On the ship, in the room, after carefully inspecting everything in the room, including the two tamed dragons, Xiao En walked to the bed again.

There was a deep blue pupil, Xiao En bent down and touched the corpse with both hands constantly, opened his eyelids, observed his pupils, opened his mouth, and observed his tongue, although in the perception of seeing, hearing and color, this is what An ordinary corpse, but if this is really a game, then there should be a problem with this corpse.

"How could this be?"

After careful inspection, Xiao En didn't find anything wrong, this was an ordinary corpse.

"It always feels wrong."

In words, a scalpel with a cold light appeared in Sean's hand.

The blade slashed through the flesh and blood, and the real touch came, and the movements in Sean's hand kept moving.

Scarlet blood flowed out, the pungent smell began to permeate the room, the abdomen was broken, the internal organs of the unknown corpse appeared in front of Xiao En, the large intestine, small intestine, kidney, and stomach had everything, without any problems.

And seeing this scene, Sean laughed.

"Sure enough it is fake."

Indeed, everything in this corpse is no different from a real human body, even the internal organs, but the key is that he is too real.

The dead time of this corpse is at least three days. Judging from the current environment, the blood or internal organs of this corpse will more or less undergo some changes, but this corpse did not. His blood is still scarlet. , His internal organs are still fresh, as if staying at the moment of his death.

"This world seems to be a little different from what I thought before."

After confirming that there were no more omissions, Sean left the **** room.

Looking at the roof and looking into the distance, at this moment, Sean's eyes were extremely deep.

"Players, I need more."

Holding a book, Sean jumped on the back of the ancient **** pterosaur.

Ga, accompanied by a bad call, the ancient **** pterosaur spread its wings and flew towards the distance.

Standing on the back of the ancient **** pterosaur, Xiao En opened the book in his hand, and suddenly a crude or abstract map appeared in his hand. This was a more important harvest for him on the ship.

"Island map, is this really the game world in my mind? Or is there something else?"

Looking at the signs on the map, Xiao En's doubts have not been alleviated because of the previous discoveries, but more and more.

As a Tier 4 great wizard, Xiao En has his own knowledge of material nature. He will not even be unable to distinguish the true and false of vegetation, earth and rock. Of course, some high-level powers can indeed hide Xiao En’s perception, and even practice fakes. Come true, but this kind of power cannot appear in the Ark World. If the Ark World really has this level of power, it is impossible for Sean to establish the gate of the two worlds so easily.

Looking at the map, Sean did not blindly search for it, but chose to go upstream. In his memory, many players would choose to settle on both sides of the river because the conditions here are much more convenient. Of course, many players would choose for safety. Settling in other places, but most of these places are relatively hidden, and it takes a lot of effort to find them.

The area of ​​the isolated island was larger than Sean had expected. It took Sean five days to find a new home when he rode the ancient **** pterosaur against the current.

This home is different from the one built on a boat that Sean encountered before. It was built on a small hillside by the big river. There were wooden thorns and fences nearby as defenses, and a lot of plants were planted in the meantime. Piranha.

"Brother, look, there is an ancient **** there."

As Sean approached, two figures on the ground also found Sean's figure.

"Fuck, he flew towards us, he wouldn't want to copy our home, right."

"How is it possible, he is only one person, you think too much."

Between words, the two people watched Sean get closer and closer, and beside them there were two toothless pterosaurs, two triceratops, a velociraptor, and a sickle dragon.

Phew, the air flow rolled up, and the ancient **** pterosaur hovered in the air.

Looking down at the two people on the ground, Sean looked carefully.

"Hey, brother, you are a beautiful ancient god. Where was it caught?"

Looking at the way Shaun looked, the boss of the two players spoke up.

This is a very strange language, not the Blue Star language in Sean's memory, but with the existence of a door, Sean can understand what the person says.

"Brother, what has happened to you here?"

Seeing that Sean did not answer his previous words, the two players also had some vigilance in their hearts. One of the greatest joys of this game is that players can attack each other and plunder each other’s resources. Fortunately, they have suffered a few nights. Don't take the time to copy someone else's home.

Sean still did not answer what these two people said, because although he understood, he couldn't say it.

"Brother, you can leave as soon as you are okay. The two of us are going to mine."

With that, a bow and arrow and an iron pick appeared in the hands of the two players.

And seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of Sean's mouth.

Soul power surged, soul pressure formed, and huge pressure rose from Xiao En's body.

Under the pressure of this pressure, the dragons tamed by the two players on the ground seemed to have encountered something terrifying, and they bent down and buried their heads on the ground. But strangely, these two players were not affected in any way, as if they were immune to Sean's soul pressure.

"Is there not only a problem with the body, but also a problem with the soul?"

Seeing the performance of the two people, Sean raised his brows, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"It's getting more and more curious."

When the voice fell, Xiao En pointed out and flew to grab.

Bang, the dull voice sounded, the head of the boss of the two players suddenly exploded, brain and blood spilled all over the floor, just like a popping watermelon.

The secret technique·Gu Ling, the invisible soul was formed with big hands, and under the control of Sean, he fished out the corpse of the boss.

"Run? How could it be so fast?"

Seeing the empty hands of the soul that hadn't caught anything, Xiao En's brows frowned.

"Fuck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you hang up."

At this time, another player reacted.

"Are you going to play a game? What game experience is there when you open it."

Looking at the dead companion's corpse, the other player was not afraid, more angry and surprised, because so far no one has been able to open the Ark game, and it was the first time he saw it today.

"Brother have something you want, take it away, where is your hanging..."

After venting the anger, the player had another idea. After all, the Ark game can be used to make money in addition to entertainment.

But at this moment, Sean, who was standing on the back of the ancient **** pterodactyl, suddenly came to him with his eyes facing each other, and the darkness swallowed his consciousness. Since it is difficult to capture the soul of the player who escaped after death, then directly It is not impossible to search for souls. Although the information obtained in this process may be lacking, it is not unacceptable.


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