Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 181: Divine Blood and Supercomputing

In an unknown time, a world was born out of nothingness, and how long has passed since the sky is separated from the earth, and life begins to derive in this world. As time goes by, life in this world becomes more and more prosperous, following the normal trajectory. This world will continue to follow the previous route until it ends, but at this moment a meteor came from outside the sky, penetrated the world’s weak barrier, fell into the world’s origin sea, and then the world’s The development trajectory has been led in a completely different direction.

The vitality of life in the world has greatly increased. Both animals and plants have begun to grow wildly. In just a few hundred years, the world has gone from an era when life had just flourished to an era of giant beasts.

The giant southern beasts ran rampant on the ground, and the flying dragon obscured the sky. At this moment, the world's orbit was farther and farther away from the predetermined trajectory.

Time passed, and I don’t know how many years passed. The life structure of this world finally stabilized and began to enter a stage of steady development. However, at this moment, the meteorite that had already dispersed its own strength suddenly recovered and started to become silent. Continuously draw on the power of the world.

The world can be regarded as an extremely special life, and He also has his own consciousness, which can be called world consciousness, Gaia consciousness or providence.

However, although the world has consciousness, it does not have the concept of "I". He is selfless and selfless, so it is supreme. Compared to sentient beings, He is more similar to an operating mechanism.

When the original source was continuously absorbed by the meteor, the world consciousness began to instinctively reject the meteor, but it was too late.

The meteor itself is a drop of blood, a drop of divine blood. After falling into this world, he burned his own power, catalyzed the vitality of this world, dissipated his own blood, integrated into the life of this world, to the present point. Has become a part of this world. This is like a person who has a tumor, knowing it is harmful but unable to do anything about it.

Faced with such a situation, the world consciousness can't think, and can only instinctively radiate fluctuations outwards, just like asking for help.

I don't know how many years have passed, the Star Federation caught the fluctuations that this world emanates, and then they descended.

The battleship obscured the sky, the mecha knights moved back and forth, and what the Star Federation brought to the world was not rescue but war.

In the face of such an invasion, the world consciousness instinctively resisted, but there was very little that could be done, but at this time those giant beasts appeared, and launched a **** battle with the invading Interstellar Federation, and finally succeeded by relying on the advantages of quantity and location. The forces of the Interstellar Federation were expelled, and the price was that the ecological environment of several continents was completely changed, and countless lives died in pain.

Of course, this is not the end, it is just a continuation. At the last moment of the war, the Interstellar Federation locked the location of the Origin Sea through a supercomputer and opened the channel with a black hole bomb. That day, a galaxy came out of nothingness and obscured the origin. The sky of the sea.

The picture in my mind stopped abruptly, time seemed to have passed for a long time, but in fact it was only a moment.

After returning to his senses, and then looking at this endless sea of ​​origin, Xiao En had a different look in his eyes.

The pupil of the door, a simple way of borrowing the power of the door of the infinite, at this moment, the ghost of the door appeared in Xiao En's pupil.

Looking down, under the azure, clear water, hidden is the deep darkness that can swallow people's hearts. Seeing the ever-distorted, tentacled, almost materialized darkness, Sean's expression became more solemn.

It was at this moment that two red lights lit up in the deep darkness, just like two eyes, colliding with Sean's sight.

Roar, the majestic roar of the beast reverberated in the heart, the cold sweat slipped drop by drop, and Xiao En's face began to grow piece after piece of scale, and the hand also grew gray hair, even the flesh and blood behind his back were constantly squirming, as if Something is going to break out of the body.

"God, it's really scary, but you are just a drop of blood, not really the **** of beasts."

A hoarse voice sounded, and at this moment Sean seemed to be strangling his neck, but even so, his expression remained calm.

As the voice fell, the invisible power permeated, and the abnormality on Xiao En's body receded like a tide, and quickly returned to normal.

Looking up, the darkness faded in Sean’s eyes, and a dazzling galaxy came into Sean’s eyes, but although the stars were shining, Sean could clearly see that they were not stars at all, but a stream of data that was constantly intertwined. flow.

"Has technology reached this point? Is this a supercomputer?"

Compared with the blood of the beast gods, the shock that the Star Federation brought to Sean was even greater, because he was in the great world of liberal arts, and now he had some concepts of gods, but this kind of technological creation was different.

At the moment when he saw the supercomputer that obscured the original sea and sky, Sean's previous doubts were explained.

There is no doubt that the Interstellar Federation has gone a long way on the road of science and technology. At least it has exceeded Sean’s imagination. As the highest technological crystallization of the Interstellar Federation, although the supercomputer is not an independent living body, it has a part of seven. The characteristics of an extraordinary life.

In the Liberal Great World, the seventh-order wizards control the rules, and the seventh-order true gods have the power, and the supercomputer of the Interstellar Federation also has similar powers, which may be called data rules.

It is really constantly infiltrating this rule into the underlying structure of the Ark Once it has completed this step, it will be possible to achieve a complete occupation of this world, at least to occupy a dominant position. , Digitizing the entire Ark World, then the Ark World may really become an extremely special real game world.

Of course, despite the fierce invasion of the supercomputer, the progress is also very slow under the resistance of the world consciousness and the blood of the beast god. The Interstellar Federation adopted another method. They sent players in in the name of the game, making the players a small port of the supercomputer, and using their ability to continuously use data to influence the world of the Ark.

In a short period of time, the results of this method are not great, but over a long period of time, quantitative changes may lead to qualitative changes, pushing the supercomputer to invade the underlying structure of the Ark’s world.

In fact, before the Interstellar Federation, the Beast God also used a similar method to complete the invasion of the Ark World, but he did it more thoroughly and deeper, directly adding his bloodline into the body of most of the lives in the Ark World.


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