Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 184: Replace Tianxin with One's Heart

Booming, big waves swept, and hundreds of feet of big waves were set off on the calm source sea.

Kazed, **** thunder and lightning passed, and the sky seemed to be bleeding.

Stepping into the sky, looking at the near-apocalyptic scene in the Origin Sea, Xiao En's expression was calm, and the shadow of the door behind him became more and more condensed, gradually transcending the world.

"Is this your last struggle? What a pity."

Looking up at the sky, as if looking at some unknown existence, Sean's blue pupils have a gentle luster.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu, the gusty wind roared, as if someone was crying, at this moment, the phantom of the door was completely condensed.

The wind disappeared, the clouds scattered, the thunder stopped, and the topping was just a moment. The Origin Sea, which originally seemed to be the end of the day, was once again calm, and it was unsettled.

World consciousness has the highest authority in one's own world. Even if there is no self-concept, no thinking, it is not easily suppressed. It is a pity that the world consciousness of the Ark world has been eroded by the beast gods and the galaxy supercomputer, and it has long been devastated. Kong, now facing the door, naturally there is no resistance.

Om, the purest light flowed on the phantom shadow of the door, gradually covering Sean's figure, and then Sean's sight began to rise continuously, finally looking down at the whole world.

Source power is the foundation of a world and is closely related to everything in the world.

During the twenty years when Sean fought against the world consciousness, beast gods, and galaxy, the door burned a lot of world source power, and this brought a huge impact on the Ark world.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, sandstorms, droughts, hail and other natural disasters have been staged in the Ark World in turns. In just two decades, the number of lives in the Ark World has dropped sharply by one-tenth. This is a terrifying number. Another continent completely disappeared on the world plate of the Ark.

Ruthless or selfless, from a lofty perspective, Sean looked at the miserable images in the world of Ark, without any waves or turmoil in his heart.

"Is this the world consciousness or the perspective of heaven?"

The thoughts in his mind turned, but Sean didn't have any emotions.

"But this power is really powerful."

It clicked, the electric light flickered, and with the movement of Xiao En's heart, a silver-white thunder grew in the sky, illuminating the whole world.

Booming, thunder and lightning struck the sky, leaving a lasting mark in the air, and instantly landed on a large deserted island, and then accompanied by a glare of light, the island disappeared on the surface of the sea, leaving nothing The next trace was erased from this world by Thunder.

Seeing such a scene, Xiao En's thoughts did not turn for a long time, and he quietly experienced the power of the sky.

If the world consciousness of the Ark World could have self-consciousness before, then neither the Beast God, the Interstellar Federation nor Sean would be his opponent in the Ark World, because in the Ark World he is supreme, unless there is The great life beyond Ark's world appears, otherwise no one can help Ark's world consciousness.

Of course, even if the world consciousness has the highest authority in the Ark world, there are limits to using powerful forces. This limit will consume the world's source power.

There are two types of source force, one is the secondary source force, which is usually referred to as the source force. The source force that Sean has come into contact with before is also the secondary source force, the other is the fundamental source force, and this source force is the same. The foundation of the world, even a complete world possesses this kind of source power is very limited. Take the Ark world, even with the influence of the beast god, the Ark world is far stronger than under the normal trajectory, but his fundamental source power is also very limited. It's only ten o'clock.

If the secondary source force is the branches and leaves, then the fundamental source force is the roots. The branches and leaves are withered and dead. As long as the roots are still there, they can grow again, but if the roots die, the branches and leaves will naturally not survive.

It seems that this time the door burned a lot of the Ark World’s secondary source power, making the Ark World natural disasters occur frequently. The consequences seem to be very serious, but at most it will cause the Ark World to have a species extinction. No matter what, the Ark World remains the same. It will still exist, but once the door absorbs the fundamental source power of the Ark World, it is likely to bring devastating results to the Ark World. When the amount of the fundamental source power is less than half, the Ark World will be destroyed.

"This is the sky."

As his eyes fell, Sean's consciousness returned to himself.

The breath of indifference and alienation naturally surrounds Xiao En. At this moment, Xiao En is not like a person, more like a sky, and everything is like a dog.

Although it was only a short time, Sean himself was still affected by the world consciousness.

The lake is clear, he sees himself, and after sitting and forgetting, Sean has a strong grasp of his own soul. After realizing this influence, he quickly finds himself

Turning around, looking at the purest light flowing on the door, Sean frowned. This is the manifestation of the Ark's world consciousness.

Being able to view the world from the perspective of a world consciousness is a huge benefit for Shaun as a wizard, which allows him to go further on the road in the future.

However, the erosion or infection of his self-consciousness by the world consciousness is also an issue that cannot be ignored. Xiao En doesn't want to really become a selfless person.

Wanting to benefit, but also to avoid losing himself, Xiao En gradually fell into contemplation, and at the same time, the wisdom gu in Xiao En's Kong Aperture also emitted a little halo.

Om, a month later, the pure light of the soul bloomed, and an imaginary figure walked out of Xiao En's body slowly, and gradually solidified.

Divide the soul and the celestial body, an ability developed by Sean based on the concept of the second soul in the memory of previous lives. He is a part of Sean's soul and shares memories and insights with Sean.

World consciousness or heaven is supreme, selfless and selfless, it is the great love for all things. Sean can’t do this, so he cut off all the emotions of the heavenly body. Since he can’t do great love and selflessness, then he will be absolutely heartless. Sex, in order to fit the will of the world to look at the world from a more comprehensive perspective.

Om, one step forward, the celestial body and the world consciousness are fused together, and he will become the new heaven of the Ark world from today.

The familiar sense of erosion soon came again, but this time Sean easily shielded it. The celestial body not only replaced Sean's eyes for observing the world, but also isolated Sean's world consciousness erosion net.

"That's it for the time being, now I should leave here."

Perceiving the condition of the celestial body, after confirming that there was no problem, Xiao En stepped forward and left here.

After Xiao En left, Yuanyuanhai returned to silence again, leaving only a calm sea and a grey-white stone door that stood still in the past.

At this moment, looking down from the top of the world outside the world, you will find a gray stone door looming above the Ark World. This door hides all traces of the Ark World. From now on, outsiders want to find the Ark World. You must first break through the cover of the door.


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