aimed at Gattuso at the same time, and the ferocious muzzle shone with cold light.

Boom, the fire burst, the first roar of artillery sounded on the sea, tearing the silence of the morning, then the second and the third, one after another, like a grand symphony.

"Damn it, what is this."

"It's hot."

All beings are equal under the coverage of artillery, even if most of these artillery are just smoothbore guns. The huge caliber has determined that they cannot be blocked by flesh and blood, even if the physique of the orcs is much higher than that of the humans, it is the same. This is civilization. Light.

As the most important pioneering city of the Siphos Kingdom in the New World, Gattuso naturally has a complete coastal defense fort, but the artillery is a technical arms. For the orcs who have never been in contact with this weapon, the ferocious artillery and burning fire There is no difference in the sticks used.

Cannonballs are like rain, there are solid bullets and there are blooming bullets. Under such a fierce offensive, Gattuso is like a woman for a time. There is no resistance and can only be ravaged by the coalition forces.

"It's a spectacular sight."

Standing side by side with Asim on the hillside, Sean sighed like this.

The gunfire covered Gattuso, and the rising fire light rendered Gattuso into a full-bodied blood rose, poignant and gorgeous.

"Yes, it's spectacular, after all, the times are different."

With a smile, Asim also sighed as he looked at Gattuso struggling under the gunfire.

Before the start of the war, Sean found Asim and joined the battle as a member of the Kingdom of Sutilt. While he needed to make a contribution, he also had a share of the spoils he deserved after the war.

After a round of shelling, the orcs in Gattuso finally responded. The totem pillars of fire were one after another, and the crimson light curtain enveloped the entire Gattuso, letting the orcs in the city devastated by the artillery fire a sigh of relief.

Seeing this scene, the upper ranks of the human coalition laughed, and want to protect the entire city under the sky of gunfire, even if it is a real Tier 5, it is not an easy task, let alone a pseudo Tier 5.

"Well, we're almost on the court, this time you want to show me the light of Montere."

With a relaxed speech, Asim said half-jokingly, and while speaking, the corner of his eyes swept the black knights standing behind Shaun. With his eyesight, it was natural to see that these costumed knights were not real human beings. In other words, it is not a normal life form.

"Yes, don't worry, count."

Looking at Gattuso under the flames, Xiao En slowly said.

Although the shelling was temporarily blocked, after just a round of artillery baptism, the orcs' pre-arranged line of defense had leaked, and at this time the coalition army, which had logged in from other places, had already begun to approach Gattuso.

The most important thing is that although the bombardment was temporarily blocked, the coalition's large fleet is still there, and the muzzle is always aimed at Gattuso. Unless the orcs in the city have been maintaining this light curtain, the next moment the baptism of shells It will fall on the head of the orcs again, not to mention that the coalition is not without Tier 5 strength.

Gattuso, the city wall, the highest point.

"High priest, we must first eliminate the human fleet."

The pure gold eyes flashed with cold light, and the killing intent grew between Cato Rhein's words.

"I see, Wang."

At this moment, the crow feather robe on the high priest Pilt was red, like a blazing flame.

The power surged, the spirit resonated, and the power of the fire element began to converge.

Huh, a sharp scream sounded in the sky, and a vague shadow spread its wings inside the totem beam, and then it dawned.

"What it is?"

"It's a meteorite."

"Damn it, it's falling towards us."

"Ah, am I seeing the dead?"

The sky was bright, the fog was evaporated, the red light enveloped the sky and the earth, a little bit of sparks were constantly being magnified in the eyes of the coalition forces, bringing blazing heat and despair.

The fifth-order Secret Art Firework Meteor uses the power of the fire element to simulate the natural phenomenon of a meteorite falling. It has the same destructive power as a natural disaster. At this moment, it is aimed at the coalition fleet on the sea.

Faced with such man-made natural disasters, the soldiers of the fleet and even the middle-level officers could not help but feel a panic. This is the instinct of life, but the upper level of the fleet only looked at the sky a few more times, still as stable as a mountain.

The flagship of the combined fleet, the Northern Light.

"Bishop Eboo, I will come if you come."

On the deck, a man in military uniform raised his head and glanced at the sky, and with a smile, he asked the bishop of Storm Church Eboo next to him.

"I'll do it, General Joey."

After a slight pondering, Eboo expressed his willingness to take action.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, Bishop Eboo."

Since the other party is willing to make a move, Joey will naturally not object.

The pious singing sounded, Ruoyuruuowu's majesty began to spread on the Northern Light, and a wisp of pure wind appeared above the fleet, sacred and mighty.

The wind started, and the sea breeze began to roar, and a pair of huge wings came from nothing. The two wings closed together, shrouding the huge combined fleet under the wings.

At the end of the singing, Eboo's smooth forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat. Obviously, the action just now was not easy for him.

Putting away the dimly shining angelic icon in his hand, Eboo turned his gaze to Joey.

"It should be fine, General Joey."

"Since it has the protection of angel wings, there will be no problem. It seems that the Church of the Storm really has angels resurrected or descended."

Looking at the huge lifelike wings covering the sky, Joey said casually.

Hearing this, Eboo did not answer, but looked up at the scene in the sky.

Boom, the fire was blazing, and the sea was already red before it fell. The rapidly rising temperature made many navies sweat their backs.

Boom, the collision finally arrived, and the fireworks and meteors falling from the sky slammed on the wings with the power of falling.

The air wave swept away and swept away the clouds above the sky, leaving only a sea of ​​fire. Faced with the impact of the fireworks and meteors, the angel's wings did not waver at all, but became a little illusory.

The flames disappeared, and the angel's wings began to disperse with the wind. Obviously this time the coalition forces were better.

" Has the **** descended?"

For the rest of his life, great joy grew in the hearts of the navy soldiers, and Gattuso Rhein's face was gloomy as water at the head of Gattuso.

"Is this the magic angel of the Storm Church? It really is..."

On the hillside, looking at the huge wings in the sky dissipating with the wind, Sean didn't even know what to say for a while.

"Yes, this is the famous angel surrender."

Looking at the sky as well, Asim's words also had some sighs.

There is no fixed rank for the divine art of Angel Sacred Conquest, ranging from Tier 4 to Tier 6, and it is not unique to the Church of Storms. In fact, all Churches of True God have similar divine art, and it’s really because of this divine art. The ordinary transcendent is not willing to provoke people from the church, because he may really not be your opponent, but you are not sure what kind of parent he will call.


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