
The shouts of killing resounded throughout the world, and the feverish breath of killing swept across the battlefield.

Baptized by artillery fire, although the 20,000 orc pioneers lost a lot of money, they were still close to the front line of the coalition forces.

On the hillside, Sean and Asim watched this scene quietly.

"Count, there is an order from the headquarters, let us press up from the left flank, and relieve the pressure on the frontal battlefield."

"okay, I get it."

Hearing the report from the adjutant, Asim nodded. This time the left wing of the war coalition was in charge of the Kingdom of Sutilt. Now this situation has indeed reached the time for them to take action.

"Pass the order down and let the troops press it on."

"Yes, count."

The bayonet became popular, and when the orcs rushed to the coalition positions, the bloodiest and cruelest hand-to-hand combat broke out.

Firearms are really sharp, especially new rifles. Once they hit the key, even low-level transcendents will still die, but when the distance is close to a certain extent, the power of the firearms is greatly reduced.


Seeing the orcs rushing up, the human army drew the saber from its waist. As an army that has withstood the baptism of war, they do not lack the courage to draw the sword.

However, the gap in individual strength is sometimes not made up by courage alone. Even if there are some transcendent officers, this will not change the general trend. With the increase of the banner of glory, these orcs are equivalent to a weakened version of transcendents, ordinary humans. Soldiers against them, unless they have a huge number of advantages, otherwise they will be slaughtered.

Seeing such a scene, many high-ranking coalition forces frowned, that is, at this time, the boundless light bloomed, lighting up the entire sky.

"Hey, is this an angel?"

There was a big opening in his abdomen, blood was flowing, and Old Wacker was lying on the ground feebly, waiting quietly for the coming of death, but when his consciousness was constantly blurred, he vaguely saw the shadow of the angel, and then suddenly inside his cold body A new force is growing, and it slowly becomes warmer.

The compassion of the angels, the fifth-order divine art, at such a moment, the bishop of the dawn church took action, immeasurable light shrouded the battlefield, pure light spilled, and pocket angel phantoms the size of thumbs continued to sink into the body of the coalition soldiers.

With the blessing of divine art, the wounded soldiers quickly recovered their injuries, and there were new powers in their bodies. The crumbling battlefield that was impacted by the orcs was immediately stabilized, but the angel’s compassion was more inclined to the healing side, against the combat power. The increase is not comparable to the banner of glory, not to mention that the orcs' personal combat power is inherently higher than that of human soldiers.

Now humans have only temporarily stabilized the battlefield by relying on their number advantages. Once more orcs rush up, the situation where the coalition forces have finally stabilized is likely to collapse.

It was at this time that Surtilt's left-wing army finally pressed up from the side, alleviating the frontal pressure on the coalition forces.

"The gap in individual combat power is a bit big."

Seeing the situation on the battlefield, Asim frowned.

Although the overall situation on the battlefield has stabilized, the damage ratio between the orcs and the human soldiers has become unacceptably large. This is also the root cause of Asim's frown, although the lives of these soldiers are not. It's valuable, but it's not a way to fill it in this way.

"Do you want to shoot?"

Taking a look at Asim's expression, Sean asked, if there is no corresponding means when the conventional combat power is significantly behind, then deploying high-end combat power is undoubtedly the best way to reverse the situation.

"Let's wait and see."

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Asim finally shook his head.

Although he is a Tier 4 knight, he can change the direction of the battlefield to a certain extent, but the power he possesses is also limited. When the enemy has equal power, he can't squander every bit of power at will. He doesn't want to be present. Just shot.

"If that's the case, let my people give it a try."

For Asim's thoughts, Sean can roughly guess a bit, but he didn't say much.

"Oh, are they?"

Hearing Sean's words, Asim turned his attention to the black knight behind Sean. This time, Sean brought very few people, and they were the only ones who could take action.


"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Without hesitation, Asim agreed to Sean's idea, he himself was still very interested in these black knights.

"Bear, you will lead the team this time."

"Yes, my father."

Kneeling on one knee, the shadows blocked, the pacifist gave Sean a formal chivalry. Asim heard this, his eyebrows twitched slightly.

The Black Knight entered the arena. Although there were only eleven people in number, the combat power was extraordinary. The orcs encountered along the way could not stop their steps, and all fell under their great swords.

However, the outstanding performance of the black knight quickly attracted the attention of the orcs. I do not know when more than a dozen orcs with obvious characteristics of beasts quietly surrounded the black knight. The leader is an orc commander.

On the hillside, Asim narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene, and Sean's face showed expectation.

Since a rigorous test is to be carried out, then a suitable opponent is indispensable, too strong, there is no room to play, too weak, completely meaningless, and it is just right now.

The battlefield is filled with killing intent.

Roar, with a wild light in his pupils, and on all fours, the orc with the lion king's claws, like a real beast, launched an attack on the black knight.

The wind screamed, and the lion king's claws were extremely fast. Faced with such an attack, the black knights did not react too much. They just held swords in both hands and put on a guard posture.

At the same time, the pacifist Bear also confronted the orc commander, the orc Kurt Rhein from the golden lion clan.

As a commander of thousands, Kurt naturally has the strength of Tier 3, and the blood of a golden lion is flowing in his body. Kurt’s strength is definitely not weak in Tier 3~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As a black technology product, a pacifist. The bear has a body made of special alloys and a laser similar to the yellow ape. It is analogous to the Boya world, and its combat power is comparable to that of the third-order transcendents. After Shaun’s magic transformation, the strength of the bear has been further increased. At the very least, it has a stronger application of the power of light.

The fight started without too much temptation. From the beginning, it entered the white-hot stage. The lion king's claws are better than speed, and the black knight is better than defense.

Perhaps because the soul is not pure enough, the black knight's learning ability is not strong enough, even after the teachings of Sean and Whitebeard, they have not learned any extraordinary secrets, only some of the simplest fighting skills, and their fighting is even better. They rely more on their tough bodies and powerful strength.

Under such circumstances, the black knight is naturally not disadvantaged when facing weak opponents. Facing opponents of the same level, especially the flexible opponent like the lion king claws, the black knight appears a little weak. Fortunately, the lion king has advantages Although the claws are fast, they also have defects as a product of spawning. Without the blessing of extraordinary power, their claws can't tear the body of the black knight at all, and can only leave scratches on it.


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