Flying dragons are undoubtedly the existence at the top of the food chain in the Ark World. Adults generally have the strength of Tier 3, which can be comparable to Tier 4 in some cases.

The sudden arrival of such a group of top predators in the Forest of Nature is undoubtedly a disaster. In order to cover the evacuation of the civilians, Alice did not retreat. With her strong strength, she killed five dragons, including one Tier 4, and fought. She retired from the flying dragon group, but the price was that she herself was seriously injured and dying.

Of course, there is a healing fruit that has been awakened. As long as part of her life is consumed, giving Alice some time may not be unable to recover, but at this moment Caesar is in trouble.

In the ten years of development, the Holy Oak Church has touched the interests of too many people. Among them, the noble group is the most important. In this operation, most of the nobles have joined in, and the most important thing is in the Holy Oak Church. There are also a group of people who have been dissatisfied with Alice for a long time.

Under such circumstances, in the name of blasphemy and endangering the safety of the kingdom, Caesar carried out a bloodbath on the members of the Holy Oak Church headed by Alice and killed Alice.

Since then, the power of the Sacred Oak Church has been greatly reduced, and it has finally become the Sacred Oak Church of the Dragon Tooth Kingdom, and the Dragon Tooth Kingdom has finally become the Dragon Tooth Kingdom of Caesar.

"Teacher, I killed Alice with my own hands, but I don't regret it. You taught me that the real king should stand above all people and should not be blinded by anyone."

With a low tone, he glanced at the golden oak again, and Caesar turned and left.

Ten years of planning, ten years of forbearance, and constant temptation, today finally succeeded, power is in control, no more hindrance, Caesar originally thought he would be happy and energetic, but now he feels empty in his heart, as if he has lost ground. .

The emerald brilliance flowed, and Xiao En's figure quietly appeared.

"You are a real king now, Caesar."

Seeing Caesar's fading back, Xiao En's expression did not change at all, he was still calm.

Although Caesar killed Alice, it was ruthless from a personal point of view, but from a king's point of view, it was not wrong.

Although Alice herself has no other thoughts about Caesar and the Kingdom of Dragon Tooth, she is also a member of the Holy Oak Church. Her personal will cannot override the organizational will. Under continuous development, with With the passage of time, the conflict of interest between the Holy Oak Church and the Dragon Tooth Kingdom will continue to grow. After all, one party will completely overwhelm the other. Originally, the Holy Oak Church had the upper hand, but in the end it was Caesar who won. Different people have different opinions on gains and losses.

Twelve years later, the golden oak seems to have undergone some changes, and there is a little sacred breath on the body, although it is still very weak.

After careful observation, there was nothing special. Shaun left the Ark world again. He did not kill Caesar or help the Holy Oak Church to reverse the situation.

Although the Sacred Oak Church lost this time, it will not be completely cut off. After all, this is a belief that goes deep into the hearts of the people of the Dragon Tooth Kingdom, and now humanity is still in the stage of rapid development. They need a wise monarch, and Caesar is very Appropriate, the most important thing is that in the Ark world where life cannot be transformed, the life span of human beings is extremely limited, even with extraordinary powers.

Half a month later, the Devil Fruit Tree once again had another Devil Fruit, Superman's String Fruit, and the last owner was Caesar of the Ark World.

For this fruit in the metamorphosis stage, Xiao En chose to absorb it after thinking about it. Since then, Xiao En has two fifth-order witchcraft in his body. They are the embrace of the archangel of the nature system and the space of the space system. Chord cut.

Since these two witchcraft are almost bloodline witchcraft, Sean, who has completed the liberation of the true spirit, can barely use it, but he can't exert its full power.

At the same time, Sean had opened a temporary gateway to the lost land of Shipwreck Bay and sent the rebuilt ten generations of black knights and some members of the Yin Beast.

Due to technological innovation and the emergence of Kyle, after repairing the previous Black Knight, Sean did not intend to create a new generation of Black Knights in a short time. The price/performance ratio is too low, although the second generation of Black Knights can be Upgrade on the basis of knights, but it is not as convenient as direct manufacturing. Of course, the most important thing is that the production of black knights consumes too much black iron. Although there is a black iron vein, black iron ore mining is not easy. Extraction is even more difficult, and Sean can't devote all of it to the Black Knight.

In the wilderness, Sean came here alone.

An invisible thread appeared quietly, looking at the mountain in front of him, Xiao En gently moved his fingers, and the fifth-order witchcraft·space string cut.

The mountain slid down, and with the movement of the fingers, the entire mountain was cut off by Xiao En. Seeing this scene, Xiao En showed a satisfied smile on his face. It is worthy of Tier 5 witchcraft, and worthy of the power of space.

At this moment, the phone worm in Sean's pocket rang.

"Disappeared? Are you sure? Monnes."

"I'm sure, Baron."

"Ok, I know."

Putting away the phone worm, Xiao En's expression became dignified. Originally, he planned to experience the power of Tier 5 witchcraft more, but now he doesn't feel that way anymore.

The wind gathered, and Xiao En's figure disappeared instantly.

Damai Village, one of the subordinate villages of Luye Town, is famous for producing barley, and it is also the hometown of Jack in the first Supernova of Luye Town.

It used to be a prosperous village with a population of thousands of people, but now it’s Don’t talk about people, you don’t even see the shadow of the village, only the piece of farmland outside proves it There used to be traces of humans here.

Phew, the wind was blowing, and Sean appeared.

Standing in the air, condescending, looking at the particularly dazzling clearing, Sean frowned.

Lowering his figure, carefully sensed that if he hadn't been here before, he really didn't believe that such an empty place would actually be the location of a big village.


Discovering Sean's trail, Monnes, who came to check in advance, immediately greeted him, and behind him was a big fat man who was more than two meters tall, who was the first supernova, cp0's reserve member Jack.

Because this time is very strange, and most of the members of the Yin Beast have been transferred to the Wreck Bay maze, so after receiving the news, Monnes rushed over in person, and considering that this is Jack’s hometown, Jack He was more familiar with the situation, so he brought Jack over.


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