Jingle, Jingle, it was the sound of bells ringing, and on the dim, silent street, Elos's carriage moved lonely.

As the chief of the police station in Greenfield Town, Eros owns a single-family villa with a small garden in Greenfield Town.

When Elos's carriage arrived, a servant immediately greeted him, and there was no discomfort for all these fake Elos, and he naturally passed the briefcase and hat in his hand to the welcoming maid.

"Welcome back, sir, madam has prepared the food, and is waiting for you to eat in the restaurant."

Taking the briefcase, the maid lowered her head and spoke softly.

"Okay, I know."

He answered casually, with a natural demeanor, Fake Elos walked towards the restaurant.

In order to implement the plan for this time, Anbu has collected all the information about this villa in advance, and the fake Elos even visited this villa on the spot.


As soon as I walked into the restaurant, a beautiful woman in her thirties with long curly chestnut hair walked towards the fake Alos and gave him a hug. Seeing the young woman, the fake Alos came to mind. Her message, Sasha Banega, was born in a down-and-out noble family, she was well educated, and fell in love with Eros at first sight, and soon married Eros.


With a smile, the fake Elos also hugged the beautiful woman.

"You don't want to listen to you less overtime, come back so late every day."

Pulling the arm of Fake Elos, the beautiful woman groaned and walked towards the dining table.

A dinner was completed under the ardent service of a beautiful woman. In the eyes of the servants, this lady is simply a model of a noblewoman. Not only is she gentle, she treats her husband more intimately.

After eating, I walked into the bedroom and the situation changed a little.

The gentle smile narrowed, and Sasha's face brought a trace of coldness.

"Ilos, haven't you found out the specific news?"

Hearing this, even though False Ailos was shocked, his expression did not change in any way.

"You know, the police department has a lot of work during this time."

Imitating Elos's tone, Fake Elos answered ambiguously, but this answer obviously did not satisfy Sasha.

"Ilos, I know what you think, but you also need to know that the power of the organization is far stronger than you think, so don't think about being a slogan. You have no turning back when you made your choice."

Close to the body, Sasha stuck to the fake Elos like a beautiful snake, exhaling like a blue, but hiding under this charm is a cold killing intent.

"Relax, I know, I will collect the information you want as soon as possible."

Feeling the slight tingling from the neck, Fake Elos showed a trace of panic on his face, and quickly assured Sasha.

"Is that right, do you need me to reward you?"

Qiao Xiao Yanran, the cold murderous intent instantly receded like a tide, as if everything before it was just a dream.


There was flushing on his face, and the body of Fake Elos reacted instantly.

The smile on Sasha's face became more alluring when he saw Elos look like this.

"So what are you waiting for? My cutie."

Putting his hands on Elos's shoulders gently, Sasha raised his head and stared at Elos, that is, at this moment, the flames of desire ignited in Elos's eyes.

Dark clouds obscured the moonlight, and the bedroom was dark, with only heavy breathing intermittently, but at a certain moment a cold murderous intent broke out suddenly.

"Damn, you're not Elos, who are you?"

"It was discovered by you like this, really..."

Lights and shadows intertwined, in the darkness, in the bedroom, two naked men and women fought frantically, killing each other.

After a long investigation, the Anbu has determined that the location where the mysterious organization connects with Eros is most likely to be at Eros's house, because according to Eros's work and living habits, only the home is the most hidden and convenient.

This time the fake Elos entered the villa immediately after Elos was arrested, in order to make a time difference, find the connection between the mysterious organization and Elos and follow the vine.

The plan went smoothly. Although Mrs. Sasha was the person who was the connector, it was a bit beyond the expectation of the fake Elos, but the plan was not affected. Seeing that it was going to be confused, he did not expect to reveal a flaw in this kind of thing.

"Hey, I wanted to stay with you for a while."

There was a pity on his face, looking at Mrs. Sasha, the eyes of Fake Elos were full of coldness.

His real name is Nicanor. He was originally a ventriloquist who was good at imitating various voices and forms, and begging for life on the street. Later, he was attracted by the shadows and joined the Anbu. Now he is a second-order transcendent and still imitates the fruit. The capable person, codenamed Masked, has never failed since performing the mission, and he did not expect to fall here today.

Hey, six types of shave, now that it has been exposed, Nicanor naturally wants to capture Sasha alive. Only in this way can his guilt be minimized.

It is a pity that although Sasha is not his opponent in the frontal battle, he is also a second-order transcendent at any rate. It is not a problem to want to escape, but at this moment, the silent shadow does not know when the whole room has been enveloped.

The shadows surged, and Sasha quickly lost the power to resist.

"I'm sorry, Minister, I let you down."

Looking at the shadow that suddenly appeared in the room, Nicanor lowered his head.

"I am not disappointed, only you are disappointed."

The voice fell, the shadows dissipated, and Sasha was missing with him. At the same time, everyone in the Villa of Elos was taken back to the base by the people from the Anbe.

Although they know that these people are most likely unaware, they still can't let it go, so as to avoid the existence of fish that slip through the net.

This night is destined to be a restless night, but few people really know the inside story.

The next day, the weather was clear and sunny.

Lord's Mansion, Little Garden, Xiao En was drinking tea and reading a book, while the shadow stood aside, silent.

Time passed, when he turned the book in his hand to the last page, Xiao En glanced at the shadow.

"Song of Fear, the cult church, worship the God of Fear, is this the answer you gave me?"

It took so much effort ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the harvest was very few. The only cultist who was captured, Sasha, died in the base of Anbe on the same night that he was captured, so that he could only get it from Elos. This non-staff personnel got a bit of sporadic information, which really couldn't help but disappoint Sean.

"I'm sorry, Baron."

In the face of Shaun's reproach, the shadows can only bear with their heads down, speechlessly defending, this in itself is their incompetence.

"Forget it, that's it."

Without saying much, Shaun told Shadow to step back.

Seeing the shadow leaving behind, Xiao En’s pupils are deep. Compared to those old-fashioned forces, Luye Town is like a kid who has been nurtured by the seedlings. It is not bad in high-end combat power, but it is in the reserve of other talents. It's still a long way away. Although there were accidental factors in the failure of Operation Anbe, there were also reasons for their lack of preparation. At least they shouldn't pin all their hopes on Nicanor alone.

Thinking of these, Sean had some other thoughts in his mind.


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