"Baron, not far ahead is the barbarian city."

The sound of the wind roared, and three figures emerged from the sky, it was Sean, the white beard and the poisonous snake.

Under the erosion of the black light virus, the entire wasteland has now become a world of zombies. Among the eight little rock cities, although there are still a small number of barbarians living like mice in the gutter, they are more The poisonous snakes deliberately stayed, let them stimulate the evolution of the zombies, only the place of the king city, the poisonous snakes did not dare to take a step.

At first, after traveling through eight other small rock cities and swallowing nine mutants, in order to complete the final metamorphosis, the viper had visited the capital once, but did not automatically retreat without setting foot, because he sensed the fatal danger.

At that time, although the viper had not completed its transformation, he had already swallowed nine mutants, and his strength was definitely the top of Tier 4, and it was not impossible to even call it pseudo Tier 5, but even so, he still I was shocked by a breath.

"Baron, there is a very powerful monster in this royal city. I suspect it may be related to that barbarian demigod."

Looking at the royal city in the distance, the snake's narrow eyes narrowed, and there was a slight coldness in his words.

Apart from a Tier 6 demigod, the barbarians in the Wasteland Fragment World are only at Tier 4, and there is no legendary life at Tier 5. At that time, the unknown monster could shock the snake with a breath. , The strength must be above Tier 5, and only the barbaric **** meets this requirement. Of course, there are two other possibilities. One is that a powerful mutant has appeared in the zombie group, and the other is among the barbarians. Someone made a breakthrough and became a Tier 5 legendary being, but the two possibilities were too small.

"Monster? I feel it."

Seeing that the domineering look dissipated, Sean touched the breath of the monster, which was wanton, ostentatious, chaotic, and cold.

"Very strong, but still within acceptable limits."

After a while, after perceiving it carefully, a smile was drawn at the corner of Sean's mouth.

Hearing this, a eager light flashed in the viper's eyes.

"Baron, let me try this sentence this time, hiss."

Knowing that the strongest monster was only Tier 5, the viper's heart became a little restless, and it was a bit embarrassing to think that it was scared away by the other's breath.

"Well, since you have such an idea, then you are happy."

Hearing this, he turned his head and stared at the poisonous snake for a while, Xiao En agreed, and he was also very interested in the strength of the poisonous snake after its transformation.

"Let's go, that guy found us."

Feeling the cold sensation spreading along the domineering color of seeing and hearing, Sean raised his brows.

"Let's go, I really want to see what the former demigod is now."

In the words, there is a trace of excitement in the words of the snake.

Phew, the wind screamed, and the three of Xiao En formally stepped into the barbarian city.

"It's unexpectedly quiet here."

As soon as he walked into the royal city, the poisonous snake discovered that something was wrong. The entire royal city was quiet, except for the occasional wind, there was no sound, as if it was just an empty city.

"Of course it's quiet, because the city is dead, leaving only one monster."

Compared to the viper's surprise, Sean didn't have any reaction. He had already understood the situation here before.

"The city is dead? Does it mean that all the zombies and living people are gone?"

Hearing Sean's words, the viper's face was contemplative, and at this moment, a heavy footstep sounded.

Da bar, da bar, the shadow cast, and a tall figure appeared on the other side of the street.

He is six meters tall and covered with gray hair. He has strong muscles like cast steel. He has a pair of amber eyes. He is not angry and has three-dimensional features, just like a person walking out of a sculpture.

"Mortals, this is the kingdom of the **** of barbarians, not where you should be."

The deep voice sounded, with a condescending smell, like a king overlooking the rotten people in the mud.

"You still maintain your sanity, how did you do it, barbarian and demigod, I'm very curious."

The godless eyes looked directly at each other, and Xiao En's face showed a hint of curiosity.

As soon as we met Sean, the identity of the other party was confirmed. After all, the strong taste of faith in the other party cannot be concealed, but the strange thing is that according to the current strength of the barbarian god, the viper's plan is undoubtedly a success. , Then in such a situation, the barbarian demigod should go into madness, why would he still remain sober.

"Mortal, what makes you dare to talk to a **** like this."

Angrily shouted, a powerful coercion diffused from the barbarian god, sacred and majestic, just like a true god.

Oh, ignoring the majesty under the cover, looking at the figure of the barbarian demigod, a sneer was drawn at the corner of Sean's mouth.

"What a bad performance."

At this moment, through that sacred appearance, Sean finally saw through the filthy nature of the barbarian demigod before him.

"A divine evildoer really thinks he is a demigod."

In the ancient ages, after the death of the gods, under certain special circumstances, new consciousnesses would be born on their corpses.

Since these consciousness bodies use the body of the gods as a hotbed, they are born with the essence of some gods, and even master a certain ability of the gods. This kind of existence is called gods, and Sean did not expect to see this today. thing.

To some extent, these gods are similar to gods, and they are also extraordinary. However, no matter what their appearance is, the essence of gods is chaos, and they stand on the opposite side of all things and creatures when they are born.

"God evil, is it such a rare thing?"

Hearing Sean reveal the true face of the barbarian **** in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The brilliance in the eyes of the viper became more intense.

"The blasphemer, die."

The majestic voice sounded, and at this moment a simple stone spear appeared in the hands of the wild **** or **** evil.

Om, the filthy divine power flowed, and the spear of power that had originally belonged to the barbarian **** began to recover.

The breath of sacred and evil appeared at the same time, colliding and blending with each other, and the spear of power quietly locked Shaun.

Buzzing, silently, as the gods threw forcefully, the spear of power instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

No, to be precise, the spear of power has always been there, but its speed is too fast, beyond the limit that everyone can catch.

Om, the airflow was turbulent, and the streets paved with heavy stone bricks were violently devastated. The entire ground was rolled up and flew up into the sky along with the surrounding houses. At this moment, the silhouette of a poisonous snake suddenly appeared in the sky. In front of Sean.


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