"It should be here."

Along the way, Xiao En stopped before a crack. This crack was palm-wide and more than three meters long. It seemed nothing special. There were not many similar cracks on Bloodhoof Island, but according to Xiao Well, judging from the guidance given by those trees, the initial life energy erupted from here.

"It seems I didn't find the wrong place."

Seeing the domineering look out, and being disturbed, Xiao En did not get the answer he wanted, but the strong and unspeakable breath of life itself explained the problem.

The pupil of the door, the ghost of the door was reflected in Sean's blue pupils, and the line of sight began to change.

The emerald green light flows in the void like water, intertwined and intertwined, weaving into a green network, and at the very center of the network is a corpse, a dragon's corpse.

The body is slender, nearly 30 meters, without the ferocious dragon, but it is more elegant, the whole body is emerald green, crystal clear, like the most perfect jade, and there is a crown on the head that looks like a crown made of branches and leaves. Although it is dead, the whole body is Still rippling with the almost substantive breath of life, as if it were just asleep.

"This is the emerald dragon."

Although it was only the first time I saw it, this unique form was so exuberant that the breath of life was so incredible that Xiao En recognized the identity of this dead dragon species for the first time.

The emerald dragon, also known as the most beautiful dragon, the dragon of life, and the dragon of longevity, is a pure-blooded dragon species bred by natural energy. The effect of prolonging the lifespan of creatures, but as a pure-blooded dragon species at the top of thousands of lives, the dragon blood of the Emerald Dragon is not so coveted, and often requires the price of life.

"I didn't expect the secret hidden in Bloodhoof Island to be like this."

Withdrawing his gaze, Xiao En’s heart was filled with waves. This was the first time he saw a pure blood dragon. Although it was just a corpse, it was fortunately a corpse, but this also explained why on Bloodhoof Island. A special plant such as dracaena will be born, which can also explain why such a small island can support a bloodhoof cattle race before the demon tide officially returns.

"Since this is the case, then it can only be done."

There was silence for a while, his thoughts turned, and Sean made a decision.

"White beard, keep our people away from this sea."

Taking out the phone worm, Shaun contacted Baibeard, and after receiving Shawn's order, Baibeard did not hesitate to immediately let the fleet in Greenfield begin to retreat.

"My lord, I don't know why, the people in Luye Town suddenly moved, and they seem to be leaving this area."

"Are you leaving only an area? Are you sure?"

"Sure, my lord, what should we do?"

"We, we also leave."

As soon as the fleet in Luye Town moved, it immediately attracted the attention of other prying eyes. Some people felt that there might be a certain danger and chose to leave. Some people felt that this was because Luye Town was pretending to be mysterious and chose to continue to wait and see. Feeling this is an opportunity, choose to strengthen the exploration of Bloodhoof Island.

"Are you all gone?"

An hour later, when he got a reply from White Beard, Sean's blue pupils showed a strange brilliance.

After previous observations, Sean knew that the body of the Emerald Dragon was buried deep in the island of Bloodhoof Island, which was the base of the island. To take it out, it was only possible to destroy the island, but In the long years, the body of the emerald dragon has long been integrated with this island, or it is precisely because of the body of the emerald dragon that this island will appear. The island is equivalent to the extension of the body of the emerald dragon, and that The pipes that flow with life force are the link between them. Once the island is destroyed on a large scale, the body of the emerald dragon will inevitably be damaged. This is not what Sean wants to see. For this emerald dragon He has his own ideas on the use of his body or the island.

"Next, let me see how far I can do it."

The deep words came out of Sean's mouth, and there was a rare eagerness in it.

Since Shaun’s arrival in the New World, Bloodhoof Island has been a relatively important resource point in Luye Town, but because it is far from Luye Town and close to Memphis, although it has provided a lot of resources for Luye Town , But it also consumed a lot of strength in Greenfield Town. In order to protect the safety here, even when the extraordinary power is seriously insufficient, there have been members of the Yin Beast here, and even Monns is still here. In a short period of time, the most important thing is that it is too close to Monfitos. In order to avoid trouble, Greenfield Town has not been able to develop the potential of this island to the greatest extent.

Under such circumstances, Sean had thought about moving the island from here a long time ago, but he had never had such ability before. He originally wanted to wait for the devil fruit such as the floating fruit or the gravity fruit. It was a plan, but now his soul fruit awakened, coupled with the appearance of the emerald dragon corpse, he had a new idea about this matter.

"Awakening·Soul Endowment."

The five fingers spread out, and the fingers touched the ground. At this moment, Sean truly displayed the ability of soul fruit awakening. An invisible wave spread from his fingertips to the depths of the island and spread quickly.

The rumbling, the earth shook and the mountains shook, like the prologue before the arrival of the big earthquake.

"Damn it, what's the matter?"

"It's an earthquake, it's an earthquake, run away."

The island shook, and the others who were still on Bloodhoof Island suddenly felt bad and wanted to evacuate, but it was too late at this time.

Booming, big waves swept the surrounding area, as the shaking became more intense, not only those who stayed on the island were unlucky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Those who stayed in the surrounding waters also could not escape their bad luck, they encountered a sudden tsunami .

The wave rolled and swept in all directions, as if there was a terrifying beast raging in the center, and although it was not the case, it was not far away, because Bloodhoof Island stood up.

The area of ​​Bloodhoof Island is not a big one, it is just a small island, but after all, it is an island. The part of it that is exposed to the sea is only a small part of its total. When it stands up, the wind and waves set off will affect the surrounding creatures. Said it was definitely a disaster.

Floating in the air and looking at his masterpiece, Sean smiled.

At this time, Bloodhoof Island was like a giant with a big head and a small body, treating the ocean as a footbath.

Of course, in order to maintain the integrity of Bloodhoof Island as much as possible, Sean didn't make much change, just let it derive a pair of legs that can walk, but even so, it still looks particularly spectacular from a distance.

Awakening·Soul Endowment, Sean gave this island temporary life.


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