"Wang, there is enough blood."

Seeing the situation on the battlefield, High Priest Pelt, who had returned to normal, spoke up.

As a line of high priests who have been advancing and retreating with the royal family, Pelt knows the secrets of the royal family better than most people.

At this moment, although the gunpowder smoke on the battlefield was still filling, the rumble of the guns had been sparsely reduced. After all, the artillery could not be fired endlessly.

The miserable wailing lingers in the smoke of gunpowder. After the baptism of gunfire, both the orcs and humans have suffered heavy casualties. In a short period of time, the battlefield has been reduced by nearly one-fifth. This is the scepter of civilization.

"Really? It seems to be almost the same."

The pure gold eyes were full of indifference. Watching the situation on the battlefield, the corner of Cato Rhein's mouth sketched out a sneer.

"It's time to put an end to this boring war."

The voice fell, and the heart in Gato Rhein's chest began to beat slowly.

Plops, plops, the heart beats very slowly, and the sound is very soft. Who would have thought that there is a shriveled heart in Catu Rhein's strong body?

The golden lion clan is also called the lion heart clan. Most people only think that it means that they have a lion-like will, but they don’t know that it refers to a real lion heart, a sixth-tier peak powerhouse. heart.

The golden lion clan has a long heritage and has existed since the establishment of the Beamon Empire. During this long period of time, the golden lion clan has been able to prosper for a long time because of the existence of such a heart.

The first generation ancestors of the Golden Lion clan were extraordinary in strength and reached the peak of Tier VI. They were honored as the Lion Heart King. In his later years, after he determined that he had broken through hopelessness, the Lion Heart King sealed his power with some strange thing he obtained. In my own heart, this is the basis for the inheritance of the golden lion clan, that is, from this time, the golden lion clan gradually has another name, that is, the lion heart family.

However, the lion’s heart is defeated, and the lion heart guarantees the prosperity of the golden lion clan, but also limits the growth of the golden lion clan. The power of the lion heart is very powerful, but it is not easy to maintain this strength. It needs the power of blood to continuously nourish, and it must be pure golden lion blood.

The Lionheart family has a rigid family rule. The number of direct bloodlines in each generation cannot be less than nine. Except for one of the nine people who can stand out and become the new Lionheart King, the other losers will become the nourishment of the Lionheart. nourishment.

"It's a long-lost feeling."

Covering his chest with his right hand, feeling the long-lost beating, Gato Rhein’s face showed a sickly smile. Others didn’t know it, but he knew very well that this heart was not only the root of his strength, but also the one of him. The curse that cannot be shaken off, obviously has a powerful body, but lives like a living dead.

Pilt Flame looked at the current appearance of Cato Rhein, and quietly lowered his head. Although Cato Rhein did not deliberately show his power, the looming coercion made Pietro palpitate.

With one step out, invisible power emerged, and Cato Rhein walked flat in the air.

And as he approached the center of the battlefield step by step, immeasurable blood rose from the battlefield and continued to converge toward his body.

Wow, it was the sound of water flowing, and a large amount of blood gas gathered around Catu Rhein into a whirlpool, constantly pouring into his body, to be precise, the heart in his body.

It thumped and thumped, blood was flowing, the shriveled heart was moisturized, the beating sound became louder and louder and more surging, and gradually affected the outside world.

Looking at the figure in the sky at the temporary headquarters, Maz Kanilunka narrowed his eyes.

"That person is the king of the Orc King Court."

"Yes, it's him."

"Are you going to do it yourself?"

Cato Rhein did not conceal his whereabouts in the slightest, and showed his aura wantonly, and soon attracted the attention of a large number of human powers.

"Have you done it yourself? It's also good."

Although the command’s Nemaz Kanilenka looked at Catu Rhein’s figure with some surprise, he was not shocked. Instead, he relaxed a bit. After giving the shelling order, he or the high-level coalition forces had already done so. After making a quick decision, Cato Rhein's appearance now meets their expectations.

"Bishop Janes, I'm going to trouble you this time."

Stepping out of the headquarters, watching Catullin stepping through the air, Maz Kanilunka spoke.

"This is what I should do to eradicate sin."

The gentle voice sounded, and it was only at this time that the officers following Maz Kanilunka realized that there was a person standing there in the corner beside him.

Wearing a pure white robe, with the golden sunlight shining down, Janes Newman seemed to be with the light at this moment.

The voice fell, the pure white light was born, the pure white feathers fell, and a pair of pure wings appeared behind Janes Newman.

Wings stirred and light followed, at this moment Janes Newman was like an angel in myths and legends.

The Liming Church currently has plans to preach on a large scale in the New World, and it is precisely because of this that the Liming Church will take the lead in facilitating this joint action, in order to lay a foundation first, and the reason why he has no reluctance to take action now Fucatu Rhein was also for this purpose. One is to show one's own strength, and the other is to sell a good one to the major forces.

"These weak ants are really an eyesore, I want to step on them to death."

The power in the body was surging, and Catu Rhein's pure gold eyes were stained with a faint blood.

The words fell, stepped out, and the power of terror erupted from Catu Rhein's body, and the sky wailed for it.

The ground cracked, and invisible power vented down from the sky. Countless lives were buried among them, including humans and orcs. Looking down from the sky, the area that was attacked was a footprint magnified by countless times~www. wuxiaspot.com~God said that sinners should be punished. "

A gentle voice sounded, boundless lights gathered quietly, and a huge sword of light fell from the sky, slashing towards Cato Rhein.

"That's it?"

Looking at the pure and innocent sword of light, Gato Rhein's mouth showed an undisguised scornful smile.

Raising his hand, spreading his five fingers, his palm was facing the sword of light, and Cato Rhein squeezed it lightly.

Kazed, an invisible force burst out, and the great sword condensed from boundless light was actually broken, shattered into bits and pieces, and for a while, it seemed as if a pure white drizzle fell in the sky.

"This power..."

With wings spread, watching Cato Rhein's movements, Janes Newman's smile on his face slowly receded.


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