"Baron Sean, Kasmu Saint Fischer greets you."

In the meeting room, Sean saw the red priest from the dawn church.

"Good day, priest Casmus, please sit down."

With a right smile, Shaun made a please move towards Kasmu.

"To be honest, Priest Casmus, you are much younger than I expected."

Raising the red wine glass, Sean said with a smile.

Hearing Sean's words, Kasmu's face also showed a smile.

"Baron Sean is as young as I expected."

Unlike most of the thinner church members, Kasmu is a rare fat man. He is white and fat, and he is only 26 or 27 years old.

Smiling, complimenting each other, and eating lunch in a happy mood, the two began to talk business.

"Baron Sean, the Liming Church wants to build a church in Greenfield Town to provide a home for those who are confused, and hope to get your support."

Gently wiping the non-existent oil stains on the corners of his mouth, Kasmu's expression became solemn. Although he was not a nobleman, Kasmu was impeccable in terms of etiquette.

"Building a church is a good thing, but Kasmu, you should know that Greenfield is a part of Sutilt, and I have to consider the idea of ​​the kingdom and the storm church."

Taking a sip of red wine, Sean expressed his difficulty.

"My Lord Baron, please rest assured that the missionary activities of the Church of Dawn in the New World have won the support of the Kingdom of Sutilt, and I heard that the town of Green Field has accepted three thousand survivors of the Gattuso Orc disaster this time. These three thousand poor people can have a shelter from the wind and rain, and the church is willing to put out three thousand Jin Jialong into the construction of Greenfield Town."

Kasmu didn't feel any uncomfortable with Sean's previous excuses. This is a normal thing. Although the demonic wave has recovered, the church is not the same church after all.

"Oh? The Church of Dawn is indeed the Church of True God, and it has such kindness to the refugees. If so, then I would like to thank the church for the kindness of the three thousand refugees."

Putting down the wine glass, a smile appeared on Sean's face.

The opinions reached a consensus, and the atmosphere in the living room became cheerful again. As for the Storm Church mentioned before, it was ignored by Sean and Casm very tacitly, and no one mentioned it again.

As time passed, the smile on Sean's face gradually faded as he watched Kasmu's fading back.

"Kasmu Saint Fischer, really an interesting person, more like a nobleman than a priest, no wonder he became a priest at such a young age."

After a long period of development, the Church of the True God has long since become a behemoth. Its internal forces are intertwined. Although there is no nominal aristocracy, it also has family power. Among them, the most powerful is the family with the middle name of the holy. This represents An angel once appeared in their family.

Angels are sixth-order, but sixth-order are not angels. Although angels will die, they have the power bestowed by gods. Their life span is much longer than normal sixth-order. This also means that these angels of the saint family are still Quite a few may still be alive.

"I hope you don't let me down."

Withdrawing his gaze, there was a strange brilliance in Xiao En's eyes.

Under the current general situation, although it is not impossible to refuse the mission of the Liming Church, it is not worth the gain. After all, the church not only has angels that have already revealed traces, but also the true God hidden behind the scenes.

The most important thing is that the Surtilt Kingdom has agreed to the mission of the Church of Dawn for some reason. Although the nobles in this era still have a high rule of their own territories, they are far from being compared with the Middle Ages. With the Kingdom’s consent, the Liming Church already has the right to preach in Greenfield Town in legal terms.

And now that the Liming Church is willing to offer 3000 Jin Jialong as a condition in exchange for Sean's support, Sean naturally will not cling to it.

The Lord's Mansion, the gate, and an ordinary carriage are waiting there.

When Kasmu walked out of the lord's mansion, a gray-haired old man greeted him immediately.

Although he also wore the priest's uniform of the Liming Church, the old man treated Kasmu more like a servant to his master.

"Master Kasmu, please get in the car."

Bend and salute, the old man's attitude is impeccable.

"Uncle Quenser, how many times have I said that you don't need to do this, just call me Kasmu."

For the old man, Kasmu showed special respect, and Quenser just smiled.

"Hey, forget it. Since Uncle Quenser is unwilling, he can call me a priest in the future."

As the second best thing, Kasmu changed his opinion, but Quenser did not refuse.

"Get in the car, priest."

Hearing this, Kasmu's face showed a pleasant smile.

"Is it going well this time? Priest."

In the carriage, Quenser asked.

"It went well, and Baron Sean was better than I expected."

"That's good."

Quenser nodded when he heard Kasmu's words.

"Are you wondering why I gave up the big city of Memphitos and chose the small town of Greenfield Town."

Although Quenser didn’t say anything, Kasmu still saw the doubts in his heart. Regarding Kasmu’s question, Quenser didn’t say anything, expressing his acquiescence. After all, compared to the development of Meng Fei, who already had a certain scale Toss, the town of Greenfield is completely a rural place, and its pure population is not at the same level as Monfitos, and population is the basis for the spread of faith.

"There are three reasons. One is that the goals of Memphis are too big. Even if I want to compete successfully, it will cost a lot of money. The other is that Mephitos has the existence of the Storm Church and has deep roots. Once we enter, we will immediately. Being suppressed by the Church of Storms, although not afraid, it is also very troublesome. It is not conducive to opening up the situation. Third, I believe in the potential of Greenfield Town. This is even more convinced after I met Baron Sean that this rural place may be in the future. It will become a dazzling pearl on the New World. At that time, the status of my priest will naturally rise."

Saying this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A hearty smile appeared on Cass Mu Yuanyuan's face, and she was so energetic that it was a wave of self-confidence.

Looking at Kasmu like this, Quenser had a kind smile on his face, but the cold water that should be poured still had to be poured.

"Priest, it is true that you are right. Luye Town may become a new pearl in the future, but there is a very serious problem in this place that you have to consider, that is, the right structure here is too simple. The Montell family is covering the sky with one hand. It may be fine now, but as the church continues to grow, conflicts with the Montell family will inevitably occur. What should you do then?"

"Yeah, this is indeed a problem, but what about it? The simplicity of the present does not mean that the future is also simple. Who can capture the trajectory of destiny, and the future is left to the future."

Kasmu had thought about Quenser's problem a long time ago. Although there is no good solution, there is a future if he walks well now, so he still smiles heartily.

After being infected by Kasmu, Quenser's face once again showed a smile, which was gratifying.


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